Infinite Sims

Chapter 108: Place of treasure

Under the shady.

The luxurious mansion is brightly lit.

Through the lanterns on both sides of the gate, you can vaguely see the plaque hanging in the center-Nie Mansion.

"This is where?"

Jiang Ren looked at this scene, feeling a little groggy in his consciousness.

He remembered that he was clearly in the trial place just now.

Facing that weird teleportation aura, all vitality burst out directly to block it, and at the end of the moment of death, only had time to throw out a life-saving thing derived from krypton gold, and completely lost consciousness.

"Nie Mansion, shouldn't it be the memory fragment I remembered twice before, right?"

Jiang Ren returned to his senses and glanced at the words on the plaque.

Just as he was about to look at his surroundings carefully, he felt a strong pulling force appearing on him, quickly pulling him into the door.

In a blink of an eye.

He went to the family ancestral hall of Nie's house and entered the sword box held by an old man.

"It's a continuation of that memory..."

Jiang Ren calmed down and observed carefully.

The old man opened the sword box.

Inside is an aquamarine long sword that is more than three feet long.

"Xian'er is my Nie family's Heavenly Phoenix Girl, and Zhao Xianchang has promised that she will be included in the family, and she will be the ancestor in the future."

The old man looked at the baby girl in the arms of the woman in front of him, and said with a smile: "This sword is based on the weapon fragments of my ancestor Nie Qingge, plus a lot of precious materials. sword......"

The surrounding tribesmen expressed their congratulations.

"This is as I expected, but how did I conclude a life contract with this little girl?"

Just as Jiang Ren was puzzled, he suddenly heard screams coming from outside the ancestral hall.

The original slow memory.

At this moment, it accelerated suddenly.

A group of demonic cultivators with **** flames appeared above Nie Mansion. They trapped the entire Nie Mansion with formations and carried out a **** massacre.


Nie Xian'er and Jiang Ren were hidden in a secret room.

Although he couldn't see the outside, he could faintly hear the screams that sounded from time to time, and the massacre had come to an end.

At a certain moment.

There was a loud noise from the stone door of the sturdy secret room, and the stone door broke and exploded inward.

One of the fist-sized stones shot up, directly knocking Nie Xian'er and the baby into the air.

The blood flowed from her body, her breath continued to weaken.

A Mo Xiu dressed in black entered the secret room without saying a word, raising his hand to kill Nie Xian'er in pain.


A sword sounded.

In a different place, the demon self-cultivation body, a green figure walked into the secret room.

"Zhao Qingyue?"

Jiang Ren was a little surprised when he saw the visitor.

The person here is exactly the powerful female cultivator who appeared above the trial ground.

After Zhao Qingyue came in, she frowned slightly, and then swung a set of spells to Nie Xian'er, who was weak in aura and might die at any time.

A mysterious pattern appeared on both Jiang Ren's predecessor and Nie Xian'er.

The aura that leaked from the front body quickly shrank, and the sword body was also getting smaller.

Nie Xian'er's injuries are recovering at an extremely fast speed, and he is no longer weak.

"It's up to you whether it's dead or alive."

Zhao Qingyue's voice became lower and lower, and gradually disappeared.

The memory is broken here.

"In order to save Nie Xian'er, a life contract was concluded and the vitality of the sword was passed over?"

"And it seems that concluding a life contract should be very risky. I am afraid it is the last resort."

Jiang Ren recalled the last scene with guesswork in his heart.

At this moment.

The outside voice attracted his attention, it was a strange and strange wind howling like countless screams of ghosts.

Jiang Ren didn't look at the outside in a hurry, but carefully checked his blade first.


Seeing that the blade was damaged, but the whole body was still intact, Jiang Ren couldn't help but relax.

The reason why he is alive, of course, is not by luck.

It is an item purchased in the mall before entering this world-the Essence of All Things.

This is an elixir that is only useful for artifacts. It can repair broken artifacts extremely quickly, and it is a perfect repair that does not leave hidden dangers.

The consequence of using it to save life is that the perfect repair is gone, but the life is saved, which can be described as a great value.

However, the price is also extremely expensive.

A full one hundred destiny points!

"If there is no Elixir of All Things, the investment of more than nine thousand destiny points will be completely wiped out."

"However, although I will save my life, my current state is at most 30% of what I was before. I am afraid it will take a lot of time to recover."

