Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Chapter 441: Higher-level talisman

After the evening news broadcast began, Xiao Yao's relatives all sat in front of the TV and waited for his footage to appear.

After waiting until 7:20, the newsletter about the top ten young people in the country finally appeared, but the broadcast time of this newsletter was too short, and the report was only a few sentences in total.

Although Xiao Yao's lens appeared, it only took a few seconds. If you didn't watch it carefully, the lens would pass as soon as it shook, and it would easily be overlooked.

The people sitting in front of the TV waiting for this shot included Xiao Yao's parents, Xiao Banxia, ​​and Cheng Yu's parents.

The time for the camera to appear is too short. Although these people have a little regret in their hearts, they still feel extremely proud.

Being able to appear in the news network, and being mentioned by name and outstanding deeds, for any family in the country, this is the supreme glory, the greatest honor, as Xiao Yao's relatives are proud and proud of him .

These relatives of Xiao Yao sat in front of the TV, none of them left, and continued to wait for the focus interview to start.

The next focus interview is a special interview about the top ten youths of the country. The elites who won the title of the top ten youths this time have made more detailed introductions and reports.

The introduction of the nine top ten young people who appeared earlier was relatively brief, and when Xiao Yao appeared, his introduction and reports were very detailed.

What surprised Xiao Yao's relatives was that the following introductions and reports were all centered on Xiao Yao, and his interview time alone accounted for half of the entire show!

In the program, the host praised Xiao Yao as an outstanding artist who has won wide acclaim in the global art world, and also introduced in detail several representative works of his creation.

If Xiao Yao's popularity in the past was limited to the small circle of the art world, then after this focus interview, his name and his achievements have begun to become known to the public.

Although there are not many people who pay attention to the art world, Xiao Yao's works are too valuable. A painting costs tens of millions of dollars. This is undoubtedly a huge attraction for ordinary people.

Maybe many people don't care about art, but they are still very curious about those high-value artworks.

Even the focus interview made a key report on this top ten youth awards ceremony. Other co-organizers of the ten best youth selection activities will naturally not lag behind, and they also made heavyweight reports.

Although the focus of these official media reports is different, they have one thing in common. The reports on Xiao Yao are all positive and extremely detailed. They are the longest in the top ten young people.

After watching today's focus interview, Cheng Zhenshan's smile has been maintained, and his happy mouth can't be closed.

In front of his wife, he didn’t need to conceal his inner feelings, and proudly said: “Our Xiao Yao is really getting more and more prosperous. I didn’t expect that he would also be on the news network and focus interview on this day. I didn’t even think about it before Dare to think, it is too much for our old Xiao parents."

"This time he was selected as one of the top ten young people in the country. It is really a huge honor. In my heart, I am even more happy than the day when he told me that he was already a billionaire." Bai Yuzhen felt excited and unhappy. Not much less than her husband.

Also proud of Xiao Yao, in addition to Bai Yuzhen and his wife, there are Cheng Zhenshan and his wife.

Tan Moran turned off the TV and couldn't help but admire: "Our family Cheng Yu has a good vision. Xiao Yao is really satisfied with the more contact. I don't care whether he has money or not. I admire his most. He is talented, he is already an outstanding artist recognized all over the world at such a young age, and his artistic talent is really amazing."

Cheng Zhenshan also said: "This kid is indeed very talented, which is nothing to say. What I admire most about him is not his talent, but his character. Since ancient times, there have been so many talents like him. Young people with good looks and money can still hold onto their heart and not spend time and wine. This is really rare in this flashy modern society."

In Xiao Yao's current state of mind, the honor of the top ten youths in the country is dispensable for him. Even if he shows a big face in news broadcasts and focus interviews, he can't shake his state of mind. But for his relatives and friends, this is definitely something to be proud of.

Xiao Yao doesn't care about honor, but he cares about making his relatives happy.

The next day, Xiao Yao went to the company to inspect work. Those executives who were close to him first congratulated him. Xiao Yao appeared on CCTV's news broadcast and focus interview this time. It is not only his relatives who are proud of him, but also his employees.

This incident has greatly increased the cohesion of the employees and their sense of identity with the company, which is also a surprise.

The operations of Taikoo Land, Hanting Hotel and several Xunweizhai restaurants in Kyoto are already on track. After Xiao Yao inspected, he was very satisfied with the management's work. The operation of these companies does not require him to worry too much.

He is more concerned about the drug development of Tiansheng Pharmaceutical, which is the key to Tiansheng's take-off. Even if a drug is successfully developed, it is enough to give Tiansheng Pharmaceutical the wings to take off.

The scientific research leaders of several drug research and development teams of Tiansheng Pharmaceutical are still very capable. With sufficient research and development funds, the progress of drug research and development has been steadily proceeding.

Apart from Xiao Yao, both the R&D personnel and the management are very satisfied with the progress of the R&D.

In their view, the current R&D schedule has far exceeded the original estimate. According to the current R&D schedule and the results achieved, these R&D teams are likely to make major breakthroughs.

Xiao Yao is not very satisfied with the progress of such research and development. Only he himself knows that the current progress of research and development is based on the fact that he has opened a plug-in.

Whether it's the talisman he made meticulously or the prescription he took out, the effect is immeasurable.

With such a powerful plug-in, there is still no research and development team to come up with the final research and development results, and he is certainly not satisfied.

Despite his dissatisfaction, he did not show it in front of the R&D staff. Because he knows that all R&D personnel have been very hard during this period, and have not achieved a R&D result until now, not because the R&D personnel did not work hard enough, but because they lacked a little luck.

Because he was a little dissatisfied with the progress of research and development, he began to consider whether it was necessary to make a higher-level talisman?

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