Chapter 75 Angry Xun, Calm Extinguishing, Murderous Is!!

The sky was gloomy, as if covered with a black veil, isolating the stars from the moon.

In the Feidian Intelligent Building, a black car slowly drove out of the underground parking lot.

Izzy sat in the driver’s seat, Lin Mo sat in the co-pilot, and Yazi, who was damaged in the airframe, was placed in the back seat.

While driving, Izzy said: “Compared to Kiaz’s purpose of invading the flying electric intelligence, there is actually another thing that I care about more. ”

“What’s the matter?”

Lin Mo turned his head to look at Izzy and asked.

Izzy glanced at Azi in the rear mirror and replied, “I want to know how she obtained the power ~ limit.” ”

Lin Mo nodded, this matter really has to be asked clearly, if Yazi is willing to cooperate.

Looking at the receding lights outside the window, he sighed softly: “Tonight is a sleepless night.”

Feidian Intelligent Headquarters Building, President’s Office.

The originally clean and simple office was a mess at this time.

Whether it is the office area or the laboratory area inside, the floor is covered with the broken body of Xiujia and the stump of the broken arm.

The oil splashed on the carpet like a splash of ink, filling the whole room with a pungent smell.


Click, click, in the quiet laboratory, suddenly a strange sound sounded.

I saw that the security guard in the corner, who was transformed into a magic puppet by Yazi, twisted his broken body and stood up little by little!

Its eyes suddenly turned red, and a small half of its mouth buzzed, emotionless laughter.

After the laughter, a mechanical voice came from the throat of the magic puppet, with a kind of condescending: “In the end, it is still me who wins.” ”

If Lin Mo was here, he would immediately recognize that this was Yak’s tone!

Yak dragged the remains of the magic puppet and slowly walked towards the printer linked to the Zeya satellite for printing drives and keys.

While starting the machine, it said to itself: “Stupid Lin Mo, do you think I left?” No, in fact, I just changed my body and lurked on the body of the magic puppet. ”

“What I want to accomplish, no one can stop!”

“Lin Mo or Is, after I create this key, you will not be my opponents.”

“The final winner can only be me Yak!”

Using Izzy’s permission, Yak successfully passed the verification and successfully started the machine!

As its fingers fly on the keyboard, the machine starts, and a brand new key is created from scratch, little by little on the titanium turf…

Looking at the key inside through the glass, Yak laughed, becoming more and more proud and presumptuous.

In a few moments, the machine stopped working, the glass spread out, and a brand new red and white key appeared in front of Yak’s eyes.

It grabbed the key, dragged the wreckage, and paced away.

Thinking that Yazi was easily seduced by Lin Mo, and had inexplicable mood fluctuations, almost running away, Yake said in his heart: “It seems that I should build a body for myself.”

At the critical moment, Yazi is still unreliable.

As for Lin Mo and Izzy taking Yazi and going to the factory to repair it, it didn’t care.

It allows Yazi to fly the electric intelligence, in order to have the key in his hand, the current purpose is achieved, even if Lin Mo and them know, it doesn’t matter.

Feiden intelligent satellite launch base.

After a long journey, Zhi Hexun finally arrived at the scene from the dawn town on the outskirts.

Despite learning that Ray had been defeated by Isis, they decided to come and take a look.

Arriving at the gate of the warehouse, they saw the scene of the terrible battle and saw the broken thunder.

I saw that Lei’s eyes were closed, most of his clothes were torn, his thighs were almost half broken, his shoulders and abdomen also had terrible wounds, and under him, dark engine oil was accumulated.

Seeing this scene, Xun suddenly clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

The eyes of the extinction became more and more cold, and his lips pursed.

“Put Ray in the warehouse first, and then take him back to the base later.”

Extinction said, as he raised his hand and drew his knife, slashing towards the warehouse gate in front of him!


The warehouse door that was already cracked, but the gap opened in response.

Xun took a deep breath, carried Lei behind him, and walked into the warehouse of the launch base.

When Xun came out again, Zhi nodded at him and said, “First go and find the dead, and then go to Isis to settle the account.” ”

The two were just about to leave, when suddenly, a large red mist drifted from afar, extremely fast!

As soon as it was near, the emitted red mist condensed into a human form and landed steadily.

Coming, it is Isis!

His gaze swept over Zhi Hexun, and the corners of his mouth hooked, “It seems that I came just in time.” ”

After defeating and dying, Isis originally wanted to continue to pursue Blade Via, but she took a step slower, allowing her to successfully merge with Unbreakable, Feiden, or Ren.

Therefore, Isis decisively changed his target and came first to find trouble with Destroy Hexun.

Isis guessed that the two would go to find Ray first, so they went back and returned to the satellite launch base.

Unexpectedly, it happened to run into it.

Looking at Isis in front of him, Xun had never been so angry, thinking of Lei’s tragic situation, thinking of the last video of his death, his eyes were full of anger, and he was trembling with anger, Xun held the Burning Hunting Program Sublimation Key tightly, and shouted loudly: “Henshin!” ”


The key is inserted into the dagger-shaped ZAIA slash sublimator and finished reading!



A large area of flames burst out from the drive, his whole body was red, and the burning Ranji immediately jumped out, landed behind Xun, spread his wings, and hugged him!

When the flames disperse, quickly put on armor that glowed red like flames!

Kamen Rider Burning Hunting Form, debut!

On the side, he pulled out the katana behind him, pointed the tip of the blade at Isis, and said coldly: “Now, it is the time of judgment for you.” ”


As the spiky scorpion program sublimation key is inserted into the drive and the reading is completed, the mechanical sound suddenly sounds:




A purple-silver mechanical scorpion popped out of the drive, and the cocked poisonous needle stabbed into the chest of the extinct, and then opened its joint limbs and hugged him!

The brilliant purple light lit up, and the poisonous scorpion merged with the extinction and turned into armor to cover his body!

Kamen Rider Slayer Spiky Scorpion Form, appear!

Zhi and Xun stood side by side, their eyes looking at Isis through compound eyes, cold, angry, and full of murderous intent.

They will not leave a hand on those who hurt their peers!

In this regard, Isis was very calm, a drive appeared on his waist, took out the Eden Extinction Sublimation Key, activated it, and inserted it into the drive: “For the sake of the great cause, in order to innovate this dirty and solidified world, you must all die and perish,”


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