Jiang Ren turned his attention to the outside world and found that the sword was covered with a layer of sand.

The surrounding area seems to be a desert, with yellow sand drifting in the wind everywhere, and countless weird winds raging everywhere.

The strange wind blows away the sand on Jiang Renjian's body and directly touches him.

Suddenly, there was a tingling sensation in the soul.

There was not much aura in the sword, but it was missing out of thin air.

"No, this wind is poisonous!"

Jiang Ren resisted the tingling sensation, and immediately manipulated the sword body and drilled towards the yellow sand below.

After drilling a full meter more than one meter, it stopped.

The tingling sensation finally disappeared.

"This kind of strange wind hurts me so much as a sword. If it's a normal human monk, wouldn't it be a few blows and all my spiritual power will be consumed?"

"Perhaps more than that."

"Maybe even the soul will be blown away by this strange wind, and the body will directly turn into an empty shell and be buried in this desert."

Jiang Ren thought with lingering fear.

Immediately, he couldn't help but recall the words of the old man in the place of trial, the beaten that inspired teleportation.

"Is this called the land of absolute immortals?"

"I don't know the meaning of the land of immortals, is it true that immortals come to the realm where they will fall into desperation, but it is really terrifying!"

"Fortunately, it was me. If the girl was teleported here, it is estimated that she has become an empty shell now, but it is more likely that she died directly during the teleportation process."

"I don't know how to get out of this place."

"I just hope that before I go back, that little girl can be a little bit more aggressive, and don't die."

Jiang Ren's soul made a sigh.

Prepare to repair the damaged blade first, and then make other plans.

After running the Naling Technique, he found that he couldn't feel any spiritual energy. More precisely, there was no spiritual energy around here, and it was a place of absolute spirituality.

"Forget it, let's just be self-sufficient."

Jiang Ren didn't panic either, and directly took out an item that had never been taken out after the purchase.

The surrounding yellow sand, because of the sudden appearance of the object, spread out a bit, and even squeezed him a little bit.

This is a transparent crystal the size of a fist.

The crystals are irregular in shape.

Inside is a flowing liquid, just like a big bright and transparent diamond.

The difference is that even in the dark night, you can still see its beauty, and it also contains a lot of aura that is concentrated into a liquid.

This crystal has an apt name-Lingshi!

The spiritual energy contained in it is pure enough to be directly inhaled into the body. Using it to cultivate can ignore the concentration of the surrounding spiritual energy and maximize the speed of cultivation.

According to the degree of spiritual power in the spirit stone, it is divided into four levels: ordinary, medium, high-grade, and top-grade.

This spiritual stone is a top-grade spiritual stone.

Judging from Jiang Ren's current cultivation speed, it could be used for several years at least.

Moreover, like this kind of affordable spirit stones, many of them are being stored in the system space, and they have not been taken out since they came to this world.

Jiang Ren calmed down and fully operated the Na Ling method.

The spiritual stone leaning on him just opened a gap, and the spiritual energy poured into the sword body like a stream.

Such a speed.

Compared to staying on the mountain for six years, it was 20 to 30% faster.

Sun and moon alternate.

one day……

Two days...Three days...

Ten days...Eleven days...Twelve days.

"Twelve days, it was finally repaired."

Jiang Ren looked at the intact sword body, then looked at the high-grade spirit stone that had hardly changed beside him, and directly retracted it into the storage space.

In the process, he also discovered one thing.

Cultivating in this place will no longer return half of the spiritual power as before, which is equivalent to doubling the training effect.

"I don't know if it is good or bad."

Immediately, Jiang Ren cast his sights on the outside world.

Above the yellow sand, the strange wind still screamed, showing no sign of abating and stopping.

"It seems we can't get out of the sand."

Jiang Ren pondered silently whether to continue practicing or to explore the surroundings.

"Although there is no time limit for cultivation, only the first two hours of the day have the most significant effects. Other times are basically half the effort, or even less."

"In this case, it's better to explore the surroundings."

"And I can also find out if there is any danger, so as not to be attacked during the cultivation."

Thinking of this, Jiang Ren controlled the sword body to walk through the sand sea.

In this way, although we still encounter some strange winds occasionally, the impact is more than that of the yellow sand, which seems to be many times unknown.

The only downside is probably the slower speed.

