Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 674: New Year's visit

There is a sketch, ironically, quack doctors harm people, Huang Chao frowned rare, and read the whole sketch seriously. In order to meet the harmonious requirements of the Spring Festival Gala, the sketches dilute the contradictions, make the conflict ridiculous, and erase the more serious shady, but Huang Chao knows that the actual phenomenon is more serious than this.

The effect it caused was not that the patient in the sketch wailed a few times, and then the fart thing did not, but really killed the lives of innocent people. If the doctor ’s ability is limited, the hospital ’s conditions are limited, there are no errors, and the two parties do their best, then it can only be said that life and death are born. However, many people know that they have no medical skills, just to cheat money, and use unreasonable methods to deceive others. This is to seek money and kill lives.

Huang Chao's eyes narrowed, and his eyes were a little dangerous: "It seems that this kind of thing is just under the jurisdiction of the Tianjian Bureau."

Huang Chao ’s performance will always be interpreted. Netizens are waiting to see Huang Chao ’s response to this sketch: “Wait a minute, this sketch is related to the public ’s physical health. Is this the jurisdiction of Huang Chao and their Tianjian Bureau? Do you know what the Huang Bureau thinks about this? "

The picture really flashed Huang Chao's serious expression, which made people look forward to: "After seeing Huang Ju's expression, I think he will make another big news. Support Huang Ju and rectify the medical system. Don't you How are you yy, Huang Chao just shows that he is very serious. Most of this kind of thing is that the previous management was not strict, would Huang Chao be in charge? People who love their wives and beautiful families might as well collect money and enjoy life. "

"I'm relying on that. How dare you dare scorn the yellow board? If the yellow board dealt with this kind of thing, how would you broadcast live? Ha ha, smile, Huang Chao is so young. How, only hehe. "

This spray looks calm and witty, needless to say, it must be a penny, hide his identity to mock Huang Chao a few words, and express his indignation.

After a Spring Festival Evening, Huang Chao is simply everyone's favorite actor. Many times, the value of face is justice, which you ca n’t justify, and Huang Chao happens to have the appearance of crushing the entire audience, which comes from the confusing effect of makeup. What he did before, let Mifen confess in front of the world, broke the scandal of "paying wages" by some people, and ruined Mi Guo's face. It was simply a national hero, and the aura was overwhelming everyone.

Your favorite Spring Festival Gala show? I like the appearance of the yellow game the most ...

Huang Chao sent his family home, took the time to browse the Internet, it was really speechless. The parents were excited all night, and they felt tired when they got home. They quickly went to bed and rested, as if inadvertently glancing at Ling Yuhan and Huang Chao ...

Ling Yuhan didn't have much embarrassment. This natural feeling made her crazy: "Ahaha, how did I experience this kind of plot?" Can't help thinking of Huang Yaoshi and Feng Heng ...

If Huang Chao doesn't want to be embarrassed, nothing in this world can shake his mind. So they also rested peacefully.

On the second day, Huang Chao followed the goddess of worship, went to pay homage to the veteran cadres, participated in the New Year tea party, and then visited the old experts and scholars of scientific research and health system. More comfortable.

Qin Jing is the country's top medical expert and has made tremendous contributions to the country. The drugs developed have saved countless people's lives. Therefore, in the new year, the leaders came to visit his house and extended festive greetings. Huang Chao and he are also old acquaintances. They had cooperated before. At the press conference, Qin Jing also supported himself, and praised Huang Chao for a meal.

"We must continue to promote the development of the medical cause and protect the health of the people. In the new year, the state will add a series of research on medical projects, and it will be led by an old expert like Mr. Qin."

"Haha, you have praised the Chief Minister, if you are talking about medical attainments, of course, the first recommendation is Director Huang Chao. He learned Chinese and Western medicine, and various techniques and insights have benefited me a lot. I am always amazed."

Huahua sedan lifts people, Huang Chao also politely: "Qin Lao you are well-informed and experienced, it is incumbent to guide the juniors, and I will do my duty. I would like to ask you more."

Qin Jing is a famous doctor. He has high medical skills and can heal masters of Huashen, so he has won wide respect and relatively detached status. At his home, the conversation was relatively easy. Qin Jing also introduced his family: "This is my granddaughter Qin Luo, who is considered to inherit the family business and is now a good doctor."

Huashen gangster naturally does not know the number Qin Luo, although she is an outstanding beauty, but Huashen gangster has not paid attention to this boring thing. Huang Chao took the words and said: "Qin Lao, you are too humble, Qin girl can still be a good doctor? Her level is very outstanding, and I have heard of it for a long time. The university and Harvard University have advanced studies, solid foundation and rich experience, and have saved many lives. Last month, you had a child in a critical situation in the hospital. Expert consultation was helpless, or she dared to take responsibility, and then saved the child with Chinese medicine acupuncture. "

"Girl Qin Gaofengliangjie, the kindness of the doctor, also made me admire very much."

Qin Luo sat beside Qin Jing, like a quiet lotus. She raised her head and showed a smile of gratitude and appreciation to Huang Chao: "Mr. Huang, you are exaggerating. In fact, you are the true doctor, I want to ask you a lot of things."

"Hahaha ~ ~ You guys talk, you young people have more topics, I and Qin Lao two old men, let's talk about ourselves." Huashen lord smiled and put Huang Chao and Qin Luo both Sent out.

Qin Luo is so beautiful and elegant, wearing a black shirt with numerous white wings embroidered on it, and a silver-gray skirt, which seems to shine when walking. A pair of white shoes adds a little purity to her. Her shoulder-length hair is short, which adds a bit of skill to her. Qin Luo Qiao Shengsheng stood in front of Huang Chao, like a clump of flowers on the spring grass, always the most attractive eye, let people ignore everything around her.

"If she puts on a white coat and reveals the thoughts of delving into the problem, the picture is simply too beautiful." Such a beautiful girl, Huang Chao has already begun to believe that she painted it.

"Mr. Huang, I have always had a few questions that I didn't understand and wanted to ask you for advice." Qin Luo said with a smile.

"If she puts on a white coat and reveals the thoughts of delving into the problem, the picture is simply too beautiful." Such a beautiful girl, Huang Chao has already begun to believe that she painted it.

"Mr. Huang, I have always had a few questions that I didn't understand and wanted to ask you for advice." Qin Luo said with a smile.

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