Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 63·Second Half

"There was a small problem. This...Mr. Jin tried to execute a side plot, but was attacked by facehuggers. Two newcomers died due to his unauthorized actions. And he himself was parasitized, and, The type of parasitism this time is somewhat different from conventional alien parasitism.”

When Jiang Yu and others returned to the main control room, the unconscious middle-aged man had been placed on a temporarily arranged platform. The top was uncovered, but the middle-aged belly that should have appeared under the suit and shirt disappeared without a trace - the man was still unconscious, unconscious and extremely weak, and the fat in his body was absorbed by something. A violent gesture of plundering. This made the skin on his chest and abdomen, which was propped up by fat, slump unsightly, and there seemed to be something vaguely rhythmic inside his body.

This is alien parasitism—but not normal parasitism. Normally, parasitism should not occur so quickly.

"This is possible." Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses. "In times of crisis for the group, the Facehugger may release certain pheromones when it completes parasitism to promote the rapid growth of the larvae. Not only did this Facehugger encounter disturbance during parasitism, but it also encountered the Alien Queen and her mother. The nest is still in a parasitic state when it is annihilated, and this allows the stress mechanism to be triggered. The parasitic larvae begin to destructively rob the host of nutrients, thereby allowing the colony to continue as much as possible."

Cheng Xiao was stuffing an energy bar into the man's mouth. Zhan Lan closed his eyes and scanned the man's body.

"Is it possible to perform surgery to remove the larvae?" Jiang Yu asked, thinking of the larvae removal surgery in Alien 4. In the infinite original plot, the parasitized Luo Li also used that kind of surgery to remove the larvae.

"Maybe it can't be done." It was Zhan Lan who answered, not Chu Xuan. "Only the aliens in Alien Four are mutant products cultivated by the company. Except for that type of aliens, all aliens are formed through DNA invasion and direct differentiation of cells... In my scan , his heart, lungs, liver, spleen and stomach were all deformed. The twisted organs and flesh together formed the rough outline of an alien larva on the chest. If you want to peel off the larvae... you have to take out his internal organs. null."

So it's no wonder that all the parasitized people are very weak and will definitely die when the alien bursts out of the chest. Because they essentially become alien eggs like eggs, and when the egg breaks out of the shell, the yolk and egg white will naturally be empty.

Jiang Yu actually knew this information, but his intellectual disability affected him. The foresight of the original plot turned out to be misleading at this moment.

"Then, how about destroying the alien larva directly?" Zheng Zha spoke up and offered his opinion. "You can burn it directly with my blood, or you can shoot it directly on the head. As long as we can return to the main god's space before Mr. Jin dies, then the remaining problems only need to be left to the main god's whole body Just fix it.”

"The premise is that this is indeed the last alien." Chu Xuan nodded slightly. "The alien eggs are mainly in the nest. They have been destroyed, but there are no more eggs hiding in the corners. And there are probably a few living facehuggers on this ship. I am not sure. Whether facehuggers can be classified as aliens? However, I have a guess."

"The plot of the movie Alien 1 has mutated. According to the original plot, the final ending of Alien 1 should be that all the aliens on this ship have been annihilated. The Lord God transported us to this ship with a mutated plot. In addition to the purpose of 'trial', I'm afraid there is also a reason for us to get the out-of-control plot back on track...or to bring it back in a direction that is beneficial to mankind. And this is why our annihilation targets are all aliens, not Weylan. German company, or members of the advance team."

"Then, on this basis, all the eggs and facehuggers in this ship are our annihilation targets. Because only in this way can we ensure that Wieland's subsequent exploration team members will be there after we leave. Alien disasters will no longer occur in areas where they should not occur."

"It makes sense." Zheng Zha nodded in approval.

"But in this case, wouldn't we have to deal with more than just the aliens on this ship?" Zhan Lan objected again, and her smart character was put into good use here. "I watched the movie very carefully, in my memory. The very beginning of Alien 1 was about an engineer on the Nosmo, who was put into hibernation while exploring an alien hulk on a desolate planet. The facehuggers pierced the helmet and parasitized it. And in that scene, there was more than one egg in the hulk!"

She shook her head: "This is too ridiculous. Moreover, the goal announced by the Lord God is to 'kill the aliens', not to 'kill the aliens on the Nosmo'. So if you follow this logic, wouldn't it be possible for the entire universe? Have all the aliens become our targets for annihilation? Or are all the aliens in the universe just on this ship and that planet?"

"It sounds right." Zheng Zha nodded again, thinking that this inference was quite reliable.

