Chapter 214

Aluminum-magnesium alloy?

Li Qi has never heard of such a metal as aluminum-magnesium alloy because he is not extensively involved in this area. And this alloy is used in aerospace equipment.

However, aluminum-magnesium alloys are not the main material used in aerospace equipment, so the application of aluminum-magnesium alloys is actually not widespread.

Rockets, and carrying bins, this metal material that accounts for the bulk. The first consideration is not actually the weight issue.

The first consideration is the issue of high temperature resistance, and the second is the issue of weight.

After considering the weight issue, the hardness issue and toughness issue are considered.

But this time the space elevator project, the first thing that needs to be considered is not the issue of high temperature resistance. It is the issue of tensile performance, followed by the issue of weight. Other problems are optional.

Therefore, aluminum-magnesium alloy perfectly meets these two needs. This is also the most perfect material for space elevators on Earth.

There are other materials that are stronger than aluminum-magnesium alloys, and there are many. But the aluminum-magnesium alloys above are all rare alloys. Can not consider the construction of a large project such as a space elevator!

Ba Zi Hu became excited:

“my country is a big country of magnesium mines. Our magnesium mines account for 60% of the world’s magnesium mines, and almost all of the world’s magnesium is imported from my country. If the space elevator uses aluminum-magnesium alloys as materials, then even other countries will know about it in the future. If they understand the principle of the space elevator, and even know the blueprint, they can’t make it at all!”

“They want to build space elevators, such a large magnesium ore consumables, they can’t import them from anywhere except China in the world. They can only watch eagerly…”

Su Mingyu widened his eyes and said:

“So, the space elevator will only be owned by China in the future?”

“It’s 80%. Other countries can only watch and stare.”

Everyone discussed with excitement. I didn’t expect that there would be unexpected surprises.

I originally thought that technology could surpass the world. Unexpectedly, resources now surpass the world.

Li Qi was shocked. What kind of thinking is this eight-character Hu… What he was thinking about was the matter of materials, and he directly considered more far-reaching issues. The space elevator has not yet succeeded, and he has already figured out how to counter blockades facing the West.

After a while, someone brought a tray.

There are several shiny silver metals in it.

Bazi Hu quickly introduced: “These are all different shapes of aluminum-magnesium alloys. There are alloy squares, alloy balls, alloy skins, and alloy wires. Look at Mr. Li.”.

Li Qi nodded and picked up a one-centimeter cube of aluminum-magnesium alloy block. The moment he started, he couldn’t help but raise his brow:


Li Qi suddenly discovered that this shiny alloy cube is not as cold as metal. Instead, it turned out to be a temperature higher than metal and slightly lower than room temperature.

Su Mingyu looked at the solid alloy ball next to him and explained: “The thermal conductivity of aluminum-magnesium alloy is good, and it is easy to transfer heat. The other is because its density is small, unlike steel. So under normal pressure and room temperature, it has The temperature is higher than that of high-speed rail.”

Li Qi nodded and picked up the alloy cube.

The one-centimeter cube is not as heavy as imagined. The feeling of starting is not like metal. Instead… it’s like picking up a plastic.

It is even lighter than plastic.


Li Qi feels that this is not metal anymore.

Next to him, Su Mingyu was weighing the solid alloy balls and murmured:

“An iron ball of the same size weighs several times its weight. I feel that this aluminum-magnesium alloy is really our best material. Mr. Li, please try the alloy wire.”

Li Qi nodded, took a plate of aluminum-magnesium alloy wire that looked like iron wire, pulled it hard after it was straight, and did not move.

Then Li Qi squeezed the two ends and began to fold them.

Repeated folds, repeated folds.

If it is an iron wire, it will break by itself under such folding, no more than ten times at most.

But this aluminum-magnesium alloy has been folded in the hand more than 20 times, but there is still no trace.

The eight-character smiled and said:

“Mr. Li, this aluminum-magnesium alloy cannot be damaged by manpower. How about we compare it?”

“How to compare?”

I thought about it for a while and said:

“This is a 5mm wire. Let’s compare the load-bearing capacity of the same-sized wire. Take a look at its load-bearing limit?”

After speaking, the staff set up the tools immediately.

The 5mm aluminum-magnesium alloy wire is fixed on a shelf, and the next shelf is fixed with a 5mm iron wire. The length of the two wires is two meters in length.

At the lower end, a hook and tray and weights are hung.

The two workers first put a ten kilogram weight on both pallets. Both threads just swayed, and then they didn’t move.

Continue adding weights.

Twenty kilograms.

Thirty kilograms.

Forty kilograms.

Fifty kilograms…

At fifty-five kilograms, the wire broke!

The aluminum-magnesium alloy wire does not move.

Li Qi didn’t make any comments. He looked down quietly, this was just the beginning.

The eight-character Hu smiled: “` ¨Add one hundred kilograms.”


The two workers worked together to put a 100 kilogram weight on it. At this time, the weight was 155 kilograms, and the aluminum-magnesium alloy wire remained motionless.

Bazi Hu said: “Add another hundred kilograms!”


The two staff members once again carried a 100 kg weight and put it on, but it remained motionless.



The weight has been increased to 400 kilograms!

Four hundred kilograms!

At this moment, Li Qi took a deep breath and became a little unbelievable. Looking at the two-meter-long aluminum-magnesium alloy wire, hanging 400 kilograms of weights, still motionless. He was shocked. He thought that this aluminum-magnesium alloy would be very good, but he never thought it would be so good!

It’s nothing to drag 400 kilograms of weight. However, its size is only 5 mm!

At this time, the eight-character smiled: ‘this is just the beginning…’

“Adjusted to a thousand kilograms!”

One thousand kilograms!

Let alone Li Qi, Su Mingyu’s pupils (Zhao Nuo’s) shrank. This is a ton!

One ton of heavy objects must be carried by a 5mm aluminum-magnesium alloy wire? This is the legendary aerospace material? This f*ck is a bit perverted!

Li Qi did not speak, but stared closely at the four staff members and began to laboriously add the 100 kg standard weights one after another.

Seven hundred kilograms…

Eight hundred kilograms…

Nine hundred kilos! !

With a muffled sound of ‘boom’, the last weight was placed in the tray.

At this time, the weight is displayed as-1000KG!

A ton! !

A whole ton!

From a distance, the aluminum-magnesium alloy wire is as thick as a hair. And the weight of a ton below is like a hill.

A strand of hair hangs up a hill!

Li Qi took a deep breath: “This is twenty times the tensile strength of iron wire!”

The eight-character Hu smiled slightly: “It’s not over yet!”

What donkey!

Can you continue? .

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