Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 396: Continue treatment

This evening, Huang Chao followed Mayor Zhang to visit several households in the community and met five or six patients. These people are older, or they are in high positions, or have retired, but some of the younger students have power.

Huang Chao's previous medical skills have become fascinating. In the world of biohazard, he has realized the use of spiritual power to control genetic mutations. He has a higher degree of control of the human body and has reached the molecular level. He doesn't say he is treating patients now, even if he turns the other party into a biochemical monster, it is not a problem.

These people are not serious chronic diseases, such as rheumatic legs, asthma, etc. Mayor Zhang has a good relationship with Huang Chao, but he is not obedient to Huang Chao. He does not dare to take Huang Chao to the homes of terminally ill patients. Huang Chao gave these patients a simple treatment for a while, strictly followed the pathological treatment, and only imported some innate true energy at the critical moment. Huang Chao strictly saves the source of energy, but even such patients are screaming magic.

This time it was just meeting and meeting. Huang Chao would have to walk around a few times in the future to thoroughly establish a relationship with them, then heal them and develop the next batch of patients. Meeting many times will make everyone more familiar. Huang Chao subtly influences the other party with his will, eliminating the process of forcible persuasion.

When he and Mayor Zhang returned, it was more than ten o'clock at night. Mayor Zhang held Huang Chao's hand and said, "Xiao Huang, you are really not easy. I didn't expect your medical skills to be so good! If I have any physical problems in the future, I can rely on you to save my life."

"Uncle Zhang, you are too polite, you need to see a doctor, I must be duty-bound! As long as you don't dislike me, I don't have the formal doctor qualification ..."

"Yeah, Xiao Huang, I think your medical skills are better than those of traditional Chinese medicine. You should be an official doctor. If you practice medicine, you don't know how many patients can be treated."

Huang Chao looked serious and said meaningfully: "Uncle Zhang, I practise medicine to save people, but only a few people who have limited treatment. But if I do scientific research, it can make our country prosperous and powerful, and save more lives than me. Patients treated with medical treatment. "

"I don't know much about the research topics you do. But I know those who do research. The provinces and cities are all supporting scientific and technological innovation. I know a lot of cases. Research results have to go a long way from the laboratory stage to industrial production. Road. Even if industrial production is realized, the cost will be high for a period of time, but the original production technology will not be able to compete. It will take a period of time to rely on policy support. "Mayor Zhang shook his head with a wry smile and remembered many scientific research projects that did not end.

Mayor Zhang witnessed Huang Chao ’s superb medical skills and knew that he spoke well. So he asked with interest: "Xiaohuang, you are so confident, do you already have achievable research results?"

"Soon, ha, Uncle Zhang may be asked to help by then." Huang Chao said with a smile.

His paper has entered the review stage, and his paper is just a step further than it is now. Those reviewers can definitely understand Huang Chao's ideas. Huang Chao is familiar with the scientific research dynamics of the two worlds, and has carefully selected his own content. There will be no brain-wounding situation where the theory is too advanced and is now being blamed by the current people as "absurd and heresy."

By publishing a paper and gaining academic status, his apprentices simultaneously started to repeat the knowledge he gained in another world. If he could perfectly repeat the basic technology of the fantasy world in reality, he could quickly carry out industrial-scale experiments.

Now to say to Mayor Zhang, it just made him ready. Huang Chao left Mayor Zhang ’s house and drove back to his apartment near the school in a sports car.

On Monday, Huang Chao went to see Mr. Qian again. He has shown his magical medical skills at the Qian's house. Everyone is very enthusiastic about him. Qian Meimei is not a fool. She can see that Grandpa is recovering, and of course she has given up her intention to "debunk" Huang Chao.

"Brother Huang, you're here." Huang Chao just stopped the car, Qian Meimei ran up and down, and said eagerly, "Father is also waiting for you, or I will help you lock the car."

Huang Chao looked at her expectant expression and immediately understood that the little girl was here to greet his car. Although he didn't care about the car's money, but he knew that Qian Meimei would drive out, it would definitely cause trouble, so he said coldly, "I have parked the car."

Qian Meimei has a soft expression on her face, trying to touch Huang Chao's sports car like her skin. She turned her head and said, "Brother Huang, just borrow me for a while."

At this moment, she found that Huang Chao had already approached the house, and he didn't even wait for himself. Qian Meimei stomped angrily, chasing Huang Chao into the house.

Huang Chao thought: "This car is a good deal to buy, with its own charm bonus, Qian Meimei, a rich lady, still likes it so much. If you drive to the door of the university, there will be a beautiful woman to talk to me in minutes.

It is a pity that he is practicing the orthodox Taoist Xuan Gong of Huaxia. He pays attention to personal cultivation and cannot indulge in the enjoyment of wine. His realm improved, his physical desires | desired were suppressed by his sublime personality. Although Huang Chao would feel pleasing to see beautiful women, he would not shamelessly collect a lot of women.

There was a young nurse in the room waiting for him. Xu Hua said with a smile: "Hello Dr. Huang." Then he stretched out his hands and took over Huang Chao's clothes. She is very proud now, because Mi Caixuan and her have always been competitors, the two are equally pure and beautiful ~ ~ Mi Caixuan first met Huang Chao, but the two did not go further, Mi Caixuan has been Unhappy. It is pitiful to see that Huang Chao is now in her hands! Xu Hua wanted to grasp almost, soaked Huang Chao in his hands, and then pressed Mi Caixuan completely!

She looked at Huang Chao's eyes with great enthusiasm, and made Huang Chao startled: "I just expanded my contacts, how come the beauty has become enthusiastic to me?" Huang Chao is even more powerful and does not monitor each other in real time. Knowing that such **** things happened between Xu Hua and Mi Caixuan.

Huang Chao's footsteps have bypassed Xu Hua and hanged his clothes on the hanger: "Don't trouble, I will come by myself." Xu Hua stared at Huang Chao's figure in the room, wondering: "How did he get around?" After me, I can't see his course of action at all! "

Qian Fu is a middle-aged man. This is a wealthy nobleman. Huang Chao saw him seeing real estate and money, so he felt calmer. Qian Fu and his wife greeted Huang Chao, and Xu Hua and Qian Meimei also came together.

Qian Fu smiled and said, "Huang Chao, there are not many young people like you who are young and promising. My home and beauty are still thinking about these two days. How can you learn such good medical skills!"

Huang Chao looked at Qian Fu, and felt very hurt in his heart: "Well, you are not just a wealthy noble, you also want to give your daughter!"

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