Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 272

Pleiades Liu came to a halt in front of Sensei Zaemon and looked at Sensei Zaemon as well as Sensei Eirina with a smile on his face.

"We meet again, Chef Liu Subaru."

Naginata Senzaemon looked at the confident and gentle Liu Subaru in front of him seriously, not underestimating Liu Subaru at all. Then looking at Liu Pleiadesing doubtfully.

"I wonder who the judge is for this cooking exchange? I don't see it in the invitation His Excellency gave."

"Referee? No need ah, the way of cooking sincere to the heart, sincere to oneself, we just taste our respective cuisines."

Hearing Liu Subaru's words, most of the dozens of big shots sitting in the venue instantly turned black on the spot.

"If there is no judge, how about I be the judge!"

An indisputable voice came from the entrance of the large venue, and when the owner of the voice walked in, naginata Senzaemon and naginata Erika instantly changed their faces.



"It's been a long time, old man and Eirina."

Sanae greeted, then looked to Liu Subaru and spoke.

"How about I be the judge? Don't worry about my favoritism oh, at least the old man can't afford to lose yet."

"Hey, I think I should be able to referee too."

Paul Bogus quickly spoke up, if he didn't speak up again who knew if he would come all the way here for nothing. Well, it wasn't a wasted trip, it would be good for him to be able to see the culinary duel between two top chefs. Only if he didn't get to eat it, it would still be a bit too much of a loss.

"If Paul is qualified, I think I'm also qualified to act as a judge."

Vizcana likewise followed suit and spoke up, this trip would be a real loss if he couldn't scrounge up a meal.

"Chef Pleiades Liu, what do you think?"

Calming down from the shock of seeing the naginata again, naginata Senzaemon looked at Liu Subaru and asked.

"Chef Liu Subaru-san?!!!"

Looking at the distracted Liu Subaru, naginata Senzaemon asked once again.

"Uh, sorry."

Liu Subaru, who had just seen naginata-senpai slightly distracted, apologized instantly, then smiled gently.

"The purpose of cooking is to bring happiness, not to score a victory. But the cuisine is made for people to taste, so later on if you all don't mind, you can all try it."

Hearing Liu Subaru's words, naginata Senzaemon was stunned and his face softened slightly by two points.

"I wonder what is the theme of the cuisine that Chef naginata Senzaemon has decided on this time?"

Hearing Liu Subaru's words, the others all looked curiously at the naginata Senzaemon.

"Buddha jumps over the wall!"

The naginata Senzaemon spoke up.

It wasn't just Liu Subaru who was flabbergasted when he heard this theme, everyone else was equally stunned. Buddha jumping over the wall this is a Chinese dish, everyone thought it would be a dish from the East Japan, or at any rate it would be close to a theme that would be beneficial to the East Japan cuisine, but they never expected it to be a Chinese dish of Buddha jumping over the wall.

As if seeing the confusion of the crowd, naginata Senzaemon added an explanation.

"A hundred years ago, Old Master's teacher, Pure Shirou, went to Warsaw to compete with the then Warsaw Kitchen God, Hong Fugui, on the topic of the Buddha Jumping Wall. But in the end, my teacher Chun Shirang lost to the god of cooking Hong Fugui's magic Buddha Jumping Wall. Therefore, I am not talented, and I want to compete with Chinese Chef Liu Subaru again with the Buddha's Jumping Wall.

As for the Japanese cuisine, Seiichiro and Dojima Gin will show you later, so let me satisfy my own wishes and give an account to my late master.

What do you think, Chef Liu Subaru."

"Okay, then, let's go with Buddha Jumping!"

Liu Subaru's eyebrows raised, completely not expecting there to be such a thing. But since this was the other party's wish, he wouldn't refuse them.

