Infinite Heroes Seat

Chapter 20: Kane

   Rocky Wilderness, Lilian stood alone at the door of the red portal. She had just used the teleport scroll to send Dick Kane back to Camp Rogge, and believed that the people there would be able to settle him.

As time went by, Lilian gradually showed a trace of dissatisfaction and worry. With unwen's strength, he should not encounter any danger in Tristram. Without finding Kane, he should be better than Come back by yourself first.

   The red portal gradually rippled, obviously its energy was almost exhausted.

   Lilian shook the longbow in the handshake, took a deep breath, and was about to enter Tristram again. She would not throw her teammates into the demon lair alone.

   But at this moment a figure quickly jumped out of the portal.

   "Who!" Lilian raised the longbow subconsciously, and then let it down again.

   "Can't you come back earlier? And are you making some trouble again? You are also responsible for those monsters killing each other?"

Mo Wen laughed bitterly, his face was a little pale due to the consumption of magic power. This time he was a bit playful. After solving Grace Wald, the whole Tristram's demons were completely mad, and even saw Nearly a hundred dead spirits under him dared to rush forward, he almost killed him from start to finish, and now Tristram was already a sea of ​​blood.

   "Nothing, I just wanted to find something, but unfortunately I didn't find it in the end."

   "However, there are some other gains." Mo Wen pointed to his belt.

   Lilian found out that the belt on his waist had been changed. It was not an ordinary buckle, but a belt with a more primitive style and a faint magical light.

Gradually Lilian discovered the extraordinary part of this belt. It seemed to have a strange charm. Just looking at it, the eyes seemed to be attracted to the past, and even the spirit became trance, and the body became so too. He became a bit dull, and Mo Wen, who was wearing a belt, seemed to have dimmed, and all the light that had gathered around him seemed to be absorbed by the belt.

   "The Circle of the Vampire King," Mo Wen said concisely.

   Lilyan suddenly realized that it was the belt. No wonder it has this effect. This is the top belt.

   Circle of the Vampire King

   Vampire Tusk Belt

   Defense: 56-63 (variable)

  Required level: 51

   Required power: 50

   Durability: 14

  16 grid

   slow down the target by 10%

  +2 points of mana are obtained after every kill of an enemy

   5-7% of hits steal lives (variable)

  +15 power

   10% increase attack speed

  -3 Illumination range

   "Grace Wald?" Lilian reacted quickly, but she saw the tall blacksmith wearing this belt with her own eyes, but she didn't expect it to be such a famous piece of equipment for a while.

   Mo Wen smiled, "Envy? If you are willing to do some poses with me tonight that everyone will be happy, I can also give it to you."

   Obviously Mo Wen, who had a good harvest, began to talk about it.

   swish, an ice arrow grazed Mo Wen's crotch and hit the ground, the cold feeling made Mo Wen shiver all over.

   "What did you just say?" Lilian casually put away the longbow in her hand, and asked Mo Wen with a'smile' on her face.

   Mowen shook his head with a wry smile, "It's nothing, I just said that I should go back. You should have found Kane, right?"

   "Well, although there is only one last breath left, I found it and sent it back. You should be taken care of by someone at the camp now."

   "That's good, I thought he must have died."


At Camp Rogge, in front of a small tent, Akara looked a little excited, "You risked your lives to rescue Kane. I thank you very much for this. I didn't expect you to succeed in the end, of course his. His body is very weak now, and we must settle him immediately."

   She handed a ring to Mo Wen, "This is the reward you won."

   A magic ring with additional fire damage and precision magic.

   handed the ring to Lilian, Mo Wen looked up and down Akara, the white carcass involuntarily appeared in his mind.

   "Mr. Kane's body doesn't matter, I still have something to ask him. It seems that I will come back another day."

   seemed to notice Mo Wen's gaze, and Akara's head lowered slightly, and his originally blurred face became even more indistinct.

   "Kane’s body may take some time to recuperate, I think—"

"Wait a minute, Sister Akara," a hoarse voice came from the small tent behind the three of them, and an old man with a cane walked out tremblingly, "I think I have something to save me. Talk about the heroes."

   "But, Mr. Kane, your body—" Akara's tone was a little worried.

Kane waved his hand and turned to look at Mo Wen, "You are the warrior who went to Tristram to rescue me with Lilian. Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I believe your bravery is not inferior to Lily. install."

   is his own savior, after all, there is a touch of kindness in Kane's words.

   "You want to ask about Tristram, right?"

   Mowen nodded, "There is the source of everything, I want to know more, maybe it will be good for us to hunt down that dark wanderer."

   Kane's brows furrowed tightly, and his hands clenched the stick involuntarily. Obviously, the memory was not good.

   He seemed to be organizing the language, and he spoke slowly after a long time.

   "...I thank you very much, friends, for showing up to help me in an emergency."

"Unfortunately, I can't do anything about Tristram's destruction. It ran into the deepest fear in our hearts-Diablo, the King of Terror, once again returned to this world to wreak havoc! As you know, Diablo was slain in the depths of Tristram many years ago. And when our hero smiled triumphantly in the labyrinth under the town, we also held it for several days in the town. But after a few weeks, our hero became more and more indifferent. He kept his distance from the other townspeople and seemed to step into a dark, contemplative depression. I thought it was just him. It was caused by the inability to put the pain behind. As the day passed, the hero suffered more. I remember he woke up in the dark several times and roared loudly—and every time he mentioned "Eastern" ". One day, he left. Soon Tristram was attacked by a group of evil demons. Many people died, and the demons placed them in a cursed cage waiting for death. I believe that Tristram’s hero now is the dark wanderer, the man who passed by before the monastery fell into the hands of the devil. I feel worse, my friend... I’m afraid that Diablo is already attached to that hero. There is no death on his body. If this is true, Diablo will have more power than before. You must stop him, otherwise everything will be over."

"You must and must kill the dark wanderer, our once hero, no, now it should be said that it is Diablo." Kane's tone was a bit astringent, and he sighed, "Just treat you like me Thank you! I will identify the items for you for It seems that the long conversation has exhausted his last bit of vitality. Kane's face is exceptionally tired, he walked back to the tent, his figure is extraordinarily ragged .

   "Oh... God Bless Roger! I finally came out of that cursed place!"

Seeing Kane's departure, Mo Wen sighed. The power of the Dread Demon seemed to permeate everyone's heart. Even the mages of Horadim could not get rid of his influence, and even faced fear in Diablo III. The warriors of the devil are crazy.

   "Mr. Modi, Ms. Yuna," Akara said suddenly, her calm voice seemed to have a hint of excitement, "You once again prove your bravery, I hope you can as soon as possible—"

"Sister Akara, in two more weeks, my team will be assembled at Dharma Heights, and then we will deal with Andariel." Interrupting Akara, Mo Wen knew what she wanted to say , But it is not the time yet, at least he has to go to the Tower of Forgotten, the countess has a lot of runes in her hand, and she can't miss anything.

Akara became silent, and after a long time he said: "Warriors, I hope you can hurry up. Seeing Kane, I think my sisters may be saved. They may still be silent somewhere in the monastery. , You are our last hope..."

   "I'll do my best, Sister Akara." Although he sneered at this idea, he was still comforting on the surface.

   "Well," Akara lowered her head, and no one knew what she was thinking.

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