Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 656 Exiling the Heaven of Life and Death

The world collapsed before my eyes.

‘Prehistoric Vacuum Creation’ has infinite power. It can even destroy the hymn before it is generated, incorporating all the rejection and adaptation of this world into the specifications of the move.

All order has collapsed.

Everything as far as the eye can see is constantly being annihilated and then reshaped.

In one thought, billions of galaxies emerged from the surface of his mind. And in this constant destruction and creation, the clone Zheng Zha seemed to have completed the construction of a complete universe himself.

Creation in a vacuum.

Create the world out of nothing.

It is not meant to destroy, but to retain. It shapes a universe whose primary function is to house a living creature that has been lost from the multiverse.

He did it.

He rescued the clone Chu Xuan that was lost from his life, and forcibly inserted a complete universe in the form of a knife into the cycle of birth and death of Vishnu's incarnation - the destruction after creation was created by the clone Zheng Zha The destruction, the rebirth after destruction is no longer the rebirth dominated by the incarnation of Vishnu. His concept was contained and stuck at this moment. His combat advantage was temporarily erased!

"Ancient." The incarnation of Vishnu was not moved by this. The cycle of birth and death that constitutes His power is certainly broken, but the power of creation and destruction is still within its control. It is a lotus flower, and it shines brightly in His palm. And then the lotus flowers bloomed, one with a trillion others.

"Your time is long over."

They bloom in the void, in the dimensional planes, in the Durac Sea, in the quantum vacuum. And each of their blooms is accompanied by the deactivation and convergence of the energy of the current universe.

The boiling oceans of energy have calmed down, and their calm is due to the drying up of the universe. The number of stars in this small universe is only about 2.9 million, and at this moment, no matter whether they maintain their intact outlines or disintegrate due to the hatching of stellar beasts. The fate of withering has befallen their forms!

They are dead - all the light is occupied, all the darkness is contained. The blooming lotuses absorbed all their energy and blossomed across the void. And the countless lives and civilizations are not even enough to count in this ‘burial’.

From a wide-angle view of the universe, the lights of the entire universe were completely extinguished in a very short period of time. The many alien civilizations that existed in the corners of this huge stage, but were not relevant to the theme, turned to dust due to thirst - their machines no longer functioned, and they no longer had furnaces that could burn. Their planet no longer has a hot core, they are blown by the cold wind from the universe, or before that, all the biological energy is sucked away by the blooming lotus.

It doesn't matter, it's almost the same.

All living creatures have only one result: death at this moment. Everything about them was frozen due to incapacitation, and they were frozen into powder without even being able to save their tombstones.

The incarnation of the Heaven of Life and Death did not attack them—thousands of cosmic civilizations and trillions of life communities. Under these countless blooming lotus flowers, I was just involved in the aftermath that affected the fish in the pond - the blooming of the lotus flowers is to deactivate the entire universe here, whether it is the one where the reincarnators are now, or the replica Zheng The one shaped by Zha.

The Great Heat Death came immediately, and except for the earth, which had too much power mixed in, the entire biological universe was completely silent. There is no more celestial motion, no more free energy to call upon. Then all the infinite power of heaven and earth, which can be borrowed by extraordinary beings at will, is reduced to zero. Then all the lotus flowers throughout the biochemical universe withered, leaving only the one suspended in the palm of Vishnu's incarnation.

"And even if you grow up to this point, the realm you are in is still not enough."

The vacuum of creation was broken.

The great power of creating all things from nothingness is limited to the supreme power of the incarnation of the true saint - whether it is the power of creation or the power of destruction, after all, it cannot escape the scope of the heaven of birth and death. The lotus flower clung to the palm of the avatar's hand and fluttered down towards the clone Zheng Zha's head.

Shoot it down towards the copy, and shoot it down towards the original body.

The branches are synchronized by the power of the True Holy One, who attacks multiple parts of the target at the same time. And the reincarnations on the earth should be glad that at least Chu Xuan has not been exposed yet, otherwise he would definitely not mind adding another one to the earth.

Death is imminent.

