Infinite World Traveler

Chapter 1364: Choice

In the conference room on the other side, the policy makers quickly reached a consensus: "Ca n’t just follow their orders. Now China is progressing very fast without any effective resistance. We have to test their new bottom line. They draw a line. , Keep us all out. If we do n’t do anything, what prestige will we have to lead the world? What do our people think? What do our allies around the world think? "

"Even if their goals can be achieved, we can't let them accomplish their goals so smoothly! Everything is good, we are equivalent to admitting that the world's dominance has been transferred." This is not just to fight for face, but a right to speak, to maintain the old The world order of the day. If you do nothing while acting in China, you will lose the confidence of more people, and they have the upper hand in similar incidents decades ago. This is a game of courage and patience.

But Huang Chao will not regard this as his world game in "X-Men First War". There are two superpowers competing for world hegemony. They are trampling and exchanging the interests of small countries, but here is the historical mission that China cannot achieve without compromise. Huang Chao will not compromise with anyone. As the head of the newly established decision-making command team, Huang Chao is on the front line of the confrontation, and he also directly announced the bottom line of China.

Now is not the time of peace, any country can jump up and down to show the time of "power" with sound. The great powers draw their own bottom line that cannot be trampled. If the other party dares to offend, then be prepared to bear the corresponding serious consequences. Huang Chao seems to give the right of "choice" to the opposite, but he has the moral superiority. The power of morality cannot be seen in an instant conflict, it is an instant contest of limited time and space; but if the most serious consequences occur and the entire world is involved, then justice can be consumed in severe and fierce confrontation Give more support to the people.

"The other side's AWACS crossed the blockade line!" "Ten submarines crossed the blockade line!" "The diplomatic side has conveyed the final warning!" Messages were gathered at Huang Chao's command center, and now the other party has made a temptation, and Huang Chao has responded Overriding the longevity.

Huang Chao swept every familiar face in the command center, his brain can remember everyone's information, everyone looked at him with a fearless and firm eyes, there is no fear and hesitation here, everyone waits for his Instructions. All the pre-plans have been completed well, and most of the situations were discussed long before Huang Chao at the high-level meeting of the Imperial Capital. Huang Chao nodded: "Allow fire."

"Warning! Find the enemy!" "Impossible, they dare not really ..."

However, Huang Chao really dared that the huge reconnaissance plane turned into scattered fireballs at high altitudes, and he thought he was hiding a good submarine in the sea, and he would not enter the silent state.

"Where are their submarines?"

"We didn't find any signs of their submarines before!" Suddenly, the seemingly peaceful Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean were full of fear. Under the vast underwater, who knows how many submarines there are?

When people are attracted attention by nuclear fusion carriers, the development of the Chinese submarine has already entered a "science fiction" state. In a world like the Terminator, even the headquarter of the Resistance Army has to be placed on a submarine. In that nuclear warfare world, in the face of the willless mechanical force of scrubbing the sky, the nuclear weapon platform that hides the bottom of the sea has developed by leaps and bounds. The Type 998 Chinese submarine, now scattered around the world, carrying nuclear energy and total firepower above 30 million TNT equivalent, is evenly distributed among dozens of missiles.

They can tolerate lurking: the technology of the Matrix is ​​applied to the submarine. When people rest, they can directly come to the virtual world. It seems like a small steel space, but they can always experience the vast world outside. If during the confrontation, Huang Chao chooses to let these submarines expose some traces, he can let others consider more, but now Huang Chao and others actually want their opponents to take "irrational" actions. When the opponent makes a mistake first and drags the world into the abyss, China can gain moral superiority.

Huang Chao looked at the dotted dots of the ocean area on the virtual globe, each representing a submarine. His estimation of the world situation is quite optimistic: "Even if it hits the most terrible point, I directly wash the nuclear bomb, even if they throw out a dirty bomb like a three-phase bomb, it can never really hit us. At most it is the rest of the world The place is contaminated by nuclear radiation, and the ashes filled with nuclear radiation will circulate with the atmosphere. At that time, I directly opened the door and sent the Chinese away. In this world, more nuclear bombs were used to wash the ground ... Use clean fusion nuclear weapons to burn off the nuclear pollution. Brutal thieves. "

Therefore, Huang Chao really hopes that his opponent is irrational. When the chess pieces confronted with each other were eliminated mercilessly, the whole world was silent at this moment, and diplomatic efforts continued. Countless countries tried to calm down, and everyone suddenly became a firm peacemaker. After Huang Chao ordered a successful counterattack, there was no immediate larger invasion on the opposite side, and the fleet and aircraft were hesitated and frightened. They have been discussing urgently since a few days ago, and they are always paying attention to this operation. Some sensible people said: "The other party's attitude is extremely determined. If we order an attack, we will open three wars for the entire world. In today's technology, there is no absolute security anywhere. And we have almost ten years , Completely unable to understand our opponents. "

"What kind of global arrangement do they have, what kind of new weapons do we have, we don't have an accurate answer at all. And their technology has been incredibly fast, so what do they have now? When they all want to complete a certain mission, we take Any excuse to intervene will trigger the common enemy of all their people. From here, it will be a wrong war. "

"No, this will be the beginning of our strategic retreat! In the end we will lose the entire Asia, and we have to take the most determined attitude from the beginning to suppress their ambitions!"

A general said: "Maybe you still don't know the latest results. We have fallen into the disadvantage of electronic warfare. Gentlemen, I remind you not to use customary technology and military comparisons to see the current situation." He pressed his hand In the controller in the front display screen, the global real-time status is replaced by a portrait of a person.

"You should know that this person, Huang Chao, has existed in all important changes in recent years. The world is completely different, we have to face a miracle, and this person is the root of all miracles."

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