Infernal Artist

Chapter 84 Lady of Pain (Additional update for leader R Youxiao!)

The blazing sunlight dimmed.

After several hours of intense work, Dark Mist Town is no longer in ruins.

The tactical team cooperated with the reconstruction team and seized time to restore all defensive facilities.

When Liu Ping walked out of the ruins, he saw everyone gathered around a big table, eating dinner in a hurry.

"Eh? Where is Lord Luo Sheng?"

asked the leader of the team's tactical team.

"I didn't see him, you have something to do with him?" Liu Ping said with a smile.

"No, how dare I look for him? I just hope he will be here to help tonight -"

The team leader shook his head and called Liu Ping over for dinner.

Liu Ping was not polite, found a clean plate and went to add food.

When he sat down next to the team leader, he couldn't help but let out a soft hum.

"What's wrong?" asked the leader.

"It's okay." Liu Ping said with a smile as he endured the pain radiating from everywhere on his body.

Not long ago, he had just broken through the middle and late stages of the Golden Core. No matter how strong his body was now, it would still take some time to withstand the impact of the new spiritual power.

Wait until your body has completely adapted to the new spiritual power before you consider impacting the Nascent Soul realm.

Unexpectedly, he met Luo Sheng and the two sides fought to the death.

Surrounded by the demon kings, he had no choice but to invite heavenly calamity and barely defeated them.

Win is win.

However, my body has experienced two small breakthroughs and one major breakthrough in a row, and it has actually been seriously injured.

Right now, even if I lift my chopsticks, I can feel the pain in my meridians.

"Tonight you mainly watch the show. If it's too dangerous, just find a place to survive. Don't do anything and recover well." Yana's voice sounded quietly.

"That's exactly what I thought."

Liu Ping responded, picked up the dinner plate and started eating.

Yana thought for a while and then said: "Tomorrow we will find a way to go to the depths of the eternal night. Don't stay here any longer, otherwise we will be in trouble when the demon kings come from purgatory."

"What is the relationship between Yong Ye and Purgatory?" Liu Ping asked.

"Eternal night is the world of death, and purgatory is the corresponding world of life." Yana said succinctly.

"What about here? Is this part of purgatory?" Liu Ping asked.

"Here? This is Yongye."

"——No, isn't Eternal Night on the other side of the giant steel gate? We still have daylight here, isn't it part of purgatory?" Liu Ping said in surprise.

"The sun is man-made, and the giant steel gate is a barrier of technology mixed with spiritual energy. It can only simulate twelve hours of daylight before shutting down to rest. In fact, we have been in eternal night." Yana said.

Liu Ping took a mouthful of food and slowly swallowed it after a long time.

Always in the eternal night.

No wonder.

No wonder Eternal Night will continue to engulf all "living worlds" and even destroy all places where living people are.

——This is eternal night!

Yana continued: "Our location is the closest to the living world in the eternal night, and it is relatively the safest place."

"Safe? I survived several narrow escapes. Do you think this is the safest?" Liu Ping said.

Yana said: "That's right, the ecological circle that has been established here includes wilderness and cities, and there are creatures reproducing here, unlike the depths of the eternal night-"

"Where exactly is the depth of the eternal night?" Liu Ping asked.

"The eternal night has almost no end. The deeper you go, the more it is filled with unknown mysteries. It is very easy to encounter unknown entities that even gods and demon kings shy away from. However, they are generally in a deep sleep and will not easily escape from it. Wake up in death." Yana said.

"So when we flee to the depths, those demon kings may not dare to chase us, and we don't know how to chase them, right?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes." Yana said.

Liu Ping was silent for a few breaths and said, "I still have some things to do. Please wait for me for a day or two."

"One or two days? The longer the time, the greater the risk. What exactly is it?" Yana asked,

"The world of cultivation—my hometown, there are still some things I must figure out." Liu Ping said.

If I leave this time, I don’t know when I can come back next time.

How long can the spiritual world exist?