There was a moment of silence - only the occasional sob from the white-collar woman in the corner. and the sound of Cheng Xiao feeding - all the high-energy food fed into the middle-aged man was quickly absorbed and transformed, which obviously killed him. He would not be sucked dry by the developing alien larvae immediately and die.

Then, everyone looked at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment - if it weren't for the armor, his expression management would have collapsed across the board. But fortunately, with a little advance preparation, at least the current situation is still under control.

"Jiang Yu, what do you think?" Zheng Zha said, "I can't figure it out."

"It is impossible for the Lord God to let us kill all the aliens in the universe. That is a task beyond our capabilities." Jiang Yu shook his head and first set the tone. "At the same time, it is unlikely that the Lord God will let us kill all the aliens on Planet 426. Because Planet 426 was built into a colony more than fifty years later, and it was after Ripley woke up that the plot of Alien 2 unfolded The stage. And the world we arrived in was defined by the Lord God as Alien One."

He thought about it and responded using his prophetic cheat sheet.

"The only monsters we have to deal with should be the monsters of Alien One. Even if we need to correct the plot, it will only be the plot of Alien One. The existence of those eggs should not be among our responsibilities. After all, the Lord God will not let us do it. Something that cannot be done. Even with Chu Xuan and Xia, it will be difficult for us to drive this ship... What's more, we don't even know where Planet 426 is, and there is no way to go there."

"Jiang Yu is right." Zheng Zha nodded again. He thought this was the most reliable.


"Sorry." Ling Dian, who should have no sense of presence, suddenly smiled bitterly and raised his hand. In his hand, he held a chip. "We actually know where Planet 426 is, and... we have a way to get there."


Jiang Yu and Zheng Zha left the main control room.

It's not because they are angry, but because the two of them have the strongest mobility and killing capabilities. Although it is really overkill for killing a few facehuggers hiding on the spaceship, it can at least improve the efficiency a little.

While walking, there was a silent depression between the two of them.

"Is it him?" Zheng Zha said in a low voice on the private channel.

"Newcomers will not obtain information about side plots for no reason...unless they have external force." Jiang Yu answered as he crossed the steel passages. Feeling the sound of wind and vibration outside the armor. Following Zhan Lan's guidance, several deeply hidden facehuggers immediately appeared in his hunting area.

The lightning swept away and Chongchong died. But Jiang Yu was actually not very angry.

It's just a bunch of alien eggs, just a few extra steps. Based on the habits and efficiency of alien creatures, it will take more than fifty years for the alien disaster on No. 426 to break out. That means there won't be much crisis on the entire planet until then. There is no way the plot of Alien 1 can be connected to Prometheus. Then why not just add a few more Predator warriors and turn it into a computer game about the battle between three clans?

There was silence on the other side of the communication line. But in Jiang Yu's perception, there was a vibrating sound of something being crushed in the distance.

"If you think about it carefully, at least, he only put this ability on the newcomer. Moreover, this is not a fatal trap. Zero Point, who has the ability and preparation, can easily get the side plot."

"Maybe this is his KPI."

"Kepiai?" Zheng Zha made a confused voice. Companies in this era don't seem to use this word very much.

"Performance indicators are used by foreigners." Jiang Yu quickly added.

"The teachings in your key university are quite complicated..." Zheng Zha muttered, but didn't go into details. Just sighing softly during the insecticide operation. "It's rare for everyone to get together. If possible, I hope we can get together time, if this happens again in the next game. I will talk to him. Jiang Yu, do you want to come together?"

"...Okay." Jiang Yu replied in a deep voice. In front of him, the last facehugger Zhan Lan checked turned into black carbon paste.

At the same time, Zhan Lan's somewhat tired communication came from the public frequency.

"The alien hatched in advance. Cheng Xiao performed a thoracotomy on him in advance. Mou Gang crushed the larvae to death. I used some hemostatic spray and treatment on this man. His life was saved. And... Chu Xuan read the local memory chip of the camera brought back by Jiang Yuqian."

In the main control room, the read video was played on a large-scale projection screen.

Everyone could clearly see when the heroine Ripley fled into the rescue ship in panic. Another facehugger followed.

World 2 is not over yet, and there are no more aliens and derivatives on the spaceship. And the good news... is only one.

Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses for an unknown number of times.

"I couldn't use this ship to track Ripley's ship signal. However, I found a system log backup of the survival ship."

"Before it is activated, it sets a destination. And the goal..."

"It happens to be the planet No. 426 we are going to!"

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