Chapter 249: Each Demonstrating Their Divine Skills

"Buddha's Jumping Wall, a local dish from Fuzhou, Fujian Province, belongs to the Fujian cuisine. It is usually made of abalone, sea cucumber, fish lips, apricot mushroom, hoof tendon, flower mushroom, cuttlefish, scallop, quail egg and other eighteen ingredients gathered together, adding stock and Fujian old wine and simmered by fire. When the dish is finished, it is soft and tender, with rich meat fragrance, but not greasy, with taste in the meat.

A complete Buddha's Jumping Wall, from the preliminary preparation of ingredients to the later completion of the fire simmering, is normal for as little as three or two days and as much as seven or eight days. But that's for the average cook, and there should be a way to cut down on that time for both of them. I don't think we should have to wait until dinner."

The president of one of the Min cuisine departments in the Chinese Kitchen Federation joked half scientifically, half explanatorily. Buddha's Jumping Wall was considered one of the few recipes in Min cuisine that hadn't been lost, and the reason was simple: because of its fame, there were naturally more curious people, and when there were more curious people, naturally the method of making it was spread everywhere.

Eirina turned to the open ingredients room behind her, where there were top ingredients from all over the world, such as abalone including netted abalone from EGL's Aomori Prefecture, Yoshihama abalone from Iwate Prefecture, nesting abalone from Aomori Prefecture, and green abalone from South Africa.... Every single abalone was a top-notch, superb head of abalone.

I watched as Eirina reached out her index finger and gently rubbed a bit of crumbly end on one of the abalone, then put it in her mouth and closed her eyes to taste it, before opening her eyes to rinse her mouth and clean her fingers, then proceeded to repeat the action she had just done on the next abalone.

"What's she doing?"

The Chinese ambassador to EGL asked with some confusion.

"Eirinai is just like me, no, or she is the one who inherited my God's Tongue, with an extraordinary sense of taste, she can easily distinguish any slight taste, and can even do so blindfolded to distinguish the origin of each ingredient, the specific age of the ingredient itself, and the specific time it was caught.

And she is now using her God's Tongue to distinguish the merits between the various finest abalone one by one, and pick out the one that can be called the most excellent abalone emperor among the finest abalone!"

With one hand on her chin, Nagisa said faintly as she looked at Eirinai. But there was one more thing she didn't say, this way would greatly drain Eirina's energy and even intensify the development of Eirina's God's tongue. Thus gradually becoming like her, becoming unable to eat ordinary dishes anymore, and eventually unable to eat even top-notch dishes.

"Still like this?"

Warsaw's ambassador to EGL looked surprised, isn't that cheating?

As if seeing the look on his own ambassador's face as if he were talking about cheating, the President of the Warsaw Kitchen Federation coughed twice.

"Ahem, usually people with this kind of ability we say she's an ancestor rewarding rice. Like the last divine chef back then, Hong Fugui, I heard he had this similar ability, except his was the ability to measure the taste of the dish with his left index finger, and when it tasted best, his finger would turn golden."

By the time Eirinai had tasted all six hundred and thirty-two ingredients and selected the top eighteen staple ingredients that were the best and most suitable to go with them, her entire face was pale and she was even shaking and somewhat unsteady on her feet.

Seeing Eirina, who was exhausted, naginata Senzaemon said to her heart.

"Next, leave it to Grandpa."

Then helping his granddaughter to sit next to the naginata, he turned with a bang.


The lapels of his entire body burst with a sound, his upper body muscles began to swell, his biceps and quadriceps protruded, and in just a few moments, he transformed into a middle-aged, strong man with perfect muscle lines, naginata Senzaemon.

This was the state of a true Food Demon King after the seal was lifted!

The cut scar near his right eye, which looked more and more hideous after naginata-senpai Zaemon returned to his peak, grinned with a smile that was enough to scare a child into tears, exuding a surprisingly strong presence, then strode towards the cooking table.

After naginata-senzaemon started to process the ingredients, Subaru stood still with his arms folded in one hand and his chin in the other, closing his eyes in contemplation, only occasionally opening his eyes to have a look at naginata and naginata.

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