Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 343: Stan shot

The party was nominally donated by Tony to the firefighters. However, Tony has not appeared in the previous two times, which shows that this is a corporate propaganda. Tony's sudden appearance this time caused a sensation among the reporters present, but in the face of the reporter's rhetoric, Stan felt that he was being robbed of the limelight.

After Stan and Tonipi said a few words with a smile, Stan stopped Huang Chao: "Hey, good evening, nice to meet you, Supa. I have a few words to tell you."

When Tony left, Stan turned back and said a little bit hatred: "Suppa, I think you are a promising young man, why don't you persuade Tony? The reactor he showed is a good thing, if you take it Go out and you can block the board ’s mouth. "

"Oh, it's all decided by Tony. I'm just a soy sauce maker." Huang Chao's last words left Stan blank, but he probably understood Huang Chao's meaning.

"In any case, you shouldn't be fooling around with Tony. The board of directors had temporarily vacated Tony from his post at the previous meeting. The weapons department of Stark Industries can start work again. Come back and continue your work."

Huang Chao shrugged: "I stay here because Tony is my classmate. I think I am helping him now, and he paid my salary. Thank you Mr. Stan, and hope to continue to cooperate in the future."

Huang Chao left Stan to enter the party, and Stan showed gloomy eyes behind him. Huang Chao didn't care, he quickly hooked up with a woman who was looking at her eyes and danced with him. The woman looked at his handsome hero and looked forward to having a further relationship with him. New partner ...

On the dance floor, Tony meets the female reporter Christine, who tells Tony that the terrorists still use Stark ’s weapons. Tony and Stan disagreed, and both left the ball early.

Huang Chaoxin said: "Tony is really naive. How can arms companies not buy and sell at both ends? It's ridiculous for arms dealers to talk about principles. It's ridiculous. Tony is a good scientist, but not a good boss. He didn't directly control the company before. I do n’t know the real situation of the company. From the conspiracy theory, supporting the terrorists may be the meaning of the government of the United States. They disturb the local situation and give themselves reasons to intervene.

Tony can only play in person now, go to the place where the conflict is happening on TV, and then destroy the weapons there. He couldn't take full control of the company himself, and it was pitiful to say that this company was left to him by his father.

Huang Chao watched Tony let out a temper, because there were other people present, Tony did not frantically smash all his home glass. He looked at the picture on TV and said angrily: "What do we need to do."

"Please, you have paid attention, I support you." Huang Chao made a please action, "Be careful, don't be hit by the plane."

Tony put on steel armor heavily and seriously and flew to the village of Gemila to perform the destruction operation. Huang Chao did not go with him. He was not interested in dealing with such a mob. Let Tony deal with the mess caused by his company.

Huang Chao returned to his home and practiced every day he could not move.

There are all kinds of abilities in this world, and Huang Chao also went to the countryside to follow his customs, mainly to train his mind. He is now not only pursuing the absolute power of mindfulness, but also the ingenious use of mindfulness. Combined with the vast amount of knowledge, his mental ability allows him to use various tools forcibly, which is unprecedentedly powerful in this technological plane.

Tony's handling of terrorists marks the end of the movie plot. Huang Chao started to organize his belongings. He could use 1,000 source power to open 1 cubic meter of storage space. In the real world, he had expanded the space to 21 cubic meters. At this time, he once again invested in source power to expand his space to 50 cubic meters. Meter.

In the fantasy world, he can practice while turning the power in his body into the source. If he stays long enough, he can fully expand the storage space to the maximum.

Now 50 cubic meters is enough for him. The first is the computer and mobile phone he personally built, then the space-type steel armor and three ark reactors. Huang Chao purchased a large amount of food and drinking water for future needs. There is still a lot of space left, and he is waiting for Stan to make trouble with Stark Industries.

Tony came back from the village of Gmyra, thought about it, and began his research and development work. He confidently said to Huang Chao: "I will go on like this, destroy my own weapons, and use my methods to maintain world peace."

Tony didn't find a terrorist leader at all. Stan ran to the terrorist base, grabbed the Mark 1 armor they had collected, and then wiped out the terrorists. It must be said that Stan's mobility is much higher than Tony's. He just used a sonic weapon.

"Cheers!" Huang Chao and Tony touched their glasses and drank a big sip of juice. "Well, the steel armor has been tested in actual combat. I decided to go back for two days off. You take care of yourself too, Tony."

Huang Chao smirked and left Stark Mansion. Tony suddenly thought, "Oh, I want Supa to download the information for me!" No way, he had to send Pepper to his office to download the hidden information of the company.

Huang Chao experienced careful consideration and decided to let Stan make steel armor. He estimated that defeating an iron giant should gain more energy than killing an old man. If he had calculated Stan in the first place, he would probably spend a few months calmly and then leave the world.

If the plot doesn't happen, you don't need to participate in the source of the plot.

So at this critical moment, Huang Chao pretended that nothing had happened, and went home to practice his mind for a day.

Then his mobile phone rang suddenly ~ ~ Huang Chao connected the phone, and there was an anxious voice from Pepper: "Suppa, help me! Obadiah hired someone to kill Tony. Those terrorists He has a deal. "

"Well, I know. You will inform Tony soon, and then call the police. Remember to protect the evidence." Huang Chao said calmly.

Pepper was very satisfied with Huang Chao immediately, and she said anxiously: "Suppa, I called Tony and no one answered. What happened to Tony?"

"I'm home already, um, I'll see if Tony is okay immediately. Be careful yourself."

In the Stark mansion, Stan attacked Tony and took off his Ark reactor. He thought that Tony had just hung up. He didn't expect Huang Chao and Tony to learn to make armor and reactors. These two people have built a total of eight reactors these days.

Tony ran into the basement with a pale face and called. The manipulator immediately sent him a replacement. Tony fitted himself and took a long breath.

Well, these robots have been upgraded by Huang Chao. Tony lay on the ground, his expression very complicated, he was saved by Huang Chao's technology.

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