Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 983: Nasty wasp

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"...The flag is with me!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Cheng almost couldn't help spraying her with red wine on her face. It was a joke. This tm is not a death squad preparing to launch a decisive charge. What kind of flag is here and the fight is endless!

He endured uncomfortably, and Situ Yanran's expression was not much better. The little girl didn't care about the organization or the spirit. She was still depressed that she hadn't eaten enough of the food just now, and was about to eat some snacks to fill her stomach. Zhao Xiaolan started talking after eating two bites. Doesn't this delay her meal?

After laughing wildly inside, Yang Cheng turned to wonder again. It stands to reason that the wasp should not want to see the collective Chinese newspaper group. The situation they most want to see is that there is no contact between the various families of the Chinese, but they are attached at the same time. Above this big tree trunk of wasp, this will neither give the Chinese a chance to rise, but also make everyone feel safe and will not fight back.

But now Zhao Xiaolan’s proposal obviously runs counter to the idea of ​​wasp. What kind of routine is this? Yang Cheng didn't believe that there was no wasp behind this proposal, otherwise the party would not be held tonight.

So what exactly is wasp doing? The anti-Semitism has been abolished for decades and hundreds of years. If anti-Chinaism is produced again, even if it is as powerful as wasp, it will not be able to bear it.

And Yang Cheng didn’t think this was a sign of the Zhao family’s falling out with the wasp. They didn’t dare and didn’t have the ability. The Jews had a huge cash advantage and fought with the wasp for more than a century, and they have not distinguished high or low. , If the Zhao family wants to rebel, can it be worth the wasp's crazy revenge? Not to mention that the Zhao family is not good, it is just a few more days to live for kidnapping the entire Chinese family in the United States. After all, in other people's turf, the time and place are right and the people are not occupied. How can we fight?

The Jews destroyed the central bank of wasp and set up the Federal Reserve in another way. On the surface, the two forces seemed to have reached a certain degree of reconciliation, but the Jews actually offended the two families of MG and Rockefeller.

Followed by WASP's crazy counterattack, telling the outside world a reality, MG family is not easy to provoke, GE is not good? AT&T is not good? This is all a branch of the MG family. It’s not a big deal. People with a little bit of common sense know that the most powerful thing in the MG family is not economics, but religious influence. As we all know, it is a religious nation in the West. The MG family is the leader of the American Anglican Church.

The Anglican Church is similar to the Baptist churches believed by Mitch McConnell. They are both a Protestant school. The Anglican Church is a Christian church organization established by the British and the Roman Catholic Church. In the UK, the leader of the Anglican Church is the King of England. , And in the United States, it is not Bai Gong, but MG.

Almost all the wasps are at least nominally members of the Anglican Church. In World War I, the United States resolutely joined the war after reaping the benefits of the fishermen. It is said that this is simply because the MG family wanted to get rid of or even defeat the Rothschild family, and insisted. The United States was dragged into the war. After the First World War, the U.S. Senate released the "Nye Report", exposing in detail the criminal history of the MG family holding American ZF to participate in the First World War.

And "we and the group" offended not only the MG family, but also Rockefeller. This legendary family was not only an oil producer. Later, the Rothschild Empire collapsed, and the Rockefeller family acquired many Rothschild families. His assets and even talents further strengthened his own strength. Later, isn't the awesome Ji Xin Ge a Rockefeller's retainer!

To put it simply, the MG family is the representative of wasp, while Rockefeller is the representative of the German-Americans. These two families were the largest and strongest of the white Americans at the time. The two shook their arms and anti-Semitists immediately responded. , Launched a **** counterattack against the Jews.

Anti-Semitism has never lacked excuses, not to mention the original sin of betraying Jesus, nor the notoriety of lending usury. The mess caused by the Jews in the financial sector alone was enough wasp to attack. The stock market crash in the late 1930s. Wasn't it because the shameless things the Jews made on Wall Street were exposed.

In addition, there were a large number of German-Americans at the time, and they were deeply influenced by the motherland and the Rockefeller family. They were very hostile to Jews. The Irish were more working people and had natural tensions with Jewish capitalists. The Irish underworld also often quarreled with Jewish gangs. The site is at war.

In short, in all areas, MG and Rockefeller teamed up to beat the Jews to the edge of the cliff, only one step away from kicking off the cliff.

But the Jews are not vegetarians. If you don’t want us to live well, just set the table and have fun together. During Prohibition, Jews formed many hei gangs in Chicago and Brooklyn, New York. These hei gangs used large sums of money illegally. The cash bribery of guan members took revenge and even **** slaughter against the three religions at the periphery of the wasp. You must know that during the prohibition period, wasp made huge profits by smuggling alcoholic beverages, but the Jews almost cut it off. With a wasp artery, the loss is not disastrous.

The struggle between the two sides continued until the Second World War. The emergence of Nacui became the opponent of the wasp world hegemony. The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. Therefore, the Jews became good people in the mainstream media of the United States. The atrocities of Jews were revealed one after another. Out of sympathy, the public’s view of Jews began to turn, and the situation of Jews in the United States was greatly improved.

