Mo Wanxi first accidentally discovered the ambiguous and flirtatious text message sent by Meng Weiwei to Shen Bohao on Shen Bohao's mobile phone.

Mo Wanxi was dumbfounded when she saw those explicit and ambiguous text messages. She couldn't believe it, and always thought it was a prank.

Annoyed and furious, Mo Wanxi saved the screenshots of those messages, and was going to ask Meng Weiwei what happened.

In the end, when I was looking for Meng Weiwei, I witnessed Meng Weiwei and Shen Bohao's car shaking in the underground parking lot of Huafeng Building.

Meng Weiwei did it on purpose at the time, she just wanted to reveal her relationship with Shen Bohao personally so as to stimulate Mo Wanxi to plot against her again.

So the live broadcast of the car shock was earth-shattering, so bold that Mo Wanxi couldn't imagine it.

After being seen by Mo Wanxi at that time, she was so angry that she was so angry that she was extremely angry.

Meng Weiwei has achieved her goal, but a wise man is sure to miss something. Meng Weiwei only thought of stimulating Mo Wanxi, but never thought that the parking lot of Huafeng Building is arranged with 360 degrees without dead ends and monitored.

The video of her and Shen Bohao's car shaking will definitely be captured by surveillance, and she can give Meng Weiwei a big gift as long as she goes to Huafeng Building to get the surveillance video.

Is it just that the people in Huafeng Building will provide her with surveillance?

No matter what, Mo Wanxi decided to try his luck.

In order to prevent Meng Weiwei's mother and daughter from finding out that she was influencing the plan, she disguised herself by wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask, and very low-key rushed to the security room of Huafeng Building where Meng Weiwei and Shen Bohao's car was shocked.

Mo Wanxi went to the security guard on duty to explain her intention, but the other party firmly rejected her request.

"It depends on whether they have permission to monitor them, and they need to go to the leader for approval."

How did Mo Wanxi know their leader? This matter is likely to be wrong, and she wandered in the hall unhappy.

Jiang Mo stepped out of the elevator and saw Mo Wanxi circling at the door of the security room. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately called He Yuting.

"Mr. He, Miss Mo is at the door of the company's security room. I don't know what's up with her."

"Really?" He Yuting was also a little strange, could it be Mo Wanxi who discovered his identity?

After thinking about it, he thought it was impossible, so he told Jiang Mo, you go and ask her what she is doing here.

Soon Jiang Mo knew the purpose of Mo Wanxi's coming here, and he immediately reported it to He Yuting.

He Yuting laughed when he heard that Mo Wanxi was coming to adjust the surveillance, "Let the security guard adjust for her, and cooperate with her in whatever she wants."

The boss seemed to be in a very good mood, and Jiang Mo agreed.

I was muttering in my heart, the boss never did things to waste time, but now he did many unimaginable things for this Miss Mo.

Did he take a fancy to Miss Mo?

But he clearly knew that this Miss Mo and the eldest lady's nephew used to be boyfriend and girlfriend?

This test cannot be passed by Mr. He alone. He must be very clear, right?

Since this is the case, what is he planning?

Mo Wanxi thought that there was no way to adjust the monitoring, and after wandering around the hall for a while, she was about to leave. As soon as she reached the gate, the security guard who had just refused her just chased after her with a smile.

"Miss, if you want to adjust the surveillance, please follow me."

Mo Wanxi was a little confused by the change in the other party's attitude. Don't worry about it, let's get the monitoring first.

She followed the security guard to the monitoring room, and the security guard transferred a copy of the monitoring that night to Mo Wanxi according to her request.

Mo Wanxi got the surveillance and thanked the security guard and left happily.

Upstairs, the president runs the company, and within a few minutes of Mo Wanxi's departure, He Yuting's mailbox also received a copied video file.

He opened the video and couldn't help laughing when he saw the lively content in it.

This little thing, not bad, actually thought of this trick!

Damaged enough, sinister enough, cruel enough, poisonous enough! Has his style!

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