Infinite Differences

Infinite Differences Chapter 57

"Yeah," Sister Die answered, and then greeted Ryan and Alia to get into the car. After she stepped on the steps herself, she turned her back and said, "You should also be careful."

"I will," Dong Ge promised, and he stopped turning his head, but said to A Shu beside him: "A Shu, it's up to you!"

"Oh, leave it to me!" A Shu's fists touched each other, and said eagerly.

"Don't go too deep, just let the Ironclad City withdraw from this area, so that the opponent can't catch up."


Dong Ge and A Shu each drew out their own weapons and shot towards the tide of Kabane, covering the evacuation of the Iron City.


After a relatively slow acceleration, Jiatiecheng finally left the chasing soldiers away.

Inside the Iron Fortress, the samurai are communicating with Dongge about their defense work.

In addition to driving the car, Jiatiecheng has 6 carriages and hundreds of refugees. Such a large area needs to be guarded, and the number of samurai is particularly insufficient, so it needs to get help from foreign aid.

Fortunately, Brother Dong and the others had an early agreement with them, and Kuchi Rasu, who was in charge of this matter for Changpu, said: "Then we will determine the division of labor again. Your people will be responsible for the rear guard, and the last carriage will be According to the agreement, it will be used by you. Isn't that okay?

"No problem." Dong Ge replied straightforwardly.

"Then please." As the true leader of the Iron Fortress, Changpu said, holding Brother Dong's hand.

The sad and blurred eyes were very charming, Dong Ge said with emotion, if he hadn't been too old, and had a family, he would definitely be fascinated if he was at the age of Ashu and Ryan.

"Definitely." Brother Dong smiled generously, not rude, and quickly pulled his hand back.

Soon, everyone was busy with their own affairs. After all, the bus had only started, and the city had not been out yet, and the crisis was far from over

A large number of refugees are waiting to be comforted. The person assigned to this job is Loach, but half of them are invited by her. Loach is arranging places for the refugees to stay separately, helping to take care of the children, and seeing Tang Cheng rushing to her When she came, she pursed her lips and smiled.

Everyone is very difficult at this moment, but some people seem to be incompatible with the whole sad atmosphere.

He squinted his eyes and walked into the carriage, leisurely looking for an unknown figure. He was like a mangy dog ​​everywhere, and he couldn't get rid of it.However, when he saw Tang Cheng in the crowd, he was taken aback, but he quickly laughed wickedly, and leaned close to him: "Oh my God, who is this person, I shouldn't look away Come on, the famous life-hunting lone wolf, who is not under the script of death competition, go to survival mode for vacation?"

For people of Tang Cheng's level, in the less competitive survival mode, it really feels like a vacation.

Tang Cheng felt a little familiar when he heard the voice, and then after carefully measuring the other's face, he finally remembered the arrival of such a character.

There are not many reincarnations that Tang Cheng can remember, because most of them are now dead, but the man called Junkrat in front of him, Tang Cheng encountered three times in the script, and made him escape twice, even Let this guy win another time.

He did not come from the world of Parallel Earth 4166 where Tang Cheng was located, but from a more prestigious place, Parallel Earth 5?23, a place called the city of exile, which is different from the demons and there is no chaos. It is the final place of exile for the worst character of Samsara. If this person is here, it means...-.

"So you killed the protagonist, Junkrat?"

"Oh, it's a great honor, the famous life-hunting lone wolf remembered his name," Junkrat did not show any excitement on his face, very calm, wanting to come to this is also a veteran Samsara like them alone. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave it to Tang to form a cigarette. He dipped one to his mouth: "Yes, I fell in love with the unknown heroine of this script, so I took it first. Kill those who are in the way, and it's not in your way, brother.

When he said this, there was a light in his eyes.

That is murderous.

"No, my goal is Sifang Chuanchangpu."

"Haha, that's the best. To be honest, I was driven to hide in Tibet by my brother three times. I'm really a little scared." Junkrat said with a smile.

"But you won once."

Tang Cheng took the cigarette, poked it on his leg playfully, put it in his mouth, and waited for Junkrat to light the cigarette for him with a lighter.

"Brother still remembers that. People always have good luck and bad luck. It was just that I had better luck." Junkrat saw him not alert at all, and praised: "Brother is so bold."

The two people here are actually aware of the existence of luck as a factor in the reincarnation script, but what really determines everything is strength.

