Infinite Differences

Infinite Differences Chapter 84

But among them, there was still a kind of conscience, and stopped: "Director, leave here quickly. If you want the monster to be fully released, it will be too late if you don't run."

But the fake eyes were still smiling nervously there, with no intention of leaving at all.

"Leave him alone."

When life and death are at stake, there is no such a system where the leader goes first. Don’t you see that in the original plot of "The Iron Fortress," those guards who were greedy for life and death killed the general if they didn’t agree with each other? No pressure at all.But before they ran to the door, a cold wind blew in the closed room, and the three people running in the front were strung directly on the wall by a strange spike that did not know where they came from. In each of them, a 30-centimeter hole was opened in their stomachs, and it seemed that they were dead and could not die again.

And the scientific researcher who just called fake eyes and took a slow shot, fortunately escaped the disaster. He sat on the ground with limp legs and tears burst out, but he did not dare to cry. , Can only silently watch the moving spike, throw the three corpses on the ground like trash, and then silently retract them along the floor, leaving a shocking trail on the ground Blood line.

This is... the tail?

For a moment, no words could sum up the fear in his heart. He could only stare at the monster whose height had gradually reached the ceiling. Now, there is nothing in this room that can restrain its actions. It is crooked. Around his neck, he used his rotten, strange tissue that could not be called a face at all, and looked down at the fake eyes with his open hands and madness.

"Come on, Venom, in order to complete this last step, come and eat me, I will be your brain!"


Darkness and blood covered everything.

98.Panic strikes

Jiatiecheng drove along the railroad tracks to the outer city, but it was not King Kong Guo’s cordial condolences and welcoming waiting for them, but the iron gate fence that was put down to block the road and a team of armed soldiers with live ammunition waiting there. Keep them

This is no wonder.

Sifang Chuanchangpu sighed. In this case, anyone would associate them with the monster just now.

It can only be said that the time is too coincidental.

But is it really a coincidence?

Changpu couldn't help asking herself, but for questions like this, she knew that even if she thought about it, there would be no answer.

"Try not to conflict with them. Do what they say first. The checkpoint has already notified my uncle. When he arrives, he will relieve us." Sifang Chuanchangpu confessed to the people around him like this.

At first, everyone was excited, and finally got to the place after braving the hard work, but now, the excitement is no longer in his face.Because of the appearance of that huge monster, everyone is worried about the current situation. This, even the soldiers who brutally pull people out of the car to check, they turn back to the city gate from time to time. He glanced in the direction, expecting that the horror that had accumulated in their minds would just evaporate, as if it suddenly appeared, but only when they turned around did they realize that such hopes did not exist.

"Hurry up, don't dawdle."

For this reason, the upset soldiers behaved more rudely than in the past, and they acted recklessly against the residents of the Iron Fortress, seeming to use this to vent their anxiety and anxiety.

Seeing that a child was pushed to the ground by the group of people and fell down, Gibbs finally couldn't see it, and reached out and grabbed the wrist of the assailant: "Relax, we are not..."

Swipe and pull, there was a sound of guns being raised around, which made Kibbs feel the appearance of the monster, and how exactly the pedestrian was forced.It felt like a recruit with full theoretical scores and zero practice was suddenly thrown into the trenches of war, exploding at the touch of a touch. This psychological quality is not as good as any child on the Iron Fortress.

But this is also because Kebeshi didn’t understand the position of this King Kong Guo in the minds of these people. The city that claimed to never fall was destroyed in the blink of an eye, and although the monster was slow in its actions, it also had a clear purpose. Coming toward the inner city, thinking of their family members still in the city and the future unpredictable, it feels like cutting meat with a blunt knife, no wonder they would be so nervous.

"what happened?"

Hearing the noise, Sifang Chuanchangpu rushed over with the person in charge here.

"This man tried to attack the guards." The guards said.

Of course, this couldn't be true. Kibbles was about to speak, but Changpu gave it a look and closed his mouth.

"It was my guard who was reckless, but he shouldn't be deliberate. I am the current leader of the Sifang Chuan family, and my uncle is Master Daoyan who is serving under the general's command. I don't know if I can accommodate it."

