Compared with Xiao Yao's status as the world's top artist, his status as the chairman of Tiansheng Pharmaceutical is also very difficult, but Niu Gongzi thinks this is a good thing.

If Xiao Yao only has the status of the world's top artist, then he really dare not act rashly.

The identity of an ordinary artist is not worth mentioning to him, but the identity of the world’s top artist is Xiao Yao’s best amulet. Although such an identity has no power, it has too much influence. His world-class influence in art , Even the status of Niu Gongzi has to worry about three points.

Although Xiao Yao's status as the chairman of Tiansheng Pharmaceutical has a high social status, it is also his weakness.

As the chairman of a large pharmaceutical company, not to mention whether there is any violation of law or discipline, there are many things that need to be scrupulous first. The bigger the company, the greater the involvement, and it is not as desperate as the world's top artists.

After learning about the effects of Huichun Pill, in the face of such huge benefits, Young Master Niu inevitably developed a heart of greed. Now he not only wants to cure his mother's cancer, but also wants to get a prescription for Huichun Pill.

But he knows the truth that haste is not good. His first step is to get three rejuvenating pills, first heal his mother's illness, and then think about what to do next.

He has not considered asking Xiao Yao forcibly. He still has plans behind. First, he must leave a good impression on Xiao Yao before he can have further cooperation.

He hasn't considered the specific price to pay, and he has to wait until he meets Xiao Yao before he can make a decision. The price he can give can be money or other things, depending on what Xiao Yao needs.

Although the preparation time was too short, Niu Gongzi's investigation of Xiao Yao was not very detailed, but after reading these materials, Niu Gongzi felt that he knew enough about Xiao Yao.

Since Xiao Yao has a housekeeper in the survey data, Young Master Niu did not directly contact Xiao Yao, but asked him to contact Xiao Yao’s housekeeper directly, expressing his intention to visit him and explaining his identity.

If it was a general identity, Steward Lu would also directly refuse, but the identity of this young man is indeed very prominent, so he did not make his own claim and refused directly, and prepared to ask the young master before making a decision.

After listening to Steward Lu’s report, Xiao Yao thought for a while, and decided to agree to the request of this young man to visit.

Although this Young Master Niu's identity is not as good as Tang Tianhao, he is still extremely prominent, and it is still necessary to meet him.

As for the purpose of this young man coming to visit, he naturally knew after the meeting.

On the morning of the second day, Niu Gongzi came to Xiaoyao’s courtyard in a light car.

Under the leadership of Lu Guanjia, he walked through the courtyard and admired the architecture and scenery in the courtyard at will. Niu Gongzi couldn't help but admire again and again.

Such a large courtyard with a large area and distinctive design, even with the knowledge of Mr. Niu, there are few courtyards comparable to this courtyard in the huge city of Kyoto.

Before they met, Niu Gongzi's knowledge of Xiao Yao was raised again.

Entering the small meeting room, seeing the handsome young man sitting on the main seat, Niu Gongzi hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Hello Professor Xiao, you are presumptuous, and please forgive me."

Then he pointed to the seemingly large gift bag in Steward Lu's hand and said, "When we first met, a little bit of heart, I don't know if it fits Professor Xiao's mind?"

Steward Lu quickly took out the gift from the gift bag, which turned out to be a big long box, and after the box was opened, it was a scroll.

Mr. Niu continued: "I was once fortunate to get a picture of "Lotus Pond" by Mr. Wu Guanzhong. It just so happened that Professor Xiao also had a picture of "Lotus Pond Frog" handed down to the world. Don't pretend to be a gift, I hope Professor Xiao will like it."

When Xiao Yao and Mr. Niu met for the first time, of course they couldn’t accept such a valuable gift from him, and he tactfully refused: "If you like it, you don’t have to possess it. This gift from Mr. Niu is too expensive and I can’t accept it. I am fortunate to appreciate Mr. Guanzhong today. I’m already very happy."

Then he said to Steward Lu: "Since Mr. Niu has brought this authentic piece over, we must not miss this opportunity. Let's hang up first, just take this opportunity to enjoy it."

The housekeeper Lu hung up the painting dexterously.

The scale of this painting is very large. There is a large area of ​​residual lotus on the painting. The dead branches on the water surface are interlaced. These lines and blocks are very moving. The picture uses the reflection in the water. Due to the reflection, the blocks and lines are repeatedly reflected. The virtual reality is not easy to understand at a glance. It seems that the rhythm of the dance is emphasized by the use of water sleeves. Artistic.

As a painter, Xiao Yao was very happy to see Mr. Wu Guanzhong's masterpieces in his later years, and he looked very carefully.

This work was created by Mr. Wu Guanzhong in his later years and can be regarded as one of his masterpieces.

Wu Guanzhong achieved the most important breakthrough in his artistic career in the 1990s. The questions about abstraction in the past have been answered critically, and he is able to "express his mind freely" and "express sincere heartfelt".

His deconstruction and innovation of form and color are fully embodied in the "Lotus Pond" created in 1997. Although this painting seems to be a concrete subject, Wu Guanzhong uses colorful ink dots, smart flowing lines and different combinations of density to comprehensively control the overall picture, creating the rhythm and rhythm of the space, the dynamic sense of life and the visual tension.

Wu Guanzhong not only gave the traditional ink lines and color dots a new meaning of the times, but also another proof of his breakthrough in his 50-year creative career!

Before the 1990s, although he continued to explore images and extract formal elements, he used concrete depictions to strengthen the contrast and connection with objective reality. After experiencing the interactive development of different aspects of oil and ink between the two media from 1970 to 1980, the works in the late 1990s paid more attention to the expressiveness and tension of abstract language.

The large scale of "Lotus Pond" fully demonstrates Wu Guanzhong's artistic self-confidence and innovative spirit. He broke through himself and expressed his ideas directly when he was almost old. He extremely refined and simplified his own artistic vocabulary, which is in the nationalization of Western modernism and oil painting. A new exit and direction have been found in the discussion.

Whether it is ink or oil painting, Wu Guanzhong's most promising experiments are close to abstract. Phenomenologically, the choice of "kite uninterrupted line" seems to hinder abstraction, but in essence, this choice is very important. He thus established the personal law of natural abstraction, which is in line with the Chinese culture advocating nature. .

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