Looking at the traffic outside the door,

Looking at the tall buildings,

Looking at the advertising airship flying through the air,

Izumi Bina was convinced that he was in a strange, but highly developed city!

A new chapter in my life has begun!

The freshness brought by the first crossing made Izumi Bina extremely excited, and she took Lin Mo’s hand and asked:

“Where are we going now, to find that building in the curtain?”

“No hurry, let’s go to Feidian Intelligence later, let’s go shopping first.”

Lin Mo shook his head and decided to take Izumi Binai out for a walk first and take a look.

Before you go to find a flying electric or a person, you must first understand the current world node of the 01 world

Is it a TV plot, a foreign story, or a theatrical version?

Different progress means different enemies, if there is only Lin Mo alone, he has the Dark Emperor Ride, he has the Eternal Bird United Group, it doesn’t matter if he is reckless

But if he brought Izumi Hina, he felt that it was better to be steady.

“Shopping? Just the two of us. ”

Izumi Bina suddenly blushed

“This, this is a date no.”

Lin Mo patted her braincase and said with a smile:

“Just forget it.”

Locking the door of the photo studio, Lin Mo and Izumi Binai walked out into the street.

Izumi Bina is concerned about the environment and shops of the new city, while Lin Mo is concerned about the advertisements and news on the buildings on both sides.

If something big happens, the news will definitely be broadcast as soon as possible.

While walking, suddenly a person came up to him and handed the leaflet in his hand to Izumi Hina.

Izumi Bina subconsciously took it, fixed his eyes and swept it, and found that it was not a leaflet from the store, but a leaflet for a mission, which read:

Do you feel that there is no hope in life?

Do you think life has no meaning?

Do you want to find the meaning of being alive?

Do you want to change a bad life?

Join the True Holy Sect and you will get the answer!

Lin Mo glanced at it, only felt that it was a cult, and did not care.

But when he saw the last line and saw the words “True Holy Religion”, he raised his eyebrows.


For people who are desperate for life….

It’s hard to do….

A flash of light flashed in Lin Mo’s mind, and he remembered the theatrical version of 01!

Kamen Rider Zero One REAL×TIME!

Lin Mo was double-minded, walking around the street hand in arm with Izumi Binai, while recalling the plot of this theatrical version.

He was very impressed with this theatrical version, one of which was that Izzy transformed into Kamen Rider 02 and teamed up with Hiden or people to defeat the final boss, and secondly, all the plots of this theatrical version took place within an hour.

“If it’s really this theatrical version, it’s interesting.”

However, Lin Mo remembered that there was no real holy religion in the theater version, and he guessed that the real situation was somewhat different from the theater version

Just like in the previous world, the original final boss was Goda who absorbed all the power of the previous king, but the result was the other way around, and Goda was absorbed by the power of the previous king

Therefore, the plot can only be used as a reference, not trusted.

Izumi Bina wanted to throw away the leaflet, but Lin Mo took it and looked at the back.

There is only one paragraph on the back, which reads:

[If you want to change your desperate life, then come here].

There was an unfamiliar address written underneath, and the time was eight o’clock tonight.

Izumi Bina looked at Lin Mo, who had a serious face, and said in surprise:

“Are you interested in this?”

Lin Mo whispered in her ear:

“Intuition tells me that there is something wrong with this holy religion.”

Izumi Binai’s eyes immediately lit up!

“Then I’ll go with you tonight!”

For Izumi Bina’s request, Lin Mo did not refuse, the hall Kamen Rider Dark Emperor ride, what is terrible?

But to be on the safe side, he made a request:

“You can act with me, but you have to follow my command,”

he said

“If I encounter a dangerous situation, I will open the dimensional wall to send you away as soon as possible, don’t hesitate, you must listen to my orders, you know?”

When Izumi Bina heard this, a wave of emotion rose in his heart, and he nodded again



Feiden Intelligence.

Accompanied by the secretary-type Shuma Giaizi, he took the president’s elevator to the top floor of the Hiden building.

He hurriedly walked into the president’s office, looked at the person sitting on the office chair, and asked straight to the point:

“How are those weapons and keys investigated?”

“Is there a result?”

Feiden or the person rubbed his temples and took out two drives and a key from the drawer.

Both the drive and the key are dark green, apparently from the same series, one of which is a dagger and the other is a pistol

And on the key, the pattern of locusts is printed.

Feiden or Man explained:

“The lab parsed and determined that these drives and keys were not our Feiden Intelligence technology,” the lab said

“That is, this is not our product of Feidian,” he said

After a pause, he took out a pile of reports

“If you don’t believe me, I can show you the analysis report.”

Hearing this conclusion, Bu Yu was stunned on the spot and said in doubt:

“If it is not a product of Feidian, nor is it a product of our AIMS, then these drives and keys are difficult…”

The two looked at each other and said in unison:


Bu Yu sighed softly and said that he would visit Zaiya later.

Then he mentioned another question:

“After these Kamen Riders were defeated, the red mist that appeared inside, did you analyze the results?”

“There are results,”

This time, the flying electric or the person gave a positive answer

“As you guessed, it’s Red Mist who controls Kamen Rider battles, they’re conscious nanobots!”

Unbreakable suddenly realized:

“So it is, it’s a nanorobot!”

“That is to say, someone has used nanorobots as weapons to develop a UAV-like Kamen Rider that can be controlled remotely?!”

The expression of the flying electric or person becomes solemn, and the head is heavy

“No, you should have thought of it, if this Kamen Rider can be mass-produced and used as a soldier…”

A word flashed through my mind:


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