The clone Zheng Zha stared at the smashed lotus. He had clearly seen his result - the vacuum creation had been broken, and all his means could not hinder the success of the lotus at this moment. Because it was a blow equivalent to the collapse of two universes. I can't resist it, and I can't escape it.


'clang--! ! ! ’

A bell rings.

The lotus of Vishnu disintegrates in the sound of bells and forces the inner energy to overflow. The origin of the creation explosion is generated here. And it will soon become a blazing shock wave that will shatter the entire withered universe.

Donghuang Bell.

One of the many reasons why the Central Continent team is better than the Demon team is that Central Continent is richer than the Demon team.

It is driven by the original darkness within Zheng Zha.

And it has never only been able to play the role of energy conversion.

The incarnation of Vishnu raised his eyes because of this. He really didn't expect that this sacred weapon was in Zheng Zha's hands, and the previous battle was not enough for him to use it.

Then, the origin of the burst came to rest in Zheng Zha's outstretched hand.

God Prime became the fuel, and light and darkness mixed in him. Unlike the copy, where the light is greater than the darkness, the darkness held by the original body is obviously more abundant than the light.

He is not him.

He doesn't need to break through on the fly in a 'loss'. The darkness has enveloped and owned everything. He just needs to trust his companions and push forward with everything he has.

【Original Dark·Origin of Annihilation】

The contained origin merged into Zheng Zha's fist. He chose not to swing the ax at this moment. Instead, he simply and directly waved his fist towards the incarnation of the Heaven of Life and Death in front of him!

'boom--! ! ! ’

The double Big Bang ends at the origin of annihilation. It hit the face of Vishnu's avatar hard and broke the facial bones of the sage's avatar. The explosion caused by the chain reaction directly tore apart the upper half of the incarnation's body, and the restrained vitality of the universe was immediately released until everything drained by the lotus was replenished.

Topping up, then overflowing.

The universe then expanded with only 2.9 million stars. The struck Vishnu incarnation was already punched by Zheng Zha to the end of the universe. His fragmented remains flew forward at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and Zheng Zha's second punch had already fallen.

The second punch.

The second punch was followed by the third punch.

The structure of the universe of Resident Evil 2 finally could no longer withstand such brutal manipulations. The incomparable power directly blasted the incarnation of the Heaven of Life and Death into the seas of void. The power from the ancient continent was banished, and Zheng Zha knew that now was the time!

"It's now!"

He didn't need to shout the words.

Those who need to hear it will understand.

The list of gods that had fallen into Chu Xuan's hands expanded in the hands of the user. At the moment when Zheng Zha and the avatar fought, Chu Xuan had already accumulated enough causal points, and what he needed to do next was destiny.

All he had to do was move forward and give his hand a gentle push.

‘Crack——’ sounds like stitching burst out in the perception of life beyond the mortal world. The moment the Heaven of Life and Death is banished, the self-healing mechanism of the universe operates rapidly driven by the causal points.

The holes are patched and the breach in the universe is restored. The influence of the Heaven of Life and Death was expelled at this moment and no longer exists in the current biological and chemical universe. And this universe, which had already fallen into Vishnu's hands, is falling from his fingers!

Life and Death Tian suffered a setback.

If this setback was normal, it would be immediately made up for by Him.

However, at this moment, He was in the midst of a fierce attack and defense with Shejitian - Dark Devouring Sky was delayed, and He temporarily lost his most powerful and trustworthy assistant. And because of this small setback, He immediately suffered greater suffering from the hands of the True Saint of the Tree.

There is a slight tilt in the balance of power.

The green root system, which had been expelled from the Holy Seat of the Heaven of Life and Death due to Shesha's death, received a huge breakthrough. Several more junior saints died wailing because of this, and one of the high saints who belonged to the Heaven of Life and Death, an individual named Rama, was also captured by the will of Shennong Yandi at this moment and penetrated by the roots of the tree. Chest.

There is no longer a living Rama in the infinite multiverse.