In the eyes of others, Tang Cheng and Junkrat are standing here talking and laughing, but in fact, neither of them has thought of eliminating each other and quickly?

The clashes of the three reincarnation scripts were all real life and death battles. Even so, Tang Cheng could not get rid of this guy, all because this guy was too slippery, and he was thirsty with his hands and feet.Now that the script has just begun, the trump cards he holds in his hand are not enough, and the opponent is already wary of him, it must be even more difficult to succeed.The most important thing is that once he and Junkrat go to war, they will almost never die. This will affect Alia, who is still a young bird.

On Junkrat’s side, he knew the habits of this terrible wolf so that he dared to come and get close. He had already seen the brutality of this wolf. The being thrown out to hide in Tibet is not a metaphor, but what actually happened. Facts of the past.

However, the fact that the other party was accidentally cautious, let him know that the other party should be as surprised as he was when he encountered this accident, and it was definitely not his style to shoot now.

In fact, anyone who has dealt with this wolf knows that this product is very dangerous and super dangerous. Obviously he has obtained a way to win directly in the script, but he always holds it down and does not end it until he finally removes all other things. The samsara kill all to win the victory.

The only time Junkrat has won him is that this guy has been busy killing people, and Junkrat steals the fruits of victory from the side, that's all.

Junkrat’s view of this person is the same as others. He thinks that this is a trap that Tang has deliberately set up to get more points in each battle, because every Samsara has almost 10 points.

The lone wolf hunting for life naturally takes pleasure in killing.

"If your Japanese standard is Sifang Chuanjupu, how about we work together?" Junkrat suddenly suggested: "This script has no heads. With the strength of the two of us, it can completely suppress this iron armor. The city is now."

Although Tang Cheng doesn't live very much, he still understands the meaning of Junkrat. In the survival mode, there is no bonus point for killing the reincarnation. Instead, you can hunt down monsters like small bosses and big bosses The corresponding bonus points.And cooperation has always been the main theme of the survival mode.

Considering the combat power of two people, you can really hold this iron city firmly in your hands, but the other party is not trustworthy. Secondly, Tangcheng’s day is not to clear the script, but to clear the script. Hardened Alia, so he rejected this beautiful-looking proposal.

"It could have been considered, but now... not suitable."

Junkrat is also a human spirit, and you can understand it right away. This is because Tang Cheng vaguely accused him of killing the hero, making the plot unpredictable.

"Really be careful, brother." Junkrat sneered.

At this moment, the body of Tang Cheng and the others shook violently, and the sound of a torrential rain came from the outer carriage.

Junkrat knew what it was and glanced at Tang Cheng next to him and asked: "Brother, it seems to have started, what shall we do?"

Although Tang Cheng did not agree to cooperate, he still deliberately asked the other party such a question, with an attitude of looking forward to the other side's horse.Don't think that this is Junkrat really succumbing to Tang Cheng's lewd power,'On the contrary, paralyzing opponents is a habitual trick of reincarnation.

"Watching a show." Tang Chengcheng answered two words.

I don't know if this is exactly what Junkrat wanted, and he couldn't help laughing: "Okay, then I will watch the show too."

Of course Junkrat knew that if he didn't do it, Tang Cheng didn't do it. Naturally, someone had to do it.

Thinking of the arrogant appearance of the previous reincarnation rookies in front of him, Junkrat was already looking forward to them.

?0.Reincarnation Team

This attack by Kabane was aimed at the time when the Iron Fortress was about to pass the suspension bridge.

Because when Fusang City rushed into the Xianjin Post, a large number of cabanas were scattered here. It can be said that near the checkpoint of the suspension bridge is the place where the largest number of cabanas gather.They are in groups, like middle school students rushing to the cafeteria hungry at noon, each with their tongues out and saliva flowing, driving their limbs to fly in the corridor.

Some cabanas got on the deck of the moving train with their strong jumping ability, some jumped to the roof of the car in ambush at the entrance of the passage, and some deliberately climbed onto the high iron frame, and then rotated their body to explode. Attacked.It directly hit the deck of the carriage and smashed open the heavy deck, causing the water storage tank to leak outward.

The worker in charge of the boiler yelled for this: "The water storage tank is leaking!"

"Oops!" Lazy Naru, who was driving the Iron Fortress, frowned at the moment.

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