Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 216

When the trio of Little Bosses opened the bedroom door, they were once again shocked. There was a blanket of snow within the room, and then a soft female voice was heard within the space.

"Hello, you can design your room according to what you have in mind. Or pick the type of room you like from the following room templates."

Then a screen of light appeared in front of the three of the little pawnbroker, on the left side of the screen was the custom room, on the right side of the screen was to pick the type of room, from Chinese to American, from ancient garden to modern, from rivers and lakes to extra-territorial stars, it was hard to count the variety.

The youngest is in high spirits to try everything, and finally chooses a forest spirit tree house. Jin Ling, on the other hand, opted for a modern cottage, having experienced the convenience of a house in a universal capsule before. Instead, Master Abel chose to customize it, and then imagined his original house in Kiku's lower floor.

When they came out of the house that Little Boss had chosen, Little Boss couldn't help but be excited about Gu Chih-Huan.

"Lord Superintendent, the room is really wonderful!"

"If you like, have a warm cup of tea and we'll go pick up Bulma."

Half leaning on the sofa like a lazy rich young master, Gu Qihuan's eyebrows lightly raised, the teapot on the table in front of him then automatically flew up to pour three teacups full, then floated to the three people in front of the little pawn family.

The three youngsters just took a sip, and they felt warm all over their bodies, as if their whole bodies had become lazy.

Seeing this Gu Qinghuan just laughed and pulled the bell by the window. The Zurich sounded the siren again, then slowly sailed into the sky, flying a short distance before passing through the World Gate and appearing in the sky above Bulma's world.

In the courtyard of Dr. Briff's house, the four members of Bulma's family were sitting in the courtyard, and Bulma informed her family after receiving the news that Gu was organizing a meeting for the members of the group, and also didn't leave behind Thais who was traveling outside. In fact, after receiving the news from her sister, Bulma, she had to step on the gas pedal all the way back in the early hours of last night.

The Briff family who were drinking tea and chatting. Suddenly Mrs. Briff pointed to the sky and said.

"Look, you guys, the train!"

Dr. Briff as well as Bulma and Tayse looked up at the news and saw a vintage, low-key luxury train coming from the sky.

"Honey, why don't you build a capsule of this type of train for the party as well, we don't seem to have one of this type at home yet, it feels pretty nice too."

Mrs. Briff suggested towards Dr. Briff as she put down her cup of tea.

"Oh, yes, I'll build it for you later."

Dr. Briff agreed without pressure, the flying train was just a wet shredder, it wouldn't take half a day to build it.

The Zurich slowly stopped in front of Bulma's family, and Gu, who was sitting by the window, smiled and nodded towards Bulma, and the little boss waved towards Bulma.

Then Bulma and her family boarded the train, and the Zurich started up again.

Naval World, the Zurich stopped by the office window of the Admiral's office at World Naval Headquarters, and Admiral Luffy jumped out of the window with his finance officer, Nami, and skipped work to board the train.

In the world of Kratom, the Zurich stopped at a small hill, and Kratom and Rokkasuke boarded the train one after another.

In the world of Wudang, the Zurich stopped at the entrance of a courtyard in the back of Wudang Mountain, where a twenty-year-old Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang boarded the train together.

In the world of Hua Man Lou, the Zurich stopped at the lower level of Hua Man Lou, and Hua Man Lou and Lu Xiaofeng boarded the train.

In the world of Sword Demon, the Zurich stops in a hidden valley.

In the world of Coil, the Zurich stopped outside the Chang'an Palace Palace. In front of Coil, the crowd looked at the young man by Coil's side whose breath was not weaker than Coil's, but Zhang Sanfeng and the others looked familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar.

"I am neither Kou Zhong nor Xu Ziling, I am the Zhong Ziling who is determined to travel!"

Hearing Zhong Ziling's introduction, Gu couldn't help but look over at Coil and laugh and curse.

"You're a clever one, but it's not considered breaking the rules, come up."

Coil is also kind to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, two disciples, only one travel quota, but she has two disciples, in order to bring the two silly disciples, she endured the pain to buy a special price in the group mall from the Dragon Ball world of the fit secret treasure "fit earrings shoddy version", after the user puts on the earrings, can fit together for a day, after a day automatically separated.

And so neither Kou Zhong nor Xu Ziling, but Zhong Ziling who was determined to rub up against the tourist, was born!!!!

Perhaps it was because the phase nature of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were really very compatible, whether it was a combined move like the previous Wind and Cloud Combination Mo Ke Infinite, or this time, the two of them had no problems using it at all. And after the fit, Zhong Ziling's strength directly sprang up to infinite fifth stage, a breath of strength is no less than Coil.

After Zhong Ziling got on the train, Gu Qihuan tapped his fingertips, and the originally combined Zhong Ziling suddenly separated and became Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling again. As he allows Zhong Ziling to get on the train, he also allows Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling to get on the train, so they don't have to wait a day to become two people again.

In the world of Li Xunhuan, the "Zurich" stopped in the courtyard of a hovering universal capsule island villa, and Li Xunhuan boarded the train with his wife Lin Shiyin.

Austrian world, the Zurich warps beneath the Mage's Tower in Gurrenza, and Gurrenza and the elemental elf Mithus board the train.

