This boss Huang didn't know that he had been cheated by Wang Shuang, and he could only lie on the bed from now on. Now he was still counting his gains proudly, discussing where to find some women today, and having fun.

Feeling Wang Shuang's anger, Hu Wanzhou explained to Wang Shuang helplessly: This Boss Huang, whose real name is Huang Qiang, was a gangster before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, he took refuge with the prince of the Qinglong Gang. Fortunately, he is in a good mood today. If you spoke to him like that just now, if it were normal times, your legs would have been broken! He is not someone to be trifled with. If we don't listen to him, even if he kills us, no one will dare to say a word.

Is there no law in Tianshui City? With so many forces killing anyone they want, where is the order? Without order, how can those high-level officials manage the Tianshui City base! Wang Shuang asked doubtfully. He doesn't understand that no matter how chaotic an organization is, there should be some basic rules. It's impossible to kill anyone who wants to. In this way, how can people be retained? Everyone will be afraid, for fear that they will not be able to survive. Be careful of being killed!

In this way, how can this organization or base develop? What does it rely on to grow and develop? You know, even in the Huaxin City base at that time, although there were scum like Lei Cheng, there were still basic laws. Even someone as powerful as Lei Cheng could not do whatever he wanted!

Law? Hu Wanzhou smiled bitterly, In Tianshui City, only the special zones and ordinary districts have laws. In the slums, there is no law! If you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want. If you are strong enough, you will even be seen by the big shots in the special zone. Go up, then you can enter the general area. When you arrive in the general area, you will be registered by the military and given an identity card. With that identity card, you will be protected by the rules.

We in the slums are just ants in the eyes of these high-level officials. We don't care how much we die. Hey, they don't care, but we care about ourselves. It's better to die than to live. If we can survive, The happiest thing!

Wang Shuang's eyes were in a daze as he listened to Hu Wanzhou's words. Compared with the survivors of his Heavenly City, they were much happier. At the same time, he also felt the desire of people like Hu Wanzhou to continue living. They don't seek to be too good or too high, they just want to survive! Such a thing that was unimaginable before the end of the world has become a reality here. It is difficult to survive!


A dazzling light shone down, causing Wang Shuang to squint his eyes slightly. He had been in the forest before and could hardly see the sun. Now that he came out of the forest, he immediately felt a long-lost warmth.

Wang Shuang turned his head and looked behind him. The endless trees stretched across the east and west, with almost no end in sight. The entire Daxing Mountain Range was like a terrifying swallowing maw, swallowing up all light. Hu Wanzhou and others also looked back with complicated expressions. They survived once again. But I just don’t know if I will have this good luck next time I enter here!

At the edge of the endless forest, people come out from other exits from time to time, and each exit is guarded. There are many others like them, all walking towards the front with bags of food. It seemed that they were all hunters who were forced to enter, but those who were able to come out had scars all over their bodies, and some even had broken arms and legs. They were carried out with earth-shattering cries.

It's good to be able to come out alive. Those who stay in it forever are the most miserable. They can't even see their family and friends again! Hu Wanzhou sighed, as if he was not surprised by such things.

A flash of light flashed across Wang's eyes, and he sighed. Just as he was about to turn his head, his eyes froze and he looked into the distance. He saw a large exit, with tall and thick-looking women carrying a series of 86-type automatics. Women carry rifles, grenades on their waists, and even machetes on their backs. The cuffs of their clothes are uniformly tattooed with a phoenix pattern, which makes them look more majestic than men.

Who are they? They all seem to be women? Wang Shuang asked strangely.

Hu Wanzhou followed Wang Shuang's gaze, with a flash of awe in his eyes, They are from the Tianfeng Gang, one of the four overlords in Tianshui City! They are the only force that only accepts women, and their leader is said to be a very powerful man. This incredible evolver is something that almost no one dares to mess with in the entire Tianshui City!

The Daxing Mountains stretch for hundreds of miles and are extremely rich in various resources. Even the animals in them are countless. In some places, there are rich resources and many wild animals. You can hunt more and the danger is less. This All the forces are willing to get such places, and the four overlord forces occupy the richest areas. The other forces have also designated their own hunting areas, and everyone hunts in their own territory. The water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river! And we were hunting in the territory of the Qinglong Gang before.

Once you cross the line, no one will care even if you are beaten to death, and the force you belong to will come to apologize! Therefore, the most important thing outside is to keep your head alive, and you must not be stupid.

Wang Shuang nodded understandingly. It seems that the water in Tianshui City is really deep today. Various forces are intertwined. He must be careful and don't jump out stupidly and use him as a target!

After everyone walked for half an hour, Wang Shuang saw a gray city wall made of reinforced concrete standing right in front of him. The wall was five feet high and five hundred meters long. The wall was covered with bloodstains, and some They were all blackened, and there were unknown blood stains, claw marks appeared on the walls, and even the rusty steel bars inside were exposed.

