Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 534: , [Theocracy: Pain and Torment]

Eh? Wait, am I not a mage?

Li Rui frowned, wondering what seemed wrong.

After 30 seconds, the thick shield slowly disappeared, and Li Rui blinked and pulled back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Edmund finally grew his head and stared at him with a vicious face.

"I'm going to make you tortured! Wing Wuning... eh?"

Suddenly sensing something, Edmund looked up, and a fuchsia magic meteorite roared down with a devastating momentum in a void cloud above his head.

【Dark Matter】


There are more than ten meters in the surrounding area, and there is a round crater on the earth.

Edmund's epidermis was burnt into coke, and it cracked and then recovered quickly.


Just recovering from the blow from the sky, Edmund was still not sober, and there was a horrible wave of magic below him.



The violent and tyrannical force is like the eruption of a volcano, the sharp bone spurs looming in the energy column soaring up, directly edging Edmund into the air.

[Fear of Sting] + [Indestructible Grip]!

[Fear of Sting]!


Li Rui tried everything he could to confront Edmund from afar, and his left hand condensed with arcane magic **** hitting him.

Thanks to [Vega] inheritance, it gives me a remote attack mode...

Li Rui was fortunate in his heart that this was the first time an enemy made him dare not close combat!

In fact, Edmund has a lot of fatal weaknesses, slow response, and slow movement. If outside, Li Rui has 10,000 ways to play him.

It is a pity that in the projection of the Kingdom of God, people shamelessly opened the blood lock and did nothing, standing so that you can fight and hurt you!

And the so-called weakness naturally cannot be discussed.

The first time he was so suffocated, Li Rui could only hope that Aya Xiyi would quickly cut off the projection of the Kingdom of God.

Without the blessing of the evil god, Lao Tzu must beat your dog head!

Li Rui stared at Edmund's teeth and gnashed his teeth, his heart suddenly relaxed, as if he had lifted the heavy burden, and his thoughts were transparent.

Only then did he realize that his heart had been burning with evil fire, and unconsciously, his personality had become anxious and violent.

After taking off the influence of external forces, he seemed to take a cold shower, his soul shivered, and his thoughts finally came to pass, regaining the past indifference.

Before Li Rui responded, a system prompt sound never heard in his mind.

"The separation and refining of the heterogeneous parasitic divinity is completed, you get [theocracy: pain], and you get [theocracy: torture]."

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and Li Rui drew half of his attention on the system.

"What's the use of theocracy?"

"Can help equipment to undergo divine transformation!"

"Can any equipment be used?"

"Must be in the same authority."

For a time Li Rui was too late to think about the difference and his eyes rolled.

"What equipment can these two authorities use?"

"It is recommended that [Theocratic: Pain] bet on [The Armor of Thorns], [Theocratic: Torment] bet on [Landry's Torment]."

Thinking of the two upgrade options saved earlier, Li Rui did not hesitate to buy them.

"Inject authority and perform divine transformation!"


A pair of armor covered with sharp spikes was condensed in the blank equipment bar, and the terrible dark red blood wrapped on it, unexplained.

【Armor of Thorns】

+250 health

+80 armor

The only passive-Thorns: When hit by a melee normal attack, it will return magical damage to the attacker, an amount equal to 10% of your armor plus 25, and apply a serious injury to the attacker for 3 seconds.

(Divine Transmutation: The anti-damage effect can follow the causal line and take effect on long-range attacks. The severe injury effect is converted into divine severe injury, weakening the enemy’s 90% life recovery. If there is no divine power eviction of the same level, the effect will last forever.)

The only passive-Cold Iron: When hit by a normal attack, reduces the attacker's attack speed by 15% for 1 second.

Then, a pure white mask with blood and tears condensed on the blank equipment bar.

A pale cyan aura flashed around the mask, and a pair of dark eyes on the mask glowed with tears, as if staring at the viewer, which caused an inexplicable chill.

【Landry's Torment】

+75 Spell Power

+300 health

The only passive-madness: When fighting a hero, every 1 minute, you will cause 1% more damage (maximum: 10%).

The only passive—torture: The skill will burn the target for 3 seconds, causing magic damage equal to 1.5% of the target’s current health per second. This extra damage will be increased to 2.5% when fighting units with damaged movement.

(Divine transformation: The torment time changes from refresh to superposition. This effect is a divine personality, which cannot be weakened, reduced, resisted, and expelled by non-divine forces. During the duration of the effect, the enemy must endure the lash of the soul, with a certain probability to make it low The transcendents are mentally disturbed, and the transcendents are distorted and crazy.)

Li Rui gazed at the instructions on the system equipment bar, silent for a long time.

It's a bit strong!

Originally, he did not give priority to purchase [The Thorns Armor] because there were two more words in the effect-melee!

Only melee attacks can bounce back damage, and this piece of equipment changed from an artifact to a tasteless one.

They are all close, is it not good to cut two more knives? Still lack of your anti-injury?

But after the divine transformation, [The Thorns Armor] immediately got up!

Are you afraid of causal line rebound injury?

[Divine Severe Injury] The effect of reducing life recovery by 90% is even more so.

If he had this attribute when he was playing the Golden Order, he would be able to blow them off!

And [Landry's torture] divine transformation is even more terrifying.

As long as there are skills, the torture time is infinitely superimposed, and the chickens without divine power can only resist hard, and they may break down while carrying them.

As far as Li Rui knows, there are only three ways to obtain divine power.

1. Senior original stone steps, spiritual deification.

Second, hold the artifact.

3. Reincarnation of the myth.

An epic class like Li Rui can rely on [Feast] Devouring Divine to start a spiritual deification player, it is estimated that the world can not find the second one.

At present, Li Rui has only three heroes and twelve skills. If there are more heroes in the future, and the cooling time is short to a certain level, the skills will endlessly cycle...


Everything is a dish!

With an involuntary smile on his face, Li Rui suddenly recovered, and found that Edmund had stopped attacking, and the body was trembling slightly with all his tentacles.

what happened? It seems something is wrong!

The sixth sense of crazy warning, Li Rui carefully distanced, staring at him carefully.

Suddenly, Edmund suddenly raised his head, his skin cracked open and his mouth opened, tiny black bugs drilled out of it, climbing and spreading, his face twisted into a horrible and strange shape.

There were only two black holes left in his eye sockets, and the godless holes still stared at Li Rui.

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