There are three days left before the return.

In these three days, Zuo Yimu has planned everything.

He wants to rob the world and collect everything that can be exchanged for points.

And what he values most is the specialty of this world: the Devil Fruit.

Until now, he has only collected more than 60 pieces, mainly animal fruits. ,

Among them, there are even fewer phantom beast species, only two, which is still a particularly rare kind, and if you exchange them, you should not be able to exchange many points.

So far, the Devil Fruit of the natural system has not seen a single one.

Although Vegapunk had sworn frankly that if he gave him another year, he would be able to study the secret of how to transform the Devil Fruit.

But he couldn’t wait.

He only has three days, and if he can’t study it in three days, he will leave this world.

I thought that according to my own ideas, I could collect at least two or three devil fruits on the battlefield.

Where to think about it, this is simply not feasible.

There were several rooms of fruits, and hundreds of thousands of fruits could only be transformed into a devil fruit.

And it is also the fruit of the animal line.

This disappointed him so much.

If he hadn’t controlled World News Corp., he might not have received even more than 40 of them.

In the long years, he did encounter many kinds of powerful fruits, but he could not move.

If you change the course of the plot without permission, it is easy to attract the attention of that guy, and then all his plans will be shelved and started again.

“Forget it, there are still three days to directly increase the amount of the reward, I don’t believe it, there is no demon fruit under the heavy reward.”

“And that group of damn Draco, they are really dead, and there are only a few in the treasure house as before.”

“Dominating the sea for hundreds of years, just this point of appearance, it should have been destroyed a long time ago!”

Ichiki on the left counts all the specialties that can be exchanged for points.

Devil Fruit: 48!

Supreme Quick Knife: 8

Quick knives: 20! ·

Good knives: 82! ·

There are also treasures that can be redeemed for a large number of points.

These things add up to enough for these people to make a big purchase in the Reincarnation Square.

To be honest, Zuo Yimu was quite curious about how this kid from Wugang could think of exchanging so many space rings and placing them in every corner of his body.

It’s amazing.

You know, whether it is the reincarnation square or the plot world, others cannot directly snatch the reincarnation’s items, and even if they grab it, they can’t use it.

If you want it, you need to go through the consent of the reincarnation person and use it.

He seems to be afraid that anyone will come to rob him, and he hides it so tightly.

But there are indeed people like him, Zuo Yimu can get those dozen pairs of reincarnation watches, and store some items in them and take them out of this world.

After all, with their current status, they can’t leave this world with any mission items.

“Okay, Yuanba, you let Sakaski raise the purchase price of those items!”

“Devil fruit, regardless of type, is 5 billion Bailey!” ,

“Supreme fast knife, 700 million Bailey plus an armed color manual.”

“Big fast knife, 5 billion Bailey.”

“Good fast knife, 3 billion Bailey!”

“Let him mobilize all his forces, even if he digs three feet into the ground, find those treasures for me.”

“There is also a notification to Li Cunxiao and others, telling everyone that they must rush back on the last day, regardless of whether they are found or not.”

Zuo Yimu tapped on the table and began to calculate how much it would converge this time.

Soon, Zuo Yimu’s meaning reached Sakaski’s ears.

He already understood what he had to do, and even before that, he was already ready, just waiting for news from Zuo Yimu.

Soon, an announcement about the recovery of the Devil Fruit and the Great Knife reached all corners of the world.

And ferment in the crowd at lightning speed until it erupts.

Someone is watching, someone is already ready to move, and someone has long been ready.

Some scattered adventure groups have long been formed around the world, but because the attitude of the federal government is not yet clear.

They haven’t done anything yet!

Because they understand the cruelty of those who are now in power in the federal government.

The guy who has always practiced the ultimate justice will never allow ships other than merchant ships and fishing boats to appear.

Otherwise, it will surely usher in a terrible price!

Until, now it is only a few sporadic guys who are not afraid of death and are still active on the sea.

Now, an announcement that has thoroughly boiled the guys who are interested in adventuring on the sea.

They have done their homework and spent a lot of money to collect countless treasure maps in the people.

Whether true or not, as long as there is a little opportunity, they are willing to take action for it.

The demise of pirates will not calm down the sea.

Especially those pirate hunters disappeared because of the demise of the pirates.

They are waiting for the moment when they can make a big splash.

Today, they finally arrived.

Countless pirate hunters and adventurers began to form their own adventure groups.

While some people are still watching, they are ready for everything.

In a short time, countless sailing ships flying the flags of various adventure groups set sail out to sea.

In addition to wanting to see the world, the most important thing is to find treasure.

How could they miss this kind of two-pronged event.

And the people, in an alternative way, began to blow a treasure hunt.

Those countless treasures that were hidden in the ground were gradually excavated by them through some scribbled records.

Perhaps Zuo Yimu himself could not have imagined that just one announcement would cause the entire sea to shake.

But this effect is still unexpectedly good.

More and more good news began to pour towards the federal government from all over the world.

Like this:

A certain adventure group discovers an uninhabited island on the Great Voyage and discovers treasures in a cave, including a large fast knife and three good fast knives.

Through an old map, so-and-so excavated ten boxes of treasures underground, and found a devil fruit among them!

A certain kind of fish man found several shipwrecks in a sea area of two kilometers, and found two animal devil fruits on them.

When someone was cleaning the family treasure house, he found a katana wrapped in rags in the corner, and after wiping it clean, he found that it turned out to be a large fast knife.

There’s a lot of good news, and they’ve all traded with the federal government.

At the same time, the troops sent by the federal government are also very profitable, although they will be much worse than the world’s collection speed.

But it is also much faster than the previous collection.

ps: I want to collect fresh flowers, I want to collect, can the big guys give me a monthly pass, if it is a reminder ticket, it will be better!!! _

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