The Jews were also fierce and immediately mobilized 550,000 Jewish youths to join the army. It is said that this proportion accounted for half of the Jewish men between the ages of 18 and 58 at the time. Among these Jewish youths, 110,000 died in battle and 400,000 wounded, a total of 50 thousand 2 Thousands of people received awards for meritorious service, which also gave the Jews' embarrassing social status at the time, creating a little breathing space.

Wasp successfully contended for world hegemony, but it also lost the opportunity to completely kill the Jews. Through this mobilization of all ethnic groups into the army, the Jewish consortium further integrated the Jewish society. Most importantly, since then, there have been a large number of American troops. The Jewish officers in the United States will no longer be afraid of wasp raising the table, and will always take out their guns, because if there is a large-scale anti-Jew in the United States again, there will only be one result-the civil war! It is unacceptable to any force in the United States.

After the war, the European Jews felt that only the United States was the safest in the world, so a large number of Jews immigrated to the United States with funds and skills. The Jewish power developed rapidly in the United States. They accepted the lessons learned before World War II. Not only did they actively participate in ZZ activities, but also a large number of ZZ Family donated money, and tried every means to marry the family of wasp.

The last one is mainly to ease the relationship with wasp. World War I damaged not only the vitality of wasp, but also the life of the Jews. At this time, the two sides will fight again and it will only hurt both sides. Both are smart people, so naturally they don’t want to see. Another force took the opportunity to rise. Although the wasp did not accept the olive branch handed over by the Jews, the two sides had a tacit truce, and jointly hindered the rise of other ethnic groups-such as the Chinese!

At that time, the Chinese in the United States, headed by the Situ family, caused a storm in New York, but unfortunately they were beaten back soon, and the Situ family had to return to the base camp in Hawaii. Since then, they rarely even show up in the United States.

By the middle of the 20th century, both Jews and wasp were relieved, and the friction between the two sides increased day by day. Until the rise of the American civil rights movement, the struggle once again developed to a fierce stage. The Jews who suffered from discrimination naturally strongly supported the civil rights movement and actively participated.

The Jews themselves do not discriminate against blacks, because there are already many blacks among the Jews. These people come from black tribes who believed in Judaism in northern Africa. Many black Jews claim to be descendants of King Solomon. Much of the funding for the black civil rights movement is provided by Jews. At that time, the civil rights movement was also very dangerous. In many places, ZF often used JC and militia to suppress civil rights demonstrations. F~B~I was even more lawless. They would provoke the black hei gang to merge with the radical leftist blacks of the civil rights movement. After a while, the drug will be administered and the gun will be fired in the middle of the night.

At that time, the Irish hei helped the elder’s son John F. Kennedy to run for the president. The old Kennedy mobilized national heroes to help, and the Jewish Hei Gang gave strong support. The "we" also used the Internet to mobilize the entire American Jewish community to support the second child of the Kennedy family. With such a great effort, Kennedy naturally cannot watch the local ZF suppress the civil rights movement regardless. In addition, he appointed two Jewish ministers and the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, which can be regarded as repaying the Jewish love.

Only later, on the one hand, Kennedy crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and on the other hand, he cleaned up his friends; on the other hand, he was unwilling to sign the Civil Rights Act, the Jews were naturally unhappy and turned against the Kennedy family.

As for whether Kennedy was later assassinated, whether it was like a rumor and had something to do with Jewish forces, it is unclear. However, it can be guessed that maybe the Jews did not personally act on it, but they probably knew in advance and were optimistic about it, because Johnson was later replaced by Johnson. It was also promoted by the Jews with great effort. For Jews, an obedient generalist is obviously more suitable to stay in that position than someone who crosses the river and tears down the bridge.

After the Civil Rights Movement, Jews gradually infiltrated the top level of the zheng industry in the United States. Many Jews served as ZF high-ranking officials. Some of them even had a good relationship with wasp. These people belonged to the wall, and whoever gave more benefits was temporarily biased to which side. , But resolutely refused to offend the other party. The wasp and the Jews had nothing to do with them. After all, they were still expecting them to promote the motion on Capitol Hill. Everyone turned their eyes and closed their eyes, and everything was done with money.

This group of people slowly formed the third pole between the wasp and the Jews. They were on an equal footing with the Jewish forces in the Donkey Party, and at one time they held the majority of the Donkey Party’s right to speak. The representative of this group is Richard De Bin and Zipperton family.

Zhao Xiaolan's voice did not receive a positive response. One of the people present here counts as one, which one is not a human spirit? They are all foxes for thousands of years. Talking about Liao Zhai can not scare people!

However, Zhao Xiaolan was not discouraged. She should have expected such a situation a long time ago. When the conversation changed, she invited Mickey McConnell to take the stage. Yang Cheng straightened her body, expecting this big man to come out with something different.

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