Izumi Bina wanted to see the card in Lin Mo’s hand clearly, but it was too far away for her to see clearly, and she only faintly saw that it was a red knight on it.

She never expected that Lin Mo would have such a hole card!

How many secrets does this man still have hidden in his body?

Goto was shocked, and there was a little envy in his heart:

“He actually has other forms?!”

Date Ming stared at Lin Mo, afraid of missing the next picture.

Izumi Shingo muttered:

“This guy, hide deep enough.”

Shiraishi Chishiko clenched his fists and said silently in his heart:

“Come on…”

Not only the watching group in the distance, but even Yingji, who was a teammate, and Anku, who played as an auxiliary, were also stunned, surprised and looking forward to Lin Mo’s next transformation.

What will the second form of the Dark Emperor Ride look like?

Everyone felt that the second form was Lin Mo’s long-hidden hole card, and it was his confidence to dare to face the king of Oz

But what no one knows is that this card is also just obtained by him

Just as Lin Mo guessed, at the moment when Anku was resurrected and reunited with Eiji, a transformation card with the outline of a knight appeared, completely revealing the prototype!

This is a transformation card that Lin Mo expected, but it is reasonable!


The new card was inserted into the card slot, and with Lin Mo’s one-handed push, the mechanical sound suddenly sounded:



Three gold-red coins appeared and stood in front of Lin Mo.

The pattern on it is the familiar eagle, peacock, vulture!


Seeing this scene, Anku couldn’t help but exclaim!

Isn’t this my core coin?!

Anku was full of shock, and there was a sense of consternation that he had been stolen.

Eiji on the side was also stunned, unable to believe the scene in front of him

Obviously I’m Kamen Rider OOO….

He looked down at himself, at the belt on his waist, and his mouth opened slightly.

Even the calm King of Oz couldn’t stay calm after seeing this scene.

He never imagined that Lin Mo’s hole card turned out to be transformed into Kamen Rider OOO!?

How did he do it?

He doesn’t have a core coin, why can he transform into Kamen Rider OOO!?

Under the gaze of shock, shock, and doubt, a large area of flames erupted from Lin Mo’s body!

A pair of crimson wings spread out, filled with brilliant flames

Three fiery red halos condensed above Lin Mo’s head, shining with golden light

Five golden and red flame feathers open, like a peacock opening the screen!

With the golden red wings opening hard, all the flames recovered, condensed on Lin Mo’s body, and condensed a brand new pair of armor!

Taka! Kujaku! Condor!



Colored face armor, green compound eyes, red armor, a golden phoenix printed on the chest armor, the left arm is inlaid with the Eagle Sparrow Eternal Roundabout, and the back is covered with golden green three-color feathers

This is stronger than the marriage bird, originally transformed by the combination of Anku and Eiji, the eternal bird team!

The sincere friendship between Anku and Eiji when they reunited catalyzed the birth of the wedding bird transformation card!

Eiji exclaimed directly:

“This, what form is this?!”

Why is this eagle vulture group in front of you different from your own?!

Eiji looked at Anku and found that he was also stunned, frozen in mid-air, and did not reply for a long time.

In the distance, Izumi Bina covered her mouth, her face full of shock:

“Wow! Is this a new syndication?! ”

Itaki and Goto looked at each other, and the two Kamen Riders had an intuition that this new Eagle Vulture Combination seemed to be stronger than the Eiji version!

The most shocking is the king of Oz.

He looked at the unfamiliar joint form in front of him and exclaimed:

“This is not the eagle vulture group, what kind of form is this?!”

“You obviously don’t have a core coin, why can you transform into Kamen Rider OOO!”

And Goda, the temporary teammate of the King of Oz, heard this, and was immediately amused and laughed:

“Interesting, there are three Oz on the field,”

he said

“A king of Oz, a Kamen Rider Oz, a fake Oz United!”

When the King of Oz heard this, his face turned gloomy.

Lin Mo looked at Goda and corrected his words:

“Goda, I’m not a fake Oz,” Goda


He patted the Dark Emperor Riding Drive on his waist

“I just borrowed the power of Kamen Rider OOO,” I


“By the way, I am not transforming into an ordinary eagle vulture group, but an eagle vulture eternal group!”

“Remember, this form is called the Eternal Bird!”


Suddenly, the King of Oz raised his hand and shot out a colorful projectile and shot at Lin Mo!

Lin Mo raised his left hand sharply, and the Eagle Sparrow Eternal Roundabout easily blocked the missile unharmed.

The king of Oz was stimulated by Goda’s words just now, and said coldly:

“There is only one Oz in this world, and that is me, the king of Oz,”

“Whether it’s you Lin Mo or Hideji Huno, you all have to die today!”

As soon as the words fell, he raised his hand and waved, and more than ten missiles jumped out of thin air and burst towards Lin Mo!

The final battle starts in an instant!

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