It belongs to the Lady of Pain, but the Lady of Pain is not necessarily safe either.

There are many other things about Master's whereabouts. If I leave this time, I'm afraid I will never have the chance to find out.

Yana's voice sounded again:

"Two days... Okay, hurry up, we have to leave in two days, otherwise it will be too late."


The two of them had reached an agreement, and Liu Ping once again took the plate and started eating.

A few minutes later.

The leader of the team held the lunch box and said loudly: "Eat quickly, we have to go to the church to see the situation after eating."

From the sky, a female voice came: "No need."

Everyone looked up and saw a woman floating in the air.

——It is Wang Wei.

"The boss is here!"

Everyone cheered.

Wang Wei came down and looked at everyone in front of her, and finally her eyes fell on Liu Ping.

"Follow me." She shook her head at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping stood up and followed her to the back of a wall.

"You won?" she said with a smile.

"Yes." Liu Ping nodded.

"What an amazing talent. By the way, do you remember the bartender?"


"The former card master of Dark Mist Town is the bartender numbered receptionist No. 03687. Every card master like him or you has to guard the border town for three months. If you can hold it, you can Get promoted and gain a certain amount of authority." Wang Wei said.

"...three months." Liu Ping read.

The bartender said the same thing before fighting him.

"It's such a pity that he died in the last fall from the sky..." Liu Ping said.

Wang Wei's expression became serious: "The card master is the one chosen by the gods - guarding one side alone against Yongye is completing the challenge given by the gods. This is also the reason why the gods recognize you."

"I know." Liu Ping said.

"The situation is strange and changeable right now. The goddess needs to concentrate on dealing with the enemy. All the borders must be guarded by you. Are there any problems?"

Wang Wei stood still, exuding an inexplicable power.

These powers are like ripples, glowing in the void, making everything around them unreal, and Wang Wei standing among them looks even more mysterious.

"Of course it's no problem." Liu Ping said.

"Well, you are very good, better than Luo Sheng - I will help you understand the true path of a card master, lead you to see the reality of the world, understand the truth of natural selection, and become a supporter under the throne. One day I can even meet Lady Pain in person." Wang Wei said softly.

A line of burning small words quietly emerged in the void:

"Attention, she is in a divine state."

"In other words, some deity is coming to you in her own body."

——Ms. Pain.

Besides her, Liu Ping couldn't think of anyone else.

"To see the reality of the world... How can I see the reality of the world?" Liu Ping asked seriously.

Wang Wei waved gently.

In an instant, all the people around him disappeared.

In the entire town, only Wang Wei and Liu Ping were left.

"The in my hands."

Wang Wei raised her hand.

A handful of cards fanned out in her hand.

Liu Ping took a closer look and saw familiar faces drawn on those cards.

The first card is the team leader, the second card is another professional, and so on, each member of the tactical team is a card.

"This is a tactical team deck, and each of them is a part of it."

Wang Wei put away the cards, walked up to Liu Ping, and said softly: "In this world, there are only two choices, either to become a strong person and dominate others; or to be dominated by others, and you can't help yourself -"

"This is the truth of the world."

"Child, you must make people willing to serve you, even if it is by stealing, cheating, or robbing, you must make them willing to become your cards."

Wang Wei smiled and said softly: "But once they become cards, they can't help themselves."

She lowered her voice in Liu Ping's ear, as if telling a secret, and whispered:

"Remember, after becoming your card, everything they do must obey your orders. You can let him fight, let him do everything for you, and you can even betray him in exchange for other cards."

"What if they resist?" Liu Ping asked.

"You can directly wipe out the card's soul, or torture him forever, causing him to fall into endless pain until he succumbs."

Wang Wei put away the cards, looked at Liu Ping and said: "The war has reached a critical juncture, and there are not many people available to help you. You must cooperate with the tactical team tonight and guard this place - remember, the world of cultivation is against us. It’s too important to miss!”

"Yes! The world of cultivation is indeed very important. I will protect this place with all my strength and will never lose it." Liu Ping said softly.

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