Infinite Technology Domination

Chapter 206: Overwhelming advantage

The Hydra organization is basically the same as what Bolivar thought. It didn't dare to appear in front of the world too early, so it could only be hidden. ? W ≠ W≥W≥. ≥8 ≠ 1 ≠ Z = W≈. ≥C≥O≈M makes use of its own advantages to allow peripheral members to attack, and has to say a good game, but how could the Embrera company be easily defeated?

Qin Tian went to two worlds, namely the world of "Mind Transmitter" and "Can Out of Control", all of which were to strengthen his own strength.

Those crystal monsters manipulated by the mind of the world have been carefully studied by John of Elysium Space, and the key genes that generate the power of thought have been extracted. The genes of the teleporter were also cracked in that way, and the research results directly strengthened the men. And Wesker and Walloon and Kruger have strengthened those forces.

Qin Tian ’s next plane is not those weak planes. It is basically the Resident Evil game world, which contains everything Qin Tian wants.

Resident Evil game world, where there are many monsters that can be imagined, ancestor virus, T-leech virus, g virus, Veronica virus, c virus, Ouroboros virus, Plaka parasite, carefully count Endless benefits are before him.

Among them, the creator of T Leech virus James Marcus. The presenter of the g virus, William Borken. The creator of the Veronica virus, Alexia Asifford, and the creator of the C virus, etc., all the talented scientists are the men Qin Tian wants to obtain. The Resident Evil game world can enhance Qin Tian's strength. It is important to know that most of his viruses are strengthened by T virus. As long as there is an antidote, those abilities may lose their effect.

Although the T virus antidote was prescribed by Ambrella, it does not mean that other viruses can be removed. Compared with the mildness of the T virus, the ancestor virus and the g virus are undoubtedly terrifying. Even the antidote cannot remove the power of those viruses, but will produce new mutations.

In the future, Qin Tian ’s idea is to strengthen a conventional army of g-viruses, so that even in the future, certain forces will be able to gain a greater advantage. At present, this plan is relatively far away, but it has been put on the agenda. After Qin Tian of the main world has solved these things, he will reach the next plane.

In Marvel's main world, the situation has undergone irreversible changes. The surprise attack of the Hydra mercenary made Qin Tian's good mood instantly bad.

Although the attack made him a little uncomfortable, but he was no other person, easily defeated by others. For this attack, from the beginning, he vaguely had a guess, which may be related to one of his traversals, deliberately 'guiding' the man in the Marvel main world.

"Boss, do you need us to investigate? This attack." Wesker looked at Qin Tian and said respectfully.

"No, I think, I already know who the guy is, so I don't have to investigate." Qin Tian said after looking at Wesker's order. He once told the leaders of the sentinel world some secrets, and it was not ineffective.

Kruger, Wesk, and Walloon were all around him, protecting some of the safety, and Dr. Manhattan did not appear. But what is certain is that if he encounters the most dangerous time, maybe Dr. Manhattan will appear directly.

"Destroy those guys, don't let us see a living one." Qin Tian looked at the mercenaries outside and showed coldness.

"Kaka Kaka ..." Wesker moved his head, the sound of the bones, let Wesker looked lazily into the distance.

"You have gained the power of mind transmitter and mind manipulation, don't let me down!" Qin Tian pointed to the mercenaries in the distance and said pensively.

"As you wish." Wallong's green eyes flashed with golden light, and they instantly moved to the mercenaries.

"Shete, the enemy has come to us." The mercenaries of the Hydra organization are not many, that is, ten, but in the face of Qin Tian's three men, there is no chance of winning.

"Dada Da Da Da ..." As soon as the mercenary assault rifle was aimed at Wesker, he was instantly blown out by an invisible force.

The bullet shot by the mercenary was bound by Wesker's readiness, watching the mercenary Wesker sneer. I only saw a moment of disappearance, only leaving a residual image, and the mercenaries flew out at this time.

"Poof." When the mercenary was beaten out, a blood spur was also sprayed out, and there was a depression in his chest, obviously he could not survive.

"With the ability to teleport, why not use it?" Kruger patted Wesker's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Don't touch me, do your thing well." Wesker said coldly without looking at Kruger.

"Don't be so indifferent, we are comrades!" Kruger smiled and picked up his electromagnetic weapon, showing his fighting intentions.

Kruger was holding an electromagnetic weapon. In a burst of fire, there were three mercenaries who could not escape. He was instantly hit and lost his fighting power, and lost his vitality.

"Don't say, I am the weakest." Wallong's white head covered half of his face, using the ability of teleportation to move continuously to avoid bullets.

"Ding Dang Dang." While Wallon was avoiding bullets, the light blue shield covered them, and Wesker's green magical power also appeared instantly.

"The battle must not allow the boss to wait too long." Wesker looked at himself, Varon and Kruger, ordered.

"Of course, this is the style of Embrera ~ ~ Walloon looked at the remaining two mercenaries and said coldly.

"Then let us put an end to them!" Kruger took out the knife behind him and said with a sneer.

Kruger, Walloon, and Wesk did well, and solved ten mercenaries in less than ten seconds. Qin Tian showed a satisfied smile, such a situation can make him feel satisfied.

"Boss, we have solved them." After completing the task, Wesker stood respectfully in front of Qin Tian and explained.

"Do this, you can do it." Qin Tian looked at Wesker and said lightly.

"Let's continue the meeting! Let the people of the company deal with the endgame." Qin Tian waved his hand and said that he didn't care at all and didn't want to investigate.

"Yes, boss." Wesker quickly found a helicopter, and they continued to act according to the original thing.

Although it didn't take long to return to the main world of Marvel, it also made more sense. At the very least, it integrates its own success and allows the rich rewards obtained by its own men.

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