The war situation in the prehistoric continent was reflected in every corner of the multiverse. All living gods Rama died at this moment due to the interference of tree-related phenomena. And all the dead or unborn gods Rama are recorded in history as being killed by the demon king who was supposed to be defeated by him. Or simply removed from the mythology system.

There is nothing we can do about it. Who made Rama the seventh incarnation of Vishnu in Indian mythology and his right-hand man in the holy seat of the Deity of Life and Death? In the battle between true saints, no matter how small a setback is, it must be at least this price to recover. And after bearing such a price, even the True Saint couldn't help but feel a trace of anger.

No…maybe not anger. It is a precise calculation guided by the situation. Now that so much has been lost, the gains must be found elsewhere.

It is impossible to defeat Shejitian in a short time, but the main god can still be used as a bargaining chip. Even if some traces have disappeared with the disappearance of Shangqingtian, they never existed from the beginning. But the importance of the main god is still sufficient.

There should also be a weight.

There should also be an anchor point to drive from.

Overcoming setbacks, more power was drawn out and invested in the lost direction of the biochemical universe. And an extremely small induction appeared in the detection of the true saint!

A body was found.

A body that no one cares about. But it does exist, and it was a corpse that was under strict supervision a long time ago.

One of the wrecks of the East China Sea Team.

The individual named Miyamoto was killed by Zhao Zukong early in the morning because he exposed his own characteristics. In his not-too-distant past, he was exiled by Shifangyuan Liuge with the light of his soul that was 'rejected'. And its specific location is a place that only Shifangyuan Liuge knows.

Only she knows.

She knows that the Lord God knows.

And this wreckage was exiled to Alexia's laboratory warehouse only one step away. The stool also twitched slightly, and soon returned to calmness.

The container of the Heaven of Life and Death failed to be successfully revived.

But the power of the Heaven of Life and Death was blocked because of this. Because this wreckage became a hook, the Heaven of Life and Death was able to vaguely locate the Biochemical Universe where the power of the Lord God was retained. This also allowed Him to continuously inject His power into this wreckage!

A researcher comes along - she naturally discovers it and puts it into the appropriate storage. It will soon come in handy in Alexia's research. But before that, there are still the remains of Xiang Liu that need to be used.

The researcher is of course not Alexia.

This hands-on researcher may seem more suitable as a porter - the porter named Zhao Yingkong is technically quite satisfied with this job. Anyway, carrying objects and carrying death are the same to her. Not long ago, Xiang Liu's larvae had passed her hands.

She even gained a lot from it.


"Is this the end?"

Zheng Zha stood at the edge of the universe and waited quietly for a few seconds. He put the battle ax on his shoulder again, shaking his neck and fists with some hesitation.

A few seconds is long enough. Time has long lost its meaning to individuals who can cross the seas of void. And since he can stand here idle for so long, it means that the battle is over.

At least it's over for now.

"I really have to laugh at Jiang Yu... He said that in order to increase the chance of winning, he went back through the ritual to erase the cause and effect on the sacred relics. But after I finished fighting, he and Zhan Lan were still nowhere to be found... …I think he won’t get lost. Hopefully he can at least get something out of it before I laugh at him.”

He shook his head, then turned his eyes. The clone was standing in the void not far from him. Unlike before, the clone at this moment was already worthy of him fighting.

That was no longer an opponent he could knock down casually.

Victory requires a bloody battle, but it should be less than the incarnation of the Sky of Birth and Death. Although their energy levels are almost at the same level, they cannot resist the advantage of their own equipment.

"What do you think, maybe you want to catch up with Jiang Yu." He looked at his clone, and he was not completely looking forward to another battle that might break out next.

"That's not necessary." The clone Zheng Zha still held the spiritual tiger soul in his hand. "I originally thought I wanted to reunite with him, but now that I think about it, he and I are just ordinary friends who have met for a few hours. He is not important to me, and I already know that the most important thing to me is What exactly is it.”

"I won't let you disturb Chu Xuan." Zheng Zha moved his head. "Before this world comes to an end, I don't mind practicing again."

"That's right," the clone Zheng Zha nodded.

He moved forward, taking steps.

"Me too," he said.

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