In the world of Dega, the Zurich stops outside the window of Dagu's apartment and Dagu himself boards the train.

In the Black Tiger world, the Zurich stops at another cliff, renamed the Black Tiger Cliff, and also the Black Tiger himself boards the train.

In the world of L, the Zurich stopped outside an upscale apartment building, and L also boarded the train by himself.

Atum World, the Atum boarded the train with the Muto Game in tow. The group members are curious about Atum and Muto, who look almost identical, and then Muto and Atum teach the crowd to play a dueling game of king.

The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng, the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, the Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin, and Ran Min, the King of Wutian, all boarded the train by themselves, and since the last group task world, Ying Zheng and the four of them updated their group business cards once, and Ran Min, although the harvest is not as much as the four of them, but the same harvest is not expensive. The same group of business cards to update once again, remove the mourning characters, number Wu Tian Wang. After all, now he is not dead ah, the future for a long time will not die, it is possible to live forever after, so what mourning mourning, I will be called Wu Tian Wang Ran Min!

In the world of the Great Ming, Zhu Yuanzhang, the Great Ming Emperor Hongwu, boarded the train with his own Horse Empress.

In the world of Little Blue, the Knight and Devil King, the Knight Little Blue boarded the train with the Devil King Little Green, and hid behind Little Green as soon as he boarded the train for fear of being beaten by Coil.

In the world of Wolffy, the "Zurich" stopped outside Wolfsburg. Wolffy boarded the train with his wife, Red Wolffy, and his luggage on his back.

In the world of Edward, Edward boarded the train by himself, but neither his brother Al nor his mother was willing to go with him for fear of causing him trouble.

Nobe Nobita and Blue Dye obeyed the law, but they also boarded the train by themselves.

Kuro Brand World, the Zurich stopped in the middle of the oversized courtyard of Chisei's home that was comparable to Bulma's, and she and her own father said that she was going on a trip with Chisei, and Kinomoto Fujitaka was very quick to agree. As for Koko, she would have been thoroughly engrossed in the new game developed by the game company under the name of the Chise family, and apart from a word of caution to Sakura, she continued to engage in the game. After all, the G was so much fun to play! It's fun when you're having fun, and it's fun all the time!

Wu Liushi originally wanted to meet Miss Mei, but she ignored him and tried to kill him because of the fashions he delivered last time. Now he can only escape to the train with the chicken DaBao and go out for a trip to escape the limelight.

Barbarian Ji and Barbarian Lord also boarded the train together.

Mai Dang and Bao Zi Mei boarded the train, he hadn't met his companions yet. Originally, he had planned to buy a spaceship made by Bulma from the group store to fly up to the sky, but after watching a video of his own worldline, he decided to wait until his partner dropped to Earth before setting off together.

The world of Nordling, the yard slave who had been placed in a remote valley for recuperation by the previous McDonald, Wookiee, and the others, oh no, he already had his own name of Nordling.

Nodrine looked at the train, the train full of people, no matter men, women, young and old, all by the window with warm smiles on their faces watching him, waving at him and greeting. At this moment, he suddenly felt his heart was warm. Similarly, he raised a big smile and waved towards the crowd as he boarded the train.

All members of the group gathered together, the Zurich, off we go!

Chapter 188: Should I Break the Royal Power Sword?

The parlor compartment in the Zurich automatically expanded into thousands of square meters in size as personnel joined the ship. The various group members gathered together in groups, divided into a different area.

In the middle, in the open kitchen, the two men, Little Boss and Master Abel, worked together to prepare a luminous and delicious meal.

At a rotating table outside the kitchen, a group of Red Wolves, Navy Marshal Luffy, Wu Liushi, and Chicken Dabo eagerly await Little Boss and Master Abbey's cooking.

On the back left, a small transparent science lab appeared out of nowhere. Inside the lab, Dr. Briff, Bulma, Nobita, Blue Dye, Blu, Edward and Wolffy were doing research with Nodrine. Well, Nodrine's main role is to be studied.

Because Nodrine is still dragging around a broken body, and has never seen her body return to its fullness, looking oddly pitiful. So a group of science bigwigs present, idle decided to help Nodrine repair the body, along with the study of the energy in his body. Wolffy originally did not want to follow, but was bribed by the little master's hundred skewers of special lamb.

Nodrine, who was lying on the experimental bed, looked at Bulma, who looked young but serious, Dr. Briff, who stroked his beard, Blue Dye, who pushed the frame of his glasses, Nobita, who looked calm, Edward, who was in high spirits, Blu, whose eyes were filled with curiosity, and Wolffy, who was holding a chainsaw and a hammer in his hand, unconsciously swallowed his saliva, he suddenly felt that he might have agreed too hastily before.

At the right rear, a recessed arena, Barbarian Kat, Barbarian Lord, Madang, Black Tigers, and a group of Muto Games were playing a King of Games duel. Especially after hearing that Atum could summon super-powerful monsters, they were pestering Atum to see the Three Phantom Gods. Looking at their expectant and enthusiastic eyes, Atum sighed helplessly and clamped his two fingers in the air, the Three Mirage God card appeared between his fingers. Then the Winged Dragon of the Sun God shone in the sky in all directions, the Giant Divine Soldier of Obelisk roared headlong in the field, and the Sky Dragon of Osiris hovered in the sky.

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