Above the city wall, soldiers with cold eyes stood on top of them with loaded guns, looking coldly at the bottom of the city wall and into the distance. Wang Shuang's vision has now become more terrifying than that of an eagle. Even from hundreds of meters away, he can clearly see that there is a six-pointed star mark on the shoulders of these people.

Looking at this city wall, Wang Shuang felt a tragic aura rushing towards him. It seemed that this city wall had experienced an extremely brutal battle and countless blood was sprayed on it, so it had this aura that surprised him. .

Okay, we will arrive at the Tianshui City base soon! Hu Wanzhou and others also saw the city wall from a distance and said excitedly.

Such a big city wall! Wang Shuang deliberately looked extremely shocked. His Heavenly City was ten miles long and wide!

Hearing Wang Shuang's shocked words, a flash of pride flashed in Zhang Yong and others' eyes, and they seemed quite disdainful of a country bumpkin like Wang Shuang. They also don’t think about their identity, they are just from the slums, so where does their sense of superiority come from.

Yes, it's very big. Hu Wanzhou nodded with complicated eyes, There are fifty thousand people living in this city. It is unlikely that they can live in it. After the top management of Tianshui City regained Tianshui City, they used it as Tianshui City As the core, this city wall was built around it. For this city wall, tens of thousands of people participated in the construction, but only less than half of them survived! They all left their lives on this city wall!

Wang Shuang's heart was shocked, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. Thousands of people died here to build this city wall!

Hey, this city wall was built not only to resist zombies, but more importantly to stop the endless mutant beasts in the Daxing Mountains! Hu Wanzhou's eyes flashed with fear, as if he had thought of something terrible!

No one knows how many mutant beasts there are in the Daxing Mountains. From the establishment of Tianshui City to the present, we have encountered not ten but eight large and small beast tides. Although there are not many high-level mutant beasts, every time There will always be a beast king-level being sitting in charge, and if it hadn’t been for the evolutionists in the base to stop it, I’m afraid the entire Tianshui City base would have been swallowed up by the tide of beasts!”

This city wall has gone through battles of all sizes. Although many people died in each battle, it is still the support of Tianshui City and carries the hope of survival for the 50,000 ordinary people in Tianshui City!

At the end of his speech, Hu Wanzhou's tone became a little lower, as if he thought of some unbearable scene.

Wang Shuang's face also became solemn, and he also had a sense of respect for this city wall. It was the survival of fifty thousand people, and he also hoped that once the city wall was breached, ordinary people like them would be destroyed immediately. Swallowed by the tide of beasts, he came out from the depths of the Daxing Mountains and clearly understood how many mutant beasts there were!

Once all the beast kings are dispatched, Tianshui City will be razed to the ground in the blink of an eye.

When they arrived at the city wall, Wang Shuang found that there were many people coming in and out, queuing up to enter the city. Cars and trucks were inspected by a row of soldiers at the city gate before being released. Fortunately, the city gate was big enough, and one row was used to enter. City, one row is used to get out of the city, like returning to ancient times.

Wang Shuang discovered that these soldiers also had a six-pointed star epaulette on their shoulders. Following Wang Shuang's gaze, Hu Wanzhou also saw these soldiers, with a flash of respect in his eyes.

These soldiers are all soldiers of the military, one of the four overlords in Tianshui City! Normal battles and public security are managed by the military. Unless a large-scale battle occurs, the four major forces need to take action at the same time! Under normal circumstances, the strength of the military That’ll solve it!”

The presence of the army means that the government must exist. Doesn't the government care about you? Wang Shuang was surprised.

Hu Wanzhou smiled bitterly. He knew that Wang Shuang in front of him had just arrived and must not know much about Tianshui City, so he explained in detail, Although the military is here, Tianshui City is not controlled by the military alone. Heping Society, Tianfeng Gang, the Army Fang, Tianshui Changjia, the four major forces restrict each other, and no one can dominate the entire Tianshui City base. Therefore, the rules are set by the four major forces and many forces with evolvers, and we can only choose to obey!

Actually, the military has done a good job. Every time the beasts wave, they take the lead and are not afraid of life and death. Therefore, in every battle, the military suffers the greatest losses!

With that said, they lined up and entered the city. Once they entered the city, everyone dispersed and left with the food they had distributed. Wang Shuang followed Hu Wanzhou, and Zhang Yong did not leave, also following Hu Wanzhou.

Wang Shuang looked into the distance and vaguely saw that the entire city was divided into three parts. The place he was in now should be a slum area, with sewage flowing across the river and all kinds of garbage thrown everywhere. On the ground, you could see small and large objects from time to time. There were traces of feces, and there was an extremely stinking smell in some ditches.

Most of the people in ragged clothes had sallow complexions and a sense of malnutrition. Many of their eyes were numb. They were either lying there mechanically or walking around in the narrow alleys.

In the distance, there are rows of flat houses. The environment there is much cleaner than here. There is no sewage flowing across the street and garbage everywhere. The clothes and spirits of the people are much better than those in this area. The two areas were separated by a steel fence. There were soldiers guarding the door, watching the people coming in and out.

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