Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Chapter 323: Don't care about the money

"Each arrow is 10 rings, how many arrows are there?" Yuan Zan's words really surprised Chen Yunfei.

"A total of 6 sets of 36 arrows were shot, for a total of 360 rings."

"36 arrows and 360 rings, the world champion does not have this result!" Zhang Yulong is the one who likes archery the most, so he is the most surprised.

People who have never played archery don't know how awesome this result is, and Zhang Yulong naturally understands the difficulty.

Originally, Xiao Yao gave him the impression of being handsome, a bit of a natural rejection, but now that he is still a sharpshooter, Zhang Yulong's impression of him has been greatly changed.

"Boss Xiao, how do you usually practice? How can you be so good?" Zhang Yulong asked curiously.

"For any skill to reach its peak, hard training is essential, but in addition to hard training, talent is also very important. I may have a higher talent in archery." Xiao Yao can only say that. .

Zhang Yulong said without hesitation: "If you have time, can you teach me, Boss Xiao? I especially like archery, but my performance has basically reached a bottleneck in the past two years. It has been a long time since I broke through."

"Yes, as long as I go to the archery hall, I can do it anytime." Xiao Yao happily agreed.

"Boss Xiao, if you have any difficulties in the future, please tell me. In our Hanzhou Province, I still have some energy and keep the beautiful ones for you." Xiao Yao is so happy, and Zhang Yulong will naturally have to return something.

Xiao Yao smiled and said, "Okay, I will call you if I encounter difficulties in the future."

Everyone spoke for a while, and three of Jiang Shanshan came together.

Yuan Zan introduced 4 new friends to three people.

Chen Yunfei and Liao Jian were very reserved and steady. They didn't have the scorn and frivolity in private chats. They spoke very politely, but they didn't have the flattery of licking the dog.

Everyone took their seats. Zhang Yulong was not in a hurry to order food. He always remembered Chen Yunfei and Liao Jian’s entrustment, saying: “It’s a great pleasure to meet everyone today. We are all about the same age. We will definitely be able to become friends in the future. How about a suggestion?"

Yuan Zan answered, "We are also very happy to be able to meet the four of you. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to say."

"I think we'd better build a WeChat group. When something happens, it will be more convenient to connect. What do you think?" Zhang Yulong's purpose is to get the contact information of Jiang Shanshan and Yue Wentong, so that it can achieve the goal. , And will not make two people feel defensive.

"It is indeed necessary to establish a WeChat group. If you have anything to do in the future, shout in the group and everyone will know." Yuan Zan knew the identities of the four people and couldn't ask for this proposal.

This is a common thing, and of course no one opposes it.

Yuan Zan originally wanted to propose him to build this group, but Yue Wentong took a step ahead.

Yue Wentong is a social expert. She has always had a vicious eye. Although she has only just met, she can see at a glance that the origins of these 4 people should not be simple. In addition, she has been a contact person, and she will build this group. , As it should be, couldn't be more appropriate.

"I have always wanted to build a small-scale alumni group. Since there are not many people anyway, I will just add the four of you."

Yue Wentong's work has always been turbulent, without delay for a moment, he quickly established a group, and pulled everyone into the group by the way.

Without any further effort, they naturally got the contact information of their favorite beauty. Chen Yunfei and Liao Jian naturally wanted to respond positively. After adding a large group, they added the private WeChat accounts of Jiang Shanshan and Yue Wentong respectively.

Zhang Yulong completed the task, and then he picked up the menu to discuss the order with everyone.

After ordering the food, he asked, "What kind of wine shall we drink? Do you drink Maotai or foreign wine for liquor?"

Yuan Zan hurriedly said: "I declare in advance that I must have a treat today. This is something that has been said a long time ago. No one can rob me. Today is a gathering of our alumni and we have met 4 new friends. For such a happy thing, you must drink good wine. How about drinking Maotai for 50 years?"

Yuan Zan said that he really wanted to seize the opportunity of this treat. Whether it is Xiao Yao or Chen Yunfei and other four top second generations, under normal circumstances, they are far away from his circle. It is already very lucky for him to be able to sit with such a character. Let him treat the guests.

He said that because he was worried that the drinks ordered by Chen Yunfei and others were too low. If Xiao Yao were not present, he would definitely not take the initiative to propose drinking Moutai for 50 years. For him, as long as he can sit with these people, it doesn't matter what he drinks.

But among his alumni, there is also a big figure like Xiao Yao. The drinks ordered must be of high quality, otherwise, it would be disrespect for Xiao Yao.

Today, it is very likely that he could not grab the right to treat him. He offered to treat him. Even if Zhang Yulong settled the bill in the end, he took the initiative to order Maotai for 50 years and it was nothing.

Zhang Yulong said casually: "You are quite good at ordering it. Brother Jian has kept a box of Moutai here for 50 years, so let's drink this liquor today. Why do you drink red wine?"

"If you don't need to use the stored wine, let's drink it in the hotel. Let's keep the stored wine of Brother Jian and drink it later." Yuan Zan said quickly.

"We have wine in our own store. Why do we drink the hotel? There is nowhere to spend it? A bottle of Maotai in the hotel is more than 40,000 in 50 years, and it will cost twice as much. Even if we are not bad at this money, we can save a little, or It's better to save a little." Liao Jian said actively.

Yuan Zan said: "If that's the case, today is a treat for Brother Jian. Our table of dishes will not be worth a bottle of your wine."

"It doesn't matter who treats guests, the point is that everyone is happy." Although Moutai's 50-year grade is a bit high, Liao Jian still doesn't care about the money.

"Then what do we drink red wine? Our white wine is Moutai for 50 years, and red wine can't be bad, otherwise the three beauties will definitely have opinions. There are quite a lot of red wines on the wine list, including Lafite and Lafite. Picture, Mouton, Margaux, Dragon Boat, Penfolds, Custer, Jacques, Red Devil, which one do the three beauties like to drink?" Zhang Yulong asked enthusiastically.

Zhang Yulong seems to be very talkative, which is completely false. In fact, he is a very arrogant person, one of the most difficult to deal with among the four.

If he had not accepted the task assigned to him by Chen Yunfei and Liao Jian, he would definitely not have such a good temper and patience.

There are many people here, but only two people he really cares about are Jiang Shanshan and Yue Wentong.

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