Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Chapter 345: Definitely number one

This is the first time Principal Tu was shocked by art.

At this moment, he finally felt the powerful appeal of outstanding works of art.

If he hadn’t seen Xiao Yao’s work with his own eyes, he would have never imagined that a landscape painting seemed to have condensed the thickness and majesty of the mountains and mountains. This vast and distant shock could even make him rational. Art idiots who are greater than sensibility are deeply moved.

Even Principal Tu, a layman, was shocked by Xiao Yao’s new works, and Bian Yiding, a layman, felt even more profound.

He really did not expect that Xiao Yao's level in Chinese painting was so high, even exceeding his attainments in oil painting.

From the perspective of artistic conception, the artistic appeal of this work even exceeds that of "Fire" and "Thunder". From the perspective of painting techniques, this work is also quite innovative and has distinct personal characteristics.

Whether it is traditional Chinese painting or oil painting, after entering modern times, the techniques of painting have basically developed to a peak. It is becoming more and more difficult to make breakthroughs and developments in painting techniques.

Anyone who can make a breakthrough and can be recognized by the industry can basically become a master of painting.

From the perspective of an insider Bian Yiding, Xiao Yao’s painting techniques shown in this work are extremely mature and sophisticated, and there are also great innovations. The personal characteristics are extremely distinctive. What he can learn from and learn from is really Too much.

But this is not what shocked him the most. What shocked him the most was the powerful artistic appeal of this work.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Yao was able to become a world-renowned artist with four works in a short period of time.

Because in the entire world art history, no artist has created a work that has such a powerful appeal as "Fire" and "Thunder."

This powerful artistic appeal can even be felt by the general public without the ability to appreciate art.

Although Xiao Yao has made many breakthroughs in painting techniques, this breakthrough in technique is a bit insignificant compared to his presentation of artistic conception.

Art is interlinked. Eastern and Western art have too many differences in painting techniques, but the pursuit of the image of the work is the same.

Traditional Chinese painting pays more attention to the expression of artistic conception. Xiao Yao’s work simply condenses the illusory artistic conception into substance. After anyone sees this work, his heart will be hit with a heavy blow, which is a strong artistic infection. The force is simply incredible.

Regardless of all factors, only from the perspective of appreciating the beauty of Xiao Yao's work, there is no doubt that this is a shocking work, a masterpiece that can be passed down to the world.

Bian Yiding even believes that the landscape painting from ancient times to the present is the first one!

Everyone was shocked and admired for a long time. President Tu Ruilin was the first to speak: "I always think of myself as an art idiot, and I don’t have the vision to appreciate beauty. I saw this new work by Professor Xiao today. I am not hopeless, true beauty, true art, I can still appreciate it. Aside from all professional evaluations, I, a layman, thinks this is the most shocking work I have ever seen , And it’s the only work that I can’t wait to take as my own.”

As an amateur painter, Ni Zhigao also liked Xiao Yao’s work very much. "President Tu, I advise you to dispel this idea. Even if the Louvre wants to collect a work by Professor Xiao, it must A price of 60 million US dollars. Although I have not seen Professor Xiao’s work "Fire", I think this "A Thousand Rocks Competition Show" is definitely not inferior to the one in the Louvre collection. Even if you are ruined. You can't afford it, so you'd better not have this idea, lest you can't sleep at night."

"Dean Bian, you should have seen the other four works of Professor Xiao with your own eyes. Do you think this "A Thousand Rocks Competition Show" is better than the "Fire" collected by the Louvre. Better?" Mai Yuan asked curiously.

Bian Yiding pondered for a moment, and said: "The "Fire" collected by the Louvre is an oil painting, and this "A Thousand Rocks Competition Show" is a Chinese painting. The two are not very good analogies. If you must say which painting is better, painting The technique is not very good, but if you compare the presentation of the imagery, there is still a clear gap between the two. Obviously, the artistic conception of "Thousand Rocks Competition Show" is more shocking. So, if you let me make a choice, I will definitely choose this "A Thousand Rocks Competition Show"."

"Professor Xiao's "Fire" and "Thunder" caused a sensation all over the world after being exhibited in Bali. Wouldn't it be even more sensational once this "Thousand Rocks Competition" is released?" Principal Tu's tone was very excited.

Adding Xiao Yao's name to the list of outstanding alumni, inviting him to attend the school celebration, and hiring him as the chair professor of the Academy of Fine Arts, was originally Bian Yiding's idea. Xiao Yao is too young after all. Although he caused a huge worldwide sensation during this period, Tu Ruilin only knew from the mouths of others that there was such a person, and he did not have a clear impression of him, so the degree of importance was naturally not. Will be too high.

Asking Xiao Yao to create works for the school celebration exhibition is also Bian Yiding's suggestion.

Among the four principals here today, only Bian Yiding and Mai Yuanbo really value Xiao Yao. Tu Ruilin and Ni Zhigao had to participate in this reception just because of their status.

But after seeing Xiao Yao's new works with his own eyes, the mentality of Tu Ruilin and Ni Zhigao immediately changed dramatically.

Before they had seen Xiao Yao's work in person, they only knew that Xiao Yao's work was great and was sought after by the global art world, but they couldn't imagine how great it was.

They didn’t really understand how powerful Xiao Yao’s works were until they experienced the power of this “Thousand Rocks Competition Show”. He was able to be affected by just 4 works in such a short period of time. There is indeed a reason for the pursuit of the global art world.

There is no doubt that such a shocking work, once exhibited, will definitely cause a sensation.

Xiao Yao is still very young now, his fame is too short, and his fame is only circulated in the art world.

But President Tu believes that in time, Xiao Yao's fame will definitely break through the small circle of the art world and be known to the public.

Among the outstanding alumni of Han University, there is no shortage of academicians of the two academies and senior officials. Many of these outstanding alumni are more influential than Xiao Yao.

But President Tu felt that, given time, the most outstanding alumnus that Han University could be proud of in the future would definitely be Xiao Yao.

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