“Damn, Pirate Emperor Han Cook, Sand Crocodile Crockdahl, Moonlight Moria, former captains of the giant pirate regiment Brocky and Dongli, these terrifying guys are here!!”

“And Hiliu, this hateful fellow, even betrayed the navy !!!”

“Yebai, this guy, how the hell did he make these terrifying guys willingly follow him??”

The strength shown by Yebai has exceeded everyone’s expectations.

It has even completely surpassed a group of four emperors.

And it was only about three months from the time they learned about Yebai to the time he found out.

What if you give him more time?

Wouldn’t it surpass the Lokes who once destroyed the world?

“Warring States, now is not the time to be surprised, if we let those guys brought by Yebai mess around, this war will really be out of our control.”

Karp temporarily collected his mood and said to the Warring States with a gloomy face.

“Karp, you…”

Sengoku was a little surprised.

“No matter how the old man is also a navy, how can he watch Yebai, this little ghost, mess around, if they don’t stop them, Marin Duo will be destroyed in their hands.”

At the moment when Karp’s words fell, Karp slammed his legs on the ground, and the whole person rushed towards Brokey and Dongli like a cannonball.

The two who have mastered the domineering nature of armed color are like entering no man’s land.

047 simply not a single Navy soldier could stop them for even a second.

In just a few moments, hundreds of naval soldiers died at the hands of two men.

And the number continues to increase.

Even the other lieutenant generals of the giant race are not opponents of the two.

It’s really a fellow countryman seeing a fellow countryman, Brockie and Donglido cut twice.

“Stop the old man!!”

Karp, who ejected, swung his iron fist and smashed towards the two.

This punch condensed a high-density armed color domineering, and the power was enough to smash a hill.

The two who had mastered the domineering color of seeing and hearing caught Karp’s breath at the first time, and their eyes were cold.

Armed color domineering firepower is fully fired.

Wielding a long sword and a giant axe, he greeted him.


Countless black lightning bolts were inspired at the collision of the three parties, and the Dao Dao Silver Snake shuttled away.

A powerful shock wave of energy swept in all directions.

Instantly swept a radius of 100 meters.

“You guys actually learned to be armed with domineering?!”

Karp, who collided with the two in the void, looked at the two with some surprise.

Originally, he thought that he could kill two giants in seconds with one move.

But surprisingly, Brokey and Dongli actually mastered the armed color domineering.

As we all know, there is not even a single giant race in the pirate world who has mastered domineering.

As for Auntie, she is just big, but she is not a giant race at all.

The strength of an ordinary giant race can be comparable to a strong person, let alone master the domineering giant race,

That strength is absolutely terrifying.

“Karp, don’t underestimate us!!”

Broki and Dongli let out a roar at the same time, and then their hands slammed through the weapon, knocking Karp out.

The other side.

Seeing that the people brought by Yebai also began to slaughter the naval soldiers unscrupulously, the members of the Whitebeard Regiment had not yet arrived and were happy.

Everyone saw the sand crocodile Crockdar wrapped in an energy storm flying towards the whitebeard at the bow of the whale.

“Hahahahaha……. Whitebeard, remember me??? ”

“Sha Lan !!!”

“Hey, you guys, I thought you were here to deal with the Navy.”

“Our dad is busy right now, but he doesn’t have time to play with you.”

Foil Bista teleported to block Krockdahl’s attack.

“Crockdahl, Sasi ignores that”

The sandstorm faded away, and in its place a figure appeared on the deck.

Cranedahl, who was hanging a cigar, glanced coldly at Bista .

“You’re not my opponent, get out of the way!”



“Krockdar, you are just a little king Qiwu Hai, hit me first!!”

“Hey, hey, you guy don’t get in the way, our captain has an order, no one can disturb the battle between Crockdar and Whitebeard!”


A figure suddenly appeared in front of Crockdahl.

“Rain no Hiru!!”

“Even (aidj) are you going against us??” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, Bista’s face finally sank.

The Grand Warden of the Advance City.

He is also not sure of victory.

“Less nonsense, get out of here!”

Hiliu pulled out the thunderstorm at his waist and pointed his sword at Bista.

“Let’s go!”

Whitebeard said calmly.


“I will defeat him!”

Foil Bista snorted coldly, decisively found a battlefield with Yu no Hiru, and then started a fierce battle.

“Don’t you hurt Daddy!!”


Diamond Joz, captain of the Whitebeard Pirates’ third team, arrived!!

The shining fruit was launched, and Joz, who had turned into a diamond man, also decisively blocked in front of Whitebeard.

Today, Whitebeard has only one mission, that is, to rescue Ace,

Absolutely no one can stand in Daddy’s way.

“It’s really troublesome!!”

“We’re here too!!”



There were two loud trampling sounds, and even the Moby Dick trembled with it.

Giant Warrior Kathy and Oimo on it!!

“By the order of the captain, no one can hinder Crockdar!!”

Although the domineering mastery of the two is not as skilled as that of Brocky and Dongli.

But after such a long period of cultivation, he has gradually mastered the two-color domineering,

And to the extent of external release.

“Kulolololo ……. Little ghost, it seems that you have to fight me today! ”

Whitebeard snorted coldly, and the Yun Cut in his hand smashed heavily on the deck, and an invisible wave of qi swept out.

Crockdahl is undeniable.

“In that case, Joz, leave them alone and rescue Ace!”


“Carry out my orders!!”

Casey and Oimo just wanted to stop Joz, but they didn’t really want to fight him.

It’s better to let Joz continue to rescue Ace.

“Daddy, be careful!”

Joz glanced at Crokdal, and finally jumped off the boat helplessly.

Continue to lead the members of the White Group to rescue Ace.

Seeing this, Casey and Oimo also left the Moby Dick.

As long as no one stands in the way of Crokdal’s battle with Whitebeard, they won’t get involved.


A cyan flame roared.

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirates’ group, the undead bird Marko, wrapped in Qingyan, flew to the top of Whitebeard’s head.

“You go too, rescue Ace!”

Marko, who was well aware of Whitebeard’s temper, just glanced at Crokdal and left.

But the worry in his eyes is hard to hide.

“Whitebeard, no one bothers us now!”

Even after so many years, remembering the shame of the past, Crockdale is still difficult to let go.

“Kulololololo…….. Come on, little ghost, let me see how much you have grown over the years!! ”

“Find death!!”


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