Infinite Cute King

Vol 2 Chapter 26: , pub

Before Jiang Ruizai Ito Rei left, he did not forget to confirm the location of Yunyin's troops and some of their defense configurations.

However, even so, after a day of rushing back across the country of Iron Country Jiang Rui, I did not see any other Yun Ninjas at the border of the Iron Country.

Did you retreat...

After thinking about it, Jiang Rui directly opened the map and ordered the great sage to deduce the opponent's course of action.


The magic power faded a little, Jiang Rui frowned and looked at the map in front of him.

The great sage gave four routes.

One is to pass along the border of the country of iron to the country of Tian, ​​and then withdraw to Yunyin Village.

One is to directly enter the country of fire, and then retreat to Yunyin Village while posing a certain threat to the country of fire.

There is also a sea route, passing through the land of birds...

Tsk, the name of this country is a bit interesting?

The last one, continue south, near the land of waves and the land of tea, where you can effectively ambush the ninjas in the land of water.

Jiang Rui killed the last two without saying a word. Yunyin Village and Konoha were not of the same mind, so naturally they didn't dare to go too deep.

Jiang Rui thought, if I were Raikage, I would definitely choose the second one, and give Konoha a slap in the face!

In fact, Raikage did the same, but he threatened in advance, and Sarutobi Hizan also agreed on the surface, and then he secretly transferred Jiraiya back, planning to let him go to Tian Zhiguo to prevent Raikage from re-emerging. Send troops into the country of fire.

Of course, Jiang Rui didn't know this, but he couldn't bear the fact that the other party must pass through the country of Tian when he returned to Yunyin Village.

Coincidentally, I heard that Nagato and the others are also here?

Interesting, huh?

Jiang Rui thought about it and decided to go to the Land of Tian along the border of the Kingdom of Iron first.

Anyway, if you don't find it, it means that the other party is stationed in the land of fire, so you can go back and find it by yourself?

Heart and action!

Without saying a word, Jiang Rui looked at the direction of the land of the land and started to hurry.

In the village of Kiriyin, Mizukage also began to give orders, and the army of ninjas of Kiriyin began to gather faintly, preparing to board the border of the land of fire.

And Jiang Rui, who was hurrying along the way, was wandering in the border area, and he didn't see the shadow of Yun Yin's troops, but he fought against the betrayal, wave and ninja several times.

To be honest, most of the Lang Ninjas are relatively easy to talk, especially after seeing the Anbu mask on Jiang Rui's head, they can at most throw the information that "a fog hidden Anbu is operating on the border of the Iron Country" into the underground exchange .

Besides, run away when you see Jiang Rui!

Anbu usually means trouble.

But betrayal is different!

God testified that he just saw a few Mist Hidden Rebels sitting in that tavern and wanted to go over and say hello.

Then he was treated as an assassination unit coming to arrest people...


It seems to be fine.

Anyway, it turned out that Jiang Rui's expression was helpless, and the information on the underground exchange became

"A Kirigakure Anbu is chasing Kirigakure Rebel Ninja around, and his strength is about Joinin..."

This gave Jiang Rui a headache.

However, after a few days of rushing on the road, he somewhat felt that he had chosen the wrong route.

Because the marching speed of the troops is absolutely impossible to catch up with themselves.

He simply stopped exploring the surroundings, and looked directly at the land of the land and ran over.

However, it is worth mentioning that due to the alliance between Yunyin and Konoha, Mizuyage did not dare to act rashly.

Shuiying is afraid of being stolen from his home...

After all, Yunyin and Kiriyin are separated by a sea, oh, there is a country of birds in the middle, and although a unit is operating in the country of fire, Raikage and the rest of the ninja are still in the village.

So, there was soon another news from the avatar that he had another mission!

Destroy the alliance between Fire Nation and Cloudy Village.

Jiang Rui: ? ? ?

Is the teacher very confident in me?

I'm not swollen, so you have so much confidence in your students?


Jiang Rui pouted. The meaning of the third generation of water shadow was to make him disguise as Yun Yin or Konoha Ninja to destroy, but he felt that he was lying.

Wouldn't it be good to destroy Yun Yin's vanguard!

The strength is unbalanced, so you still form an alliance? !

I have to say, the slime with the sea in its stomach is indeed a little swollen!

In the afternoon, approaching the evening, the border of the land of the land...

"...In that late-night bar, who cares if it's true or false~" Jiang Rui walked into a tavern step by step, humming an unknown song.

I have to go all the way in a hurry, no matter what, I have to reward myself.

With such a mood, Jiang Rui walked into the tavern with his head held high.

"Boss, have a drink and don't go home tonight."

For a moment, the chatter in the tavern stopped briefly, and most of the people glanced at him and resumed the conversation.

Jiang Rui casually sat on the stool and looked around, probably because it was near the junction of Konoha and Yunyin, there was much less rebellion and forbearance, and although most people's eyes glanced at the mask above his head, But few people recognized it.

Or in other words, you didn't get in trouble when you recognized it?

This is not a small tavern. Behind the huge counter, the owner with a big belly is cleaning the small wine cup.

He glanced at Jiang Rui, but he was not surprised. He just called out a little strangely, "Ayase, go say hello."


A very gentle voice.

Jiang Rui raised his head and glanced, oh, very beautiful young lady, the boss here is unusual, thinking about the tavern he passed by all the way, who doesn't have to be humble when he sees a ninja, then to this, he doesn't answer to himself. reason? !

It's totally unreasonable, but for the sake of Miss Sister's good looks, I forgive you.

The little sister who was holding some of the food looked at the cute blue-haired girl with a gentle expression: "What do you want, little ninja?"

The little ninja? Jiang Rui blinked and repeated, "I'm not going home tonight, okay?"

"Uh, we have sake, rice wine, fruit wine..." Miss Sister also blinked and replied.

"Okay, bring me some fruit wine."


Jiang Rui narrowed his eyes, lay on the table, and looked around.

In the front left is a ninja, wearing a hat, eating quickly, as if planning to leave after drinking.

In the corner was a group of ordinary people with the appearance of samurai, talking about something.

Jiang Rui concentrates...

"That blood, all over the street, scared me."

"That's right, we'll leave as soon as the letter arrives! I heard there's going to be a war here soon."

"Who did you listen to?"

Jiang Rui turned his head, and while noticing their conversation, he looked to the right and looked around. There were only three people there, near the bar.

After seeing the three of them, Jiang Rui's attention was immediately drawn to the past.

One person's slightly curvy blond hair was rolled back. It was a very avant-garde hairstyle, with a high nose bridge and dark blue eyes.

He is talking to the boss about something.

Jiang Rui opened his golden eyes slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although this feature is not very noticeable in Hokage, it does not prevent Jiang Rui from noticing them.

That is a kind of temperament, a feeling of modern people.

The other two noticed Jiang Rui's gaze, glanced over here, bowed their heads and said a few words.

The three quickly got up and were about to leave.

Because it was a bit far away, Jiang Rui vaguely heard words such as "Someone..." "We..." "No need..." "Misty...".


After pondering for a moment, a stream of water flowed slowly under his feet...

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