A fresh breeze blows.

It is no longer the refreshing feeling that once filled with yearning and coolness.

Instead, it carries endless smoke and bloody storms.

The earth was still trembling violently under the riots.

Roars and wails have long resounded in this sky.

Countless crazy and bloodthirsty zombies have long been roaming this land densely.

Giants kept pouring in from the mouth of the cave.

Their battle with the zombies still continues.

The terrifying roar has become the enduring theme of this land~.

The trumpet of war has been sounded, and the battle line has begun to move towards Hina’s wall.

In that innermost wall of Hina.

There are also countless princes and nobles.

They waited a little anxiously and uncomfortably.

The reason for anxiety is only that it is a pity whether those grains will be trampled by giants and lose their effect.

“Time has dragged on for too long, how come it hasn’t ended yet.” Already someone is beginning to sigh.

But more people are turning away, and they need to go back and hold on to their wealth and power.

They are indifferent to the situation on the periphery.

Even the civilians who had been crying and wanted to come in ignored them.

They ruthlessly deprive these people of their desire for life.

Indirectly caused an irreparable situation to their lives.

They are a pack of leeches that are frantically squeezed by civilians attached to them.

More and more civilians roared frantically on the outer walls, crying for help at the adults dressed in military clothes.

But even so, no one dared to let them in.

And those princes and nobles, although they looked distressed on the surface, in fact, in their hearts, they had already sneered.

After all, the outer human beings, in their eyes, are just tools for producing labor.

And on the wall of Hina, at this time, there were already countless military police regiments in military uniforms.

They were loaded with ‘three-dimensional mobile devices’, but they were armed with a backward firearm, looking at the endless zombie tide outside the wall, and the fear in their eyes was already filled.

Their trembling hands and increasingly cold bodies had amplified their fears infinitely.

“Can’t! They must not be let in! ”

At this moment, the obsession in their hearts is so strong.

The horror of zombies, even from far away, they can feel it.

It was a completely different fear.

The horror of shuddering, inexplicable palpitations, and even the soul trembling.

Countless monsters swarmed up, tearing and biting their whole bodies, fearless madness, even if they stood here, they were completely frightened.

Once, open the gates, no one will survive in the mouth of this group of monsters.

No one!

Nell Dirk was now standing on the wall.

By his side, he was his contemporaneous friend.

It’s just that now, the relationship between the two is at most nodding.

It’s already good to roar at each other without openings.

Nell Dirk looked expressionlessly at the surging civilians below, and his heart was already panicked.

His mood was complicated, and the roar in the distance had tormented him for more than half an hour.

The torment that needs to be endured all the time has not eased until now.

And Alvin appeared only in the hope of dispatching the survey corps to support.

However, this request was firmly rejected by Nell Dirk.

Because there are two points.

First, he was worried, after all, if the door opened, he could not guarantee whether the monsters outside would storm the city.

Moreover, their gendarmerie regiment is guarding the royal family and cleaning up the ‘unstable factors’, and he will never allow this group of civilians to bring monsters into the inner city and harm the royal family.

Second, the nobles and the royal family had jointly ordered him to contain Alvin and to garrison it with his gendarmerie regiment.

This order is firm!

It seems that the royal family and nobles have also begun to realize the seriousness of the situation.

Alvin was in a hurry.

Even looked at Nell Dirk with an angry face.

But Nell Dirk still ignored him expressionlessly.

Their friendship ended long after the two finished training.

Different ways do not conspire against each other!

The purpose they are guarding has long been in great conflict.

“Alvin, don’t think about it, I won’t let you send the Investigation Corps out again.”

Nair Dirk’s voice was so deep that if you listened carefully, you could feel a slight tremor from it.

“Take a closer look at your front, it’s a monster that is even more terrifying than a giant, your survey corps, it’s useless to go.”

··· Ask for flowers…

“Now that the Wall of Rosse has completely fallen, protecting the safety of the royal family is what our corps should do.”

Alvin’s eyes were red, and he looked at the roaring zombies crowded outside the wall, his fists clenched tightly.

If Nell Dirk had said such a thing before the Rosse Wall had been broken, he would have roared at him twice in anger.

But now.

His heart was dripping blood, and even the solemn look of those warriors when they patted their chests and swore an oath began to appear in his mind.

“If you send the Survey Corps, what is the difference between you and an executioner.”

Nair Dirk narrowed his eyes, let out a long breath, and continued.


“Can you guarantee that they will carry out the mission well, don’t be whimsical, Alvin, give up.”

The last one, as if sighing, spit out all the strength in his body in one breath.

At this moment, Nell Dirk really felt that his body was no different from hollowing it out.

That kind of powerlessness and shock kept stimulating him.

Faintly, he became more and more uneasy.

It was like, something terrible was going to happen.

Until now, what he can do is to keep the living power, and absolutely cannot send him to die.

“Hear that, Alvin!” Nell Dirk felt extremely angry at Alvin’s disregard, and he turned his head angrily and shouted at Alvin.

Who knows, at the moment he turned his head, he suddenly had his eyes bulging and stayed there.

What is it!

They actually…

“Anti… Defend, right, defend quickly, the monster is climbing up”

With that roar, Nell Dirk used all his strength.

Yes, Nell Dirk except for seeing Alvin’s red eyes.

He also saw a scene that shocked his whole person.

Zombies climbed up!

One by one, they climbed up the wall with their fingernails and fingerbones.

Lose your marbles!

This group of monsters is crazy.

Nell Dirk felt like his heart was going into arrest.

ps: I want to collect fresh flowers, I want to collect, can the big guys give me a monthly pass, if it is a reminder ticket, it will be better!! Scholar! _

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