Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Chapter 551: Small-scale auction

Hearing that Xiao Yao was going to hold a small-scale auction of rejuvenating pills, Hao Demao and others were very excited. After a simple lunch, they rushed to the small meeting room early.

Hao Demao and Zhan Tianling have received positive news from Tang Zhengshan, knowing that Xiao Yao will satisfy their wishes, but they know better in their hearts that the favor they owe Xiao Yao is still too small, and Xiao Yao at best. He agreed to give them a rejuvenating pill. It would be difficult to get one more.

But if they can get one more pill at the auction, they will have two rejuvenating pills, and the one he won will not have to owe Xiao Yao's favor.

For Zheng Jinnian, the rejuvenating pill that Xiao Yao is going to auction is also inevitable.

His most urgent desire is to get a peace talisman from Xiao Yao, but if he can get a rejuvenating pill, of course it would be better.

Although his body is okay, he still has three or four chronic diseases. Although not serious, he still yearns for a healthy body. Now that he has the opportunity to shoot a rejuvenation pill, he will certainly not miss this rare opportunity.

The remaining deputy directors basically had the same idea. Everyone made up their minds to **** the rejuvenating pill that was about to be auctioned.

Xiao Yao walked in with Tang Zhengshan, and several other vice-chairmen had already waited in the small meeting room earlier than them.

After the two people sat down, Xiao Yao said, “Thanks to everyone’s support for the establishment of the foundation and chamber of commerce this time, I have decided to auction one rejuvenating pill every year. Of course, the scope is limited to everyone here. All of you."

Although the news had already been known from Tang Zhengshan's mouth, everyone was still secretly excited when they heard Xiao Yao say it with their own ears at this time.

Xiao Yao's decision is indeed exciting.

If it is a large-scale auction, even if they are the top richest people, there is little hope of grabbing them in the end.

The auction was limited to a small area, and only 9 of them participated, which was really beneficial to them.

Because there are few people participating, and it will be auctioned once a year, unless there are special circumstances, they can basically guarantee that they have the opportunity to take a precious rejuvenation pill when they need it most.

"Chairman, everyone is not outsiders, and competition is healthy competition. Just start with the auction price." Zhan Tianling can't wait.

"Although it is said to be healthy competition, after all, everyone is friends. It will inevitably hurt feelings if you are fighting over and over. Therefore, this time I am going to adopt the form of hidden bids, and everyone bids rationally. It’s okay. If everyone here needs a Rejuvenation Pill to help one day, I am not a person who will die, I will definitely give it a chance."

Xiao Yao specifically affirmed this point to remind everyone not to bid blindly. The opportunity to get a rejuvenation pill is not just this time. His attitude towards friends and strangers is definitely different.

The purpose of his auction this time is to price Huichun pills through this auction. If everyone blindly bids, based on the wealth of these people, it is very likely that a sky-high price will be offered, which is meaningless.

After Xiao Yao deliberately explained this point, the hearts of everyone present were hot, and the originally excited mood slowly calmed down.

They are very fortunate to have the opportunity to join the Xiaoyao Charity Foundation. If they can get a rejuvenating pill that can cure terminal illness when they need it most, this kind of opportunity cannot be bought by any amount of money.

What's more, Xiao Yao's magical ability is not just this. Even if they encounter other difficulties, as long as they sincerely seek help, based on Xiao Yao's current attitude, they have a high probability of achieving their wishes.

All of you here are the top richest people. They are not short of money, but many things cannot be solved by money. The upcoming auction of Rejuvenation Pill is the best example. If they hadn't met Xiao Yao, even if they were willing to trade their entire net worth, they would just be idiotic and would never be able to change it.

Xiao Yao took out the envelopes he had prepared in advance and gave them one to everyone.

According to his request, everyone wrote the price and name on the letter paper, put the letter paper back into the envelope, and then handed it to Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao took out every piece of letter paper in front of everyone. After reading them one by one, he said, "Congratulations, Mr. Zheng Jinnian, Mr. Zheng. His bid is 1.888 million. The Rejuvenation Pill to be auctioned today belongs to him. ."

Except for Zheng Jinnian's joyful face, everyone else looked annoyed.

One of the most annoying is Hao Demao. His bid was 1.866 billion, which was only 22 million less than Zheng Jinnian. Because of such a small price difference, he finally missed this precious rejuvenating pill.

It's not that he can't afford a higher price, but since Xiao Yao has stated in advance that he wants everyone to be rational, he can't blindly raise the price.

If he had to pay a sky-high price, with Xiao Yao's shrewdness, it might be counterproductive, and he might leave a bad impression.

All the people present here are old foxes. After knowing Xiao Yao's abilities and personality, he can think of this.

For everyone present, there is not a big gap between the prices written on the letter paper.

If Xiao Yao only auctioned this time, and there was only one rejuvenating pill, then it would be reasonable to give a higher price, because life is priceless.

Xiao Yao has stated in advance that there will be an auction every year, and he specifically told everyone that when he needs it most, he will stand in the position of a friend and solve the difficulties for the people who need it most.

In this way, everyone can't bid blindly, and must refer to these points to give an appropriate price.

The prices given by everyone are above 1.3 billion, the difference is not big, and their views are basically the same.

With the reference value, the deal between Xiao Yao and Hao Demao and others is easy to talk about.

Both Hao Demao and Zhan Tianling hope to get a rejuvenating pill from him. Xiao Yao did not follow the highest auction price but took a middle price. A rejuvenating pill was priced at 1.5 billion yuan. After deducting the price of the rejuvenating pill, what should I do next? How do you settle the settlement?

Zheng Jinnian hoped to get a safety talisman. Sun Baokun felt that this opportunity was a rare opportunity. After careful consideration, he also made the same request.

Compared with the Rejuvenation Pill, the Peace Talisman is more precious, and Xiao Yao is not going to exchange the Peace Talisman, the Peace Talisman in his hand will only be open to friends around him.

In other words, the peace talisman is priceless for the time being, and to be able to exchange for a peace talisman from him, the favor is the most important.

Sun Baokun and Zheng Jinnian's friendship is not great, he can do it with a little time. For the two of them to pay such a little favor, they were able to exchange for a peace talisman from his hand. It was indeed fortunate.

Zheng Jinnian and Sun Baokun resolutely refused to let him make money. In the end, he exchanged the shares in the hands of the two for the price of a peace talisman and a rejuvenation pill.

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