Seeing that Changpu has moved out of such a tough backstage, the team leader here is also aware of the current affairs. After all, he is just a small person who eats a family meal. It is impossible to compete with such a big person, and he also knows that this group of guys under his own behave. What kind of virtue, so he waved his big hand in response to Changpu's words and stepped down: "It may be a misunderstanding.

And just when he was about to say something more, suddenly, a black train in the distance whizzed and followed.

That was undoubtedly Kecheng, which came after the Ironclad City. The hunters had a reputation among ordinary people, but these guards who were far from the raging Kabane did not know it.

"What's the matter with that car?"

"Hurry up and let them stop!"

But instead of answering, it was a bullet shot by a special attack team that was separated from the car body and rode.


The sound of the shooting touched a pleasant sound in the air, and then, a blood-colored lotus flower bloomed on the forehead of the team leader.

"You..." There was a lingering tone, and the body had fallen down.


Point, but because the ratio is too large, it feels like it hasn't moved much.

And at this moment, some of her leaders shouted: "Master Changpu, look over there!"

Sifang Chuanchangpu was attracted by the sound and raised his head. Others followed her and looked at the general city. Although separated by the towering inner wall, they could still see the towering castle. At this moment, the general and him lived. The minister's place, but thick smoke billowed.

"What happened!"

This sentence may also be what the soldiers guarding the inner city wall want to know.

After the generals and others left in a hurry, the magnificent castle on the back began to burn. Then, these city wall guards who could not understand the situation at all saw the most incomprehensible picture of their lives.

King Kong Guoli, which should not even be able to invade a kabane, unexpectedly gushed out of the kabane from the castle like a tide. They quickly passed through the one-hundred-meter-long sky bridge, adsorbing like a wall climbing tiger. The wall moved towards the top of the city little by little.

All the soldiers were panicked. Some people couldn’t even hold the gun. The first reaction was to run away.

Seeing this, the captain of the city wall's guard was also shocked and angry. Although he was also shocked by the situation before him, what was even more annoying and disappointing was the performance of the group of soldiers under him.

This is the usual elite?One by one saw Kaban’s legs become soft.

He had to temporarily set up a supervising team, and stood behind this group of guarding soldiers. Anyone who dared to retreat in front of the enemy fell with one shot, and anyone who was infected by Kabane fell with one shot.After shooting a group of escaped soldiers, the city wall finally stabilized the situation for a while, and the soldiers began to counterattack in an organized manner, because they have been systematically trained in normal times, and their strength is not as expected. It was bad, but the position was disrupted just now. After stabilizing this time, the attacking Kabane was immediately suppressed.

These soldiers suddenly discovered that using the high walls of the inner city and the overpass that was only six meters wide and one hundred meters long, they could effectively contain these Kabane attacks.

Okay, isn't it a win!

At the moment when confidence was poured into the soldiers' hearts, they did not expect that a more terrifying existence in the Kabane would come.

It appeared in the crowded Kabane group on the flyover just a second ago, forcibly squeezing a row of Kabane under the flyover, but before the guards who caught a glimpse of it could see its appearance. Report it to the people around. In the next second, its figure has already jumped onto the tower and appeared in front of everyone in a majestic manner.

My goodness, this city wall is 60 meters high!

When the monster jumped on the wall, it trampled a hapless guy who hadn't had time to escape into sludge with one foot. Its tail moved a bit, and it easily flattened a section of the wall guardrail. By the way, it was getting ready. The Kabane who climbed up had his head cut off. The soldiers who were standing next to it all backed away in a panic. Some even ran away in a shit, and the supervising team was not embarrassed to act in this situation— —Because they were also shocked.

What is!?

Few people have a way to use refined language to describe the creature they see at the moment, because it itself should not be summarized in the category of creatures, it can only be said that it is an alien.It has a dark blue skin, and the thick and thin tendons of steel bars pulsate under its skin. Its body is covered with armor-like scales. The horrible and knotty tendons form a body that does not look like a human. It has a metal tail, which is cut like mud, and can be stretched and shortened with its will. On its bulging belly, a few human expressions of distorted pain are vividly carved like totems.

"What is this?" Even the defensive captain finally couldn't sit still: "What are you doing in a daze, don't hurry up and shoot!"

He didn't expect this monster to be good friends with them.

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