Jiang Ren maintained a speed of one foot per second and moved forward at an even speed in one direction.

After a stick of incense.

There is still a sea of ​​yellow sand that can't be seen at the end.

after an hour.

Jiang Ren finally stopped.

He found a dead bone buried deep in the yellow sand.


Jiang Ren's attention was not on the dry bone, but on the ring on the dry bone finger.

"Storage ring!"

Jiang Ren can faintly feel that the ring contains extremely weak spiritual power. Even if it is not a storage ring, it is most likely a magic weapon or other treasure used by a monk.

Immediately, the sword body was attached to the ring.

When his spiritual power touched the ring, his consciousness was suddenly pulled into a strange space.

"Storage space!"

"Although this is much smaller than my storage space for krypton gold, it is about four cubic meters."

Jiang Ren was in a good mood.

Not because I found the storage ring, but because there are so many things in the ring.

There are daily necessities such as clothes, but also good things such as magical implements, spirit stones, jade slips and so on.

Due to the particularity of storage space.

Jiang Ren couldn't put the ring with storage function into his storage space, he could only take out the useful items from it, and then move it to his storage space.

During this process, he also checked the jade slips taken out one by one.

An hour later.

Jiang Ren retracted his consciousness from the jade slip before him.

"So that's the case, the land of absolute immortality is actually another name for a continent, and that continent is the four most dangerous Tianmu Continents in a special space."

"And Tianmu Island is also related to a piece of history."

"According to legend, in the ancient times, the practice of Jiuzhou World pointed to the road to immortality."

"But one day, the world changed drastically, and the fairy road was cut off."

"Any capable monks fled this world one after another, and many inheritances were cut off during this process."

"Finally, there are only three realms of cultivation before all the monks. The gradual cycle is the realm of Qi training, the realm of foundation building, and the realm of golden core."

"However, this world still leaves a ray of life for the cultivators."

"When you reach the Golden Core Realm of Great Perfection, if you still want to break through to a higher realm, the only way is to enter the Heavenly Tomb Continent. After a killing ceremony, the survivor will eventually break through the world limit and be promoted to a higher realm. , And soaring to the upper bound."

"But in normal times, there are many dangers in Tianmu Island."

"Even if you encounter a realm above the golden core, you may die. Just like the strange wind above the yellow sand, it is also called the wind of annihilation, which is extremely dangerous."

"Every three hundred years, these dangers will have a three-month period of weakness, and that is the most suitable time to enter."

Jiang Ren recalled what he had seen from the jade tube.

Although in the storage ring, there is no identification of this corpse, but after thinking about it, this person should be the loser of the ascension ceremony.

after all.

Tianmu Island has a "famous name" that once you step into it, you will never be able to go out.

Either become the only survivor to ascend to the upper realm, or become the loser of the ascension ceremony and die, or die from the dangers that are too powerful to resist.

"In that case, there should be many bones and relics of losers on this island."

"If you want to enter the Tianmu Island, the most basic requirement is the completion of the Golden Core Realm. This is a monk standing at the top of the practice world in the outside world, and there may be many good things in the relic."

Jiang Ren cheered up, feeling that his luck was coming.

For others, this is a land of unparalleled immortals, but for myself it is a land of treasures.

Judging from the introduction in the jade slip, although there are many deadly dangers in the land of absolute immortality, they are basically aimed at living creatures, and the damage to his dead creatures is limited.

this point.

A conclusion can be drawn from this storage ring, which has not existed for many years.

In this way, in his spare time, he can search for the relics of those great monks while ensuring his own safety.

Although he was born in krypton gold, who would dislike his own baby?

Moreover, if the content of the jade slip is true, there is no way or way to go out at all, and you can only stay in this place.

In this case, naturally you have to do your best to improve yourself, it is a little bit more cultivation resources.

Not to mention the question of self-help.

Just said something which led to direct death, at least not too much loss.

"Useful things are stored in the storage space. While there is still some time before dark, look for other bones around."

After confirming again, Jiang Ren left the storage ring in place and continued to search in the direction just now.

This storage ring may be precious.

But as a sword, he didn't want to carry a burden, and he had more storage space.

Like a fish.

Jiang Ren walked freely in the yellow sand.

Such a safe place with many resources can be described as his ideal place.

And because there is no need for feedback.

He can now unscrupulously improve his strength, he must seize this opportunity to improve and then improve.

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