Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 981: Live Japanese fans?

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The dinner was held in the Ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. Yang Cheng and the others arrived at the hotel in three Rolls Royce respectively.

Because it was an internal gathering of Chinese people, the media was not invited to the scene. Of course, those paparazzi who hoped to catch some fierce materials still moved by the wind, hid behind the tree very professionally, and turned on the flash to each guest, although they may not get a share. Know who is who, but these photos can still be sold at a good price if they are packaged, at least they can make some money for meals.

The Zhao's family has taken care of the entire hotel. Except for the guests staying in the hotel, no outsiders can disturb the party.

Passing through the three-story lobby, the carefully crafted Riley crystal lamp lights up the entire space, and the golden effect dazzles everyone's sight.

Under the leadership of the welcoming staff, he soon came to the grand banquet hall. As the host of the dinner, the Zhao family specially arranged for the youngest daughter, Zhao Anqi, to welcome the guests at the entrance of the banquet hall. As the vice chairman and heir of the Fuma Group, Zhao Anqi’s The identity is enough to cope with the many guests present tonight.

Not to mention that Zhao Anqi is only one round older than Yang Cheng, but it is impossible to call her sister. People are the same as Yang Sen, and at least they have to call her aunt.

When Zhao Anqi saw a group of six people, she greeted her with a little doubt in her eyes. She seemed surprised how the Yang family and Luo family got together, but she didn’t feel embarrassed to ask more. She bent down to greet Luo Zhenhua and Yang Sen. His Mandarin is not that standard. Although he has an accent, he is still fluent. "Big Brother Luo, Brother Yang, and my younger sister thank you for being here first, so please take a long trip."

Compared to Yang Sen, Luo Zhenhua is obviously more familiar with Zhao Anqi, and he is not afraid that his wife will be jealous. He laughed and praised, "Anqi, you are getting more and more beautiful~"

In the eyes of others, Zhao Anqi is the proud daughter of heaven and the heir to the wealth of the Zhao family, but in front of Yang Sen and Luo Zhenhua, she is not much different from the sister of ordinary people. After hearing Luo Zhenhua's compliment, Zhao Anqi is obviously a little uncomfortable, and no one has been in person for a long time. Praise her for her beauty, the last time she was in love with her husband.

However, Luo Zhenhua was not wrong. Zhao Anqi, who was just in her early 40s, absorbed almost all the beauty of her sister on her body. Coupled with the proper maintenance, she could not see that she was in her 40s. She looked like she was in her 30s. The woman is about the same.

Zhao Anqi humbled a few words, and greeted the two wives again, and then focused on Yang Cheng and Luo Yue who were on the wrists. Luo Yue knew each other. She didn’t meet each other rarely when she was a child, but Yang Cheng didn’t know her anymore. In other words, it is unfamiliar, it is impossible not to know it. How could Anqi Zhao not know the most famous Chinese rich man in the United States today?

"Is this Yang Cheng? I have heard of the name for a long time. I have spent a lot of time in New York, and we have never met." Zhao Anqi came to Yang Cheng, the woman rushing towards her face. The flavor makes Yangcheng feel deeper.

Luo Yue looked affectionately at her husband and made a listening posture. Of course, Yang Cheng could not be distracted at this time. She cursed in her heart for nothing, quickly adjusted her emotions, and respectfully called "Auntie~"

Unexpectedly, this name frightened Zhao Anqi, "Don’t call me aunt, let’s talk about different things, call me Sister Sheng if you don’t dislike it? The biggest dream of my life is to have a younger brother for me to bully, but unfortunately I My parents failed to satisfy my wish."

Everyone laughed, Luo Yue also followed and covered his mouth and smiled, but Yang Cheng had a thick face, and she definitely belonged to the type of climbing. She shrugged and said, "It's all different, sister An Qi, wait a minute. Leave a contact information and come back to dinner together."

Zhao Anqi didn't think so much, as if she really recognized Yang Cheng's younger brother, clapping her hands happily, "I'm busy now, so I won't be too polite. When the dinner starts, we will sit down and have a few drinks and talk slowly."

Yang Cheng readily agreed. . .

The scene was really busy. The guests came tonight. Zhao Anqi was so busy that she didn’t even drink her saliva. No matter how big the Yang family is, she can’t talk all the time. She has to greet other guests, but she personally called a direct line It is not negligible for the younger generation to help lead the way.

The news of the marriage between the Yang family and the Luo family is still kept secret, but the two were present at the same time, and the intimate behavior of Yang Cheng and Luo Yue's wrists and hands. It is estimated that the news of the marriage between the two will spread. Before that, they must be separated, because when the Zhao family is arranging seats, they are more concerned about whether they are familiar with the table, so as not to be embarrassed by everyone. The three of the Yang family are arranged only on the rostrum. Built into a stage, there will be entertainment performances later, this is a feature of Country Z.

As he walked to his seat, Yang Cheng also saw some people from the entertainment industry, including Chinese light Li Yu, pianist Lang Lang, cellist Ma Youyou, etc. Of course, the presence of the older brother Chen is indispensable for such an occasion, and the fame is When a big international superstar arrives on such occasions, he has to sit down like a pupil.

The person who arranged this table in the Yang family was actually the Situ family, and the old man of the Situ family would naturally not come, but Situ Yanran and her parents had both come.

The two families hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they got up far away to say hello. When they got closer, they kept hugging and greeting each other.

Two juniors, Yang Cheng and Situ Yanran, lag behind. After hugging, Situ Yanran pouted and said, "Brother Orange, I didn't expect to see each other again soon, where's Sister Yueyue?"

Situ Yanran tilted her head and looked behind Yang Cheng.

"Okay, don't look, your sister Yueyue is following her family."

Situ Yanran suddenly felt boring, but suddenly her mouth bulged into a bun, and she said in embarrassment, "Oh, okay, Brother Orange, I told you that several nasty guys just came over and asked me if I was married. Dead, you have to vent my anger."

Yang Cheng clung to her shoulders dumbfounded and said, "Okay, if someone comes to sao to bother you, I'll send it for you, but this is not a disguised proof that we Yueyue has grown up and are so beautiful. Naturally some people like it."

Situ Yanran raised her small fist, "Hit you, see if you dare to talk nonsense."

Yang Cheng pretended to beg for mercy. The brothers and sisters fought for a while. Then they sat down, and then waited endlessly. There were so many guests that they hadn’t finished the meal before the appointed time for dinner. Working overtime late.

Finally, when the hour hand pointed to the Arabic numeral 7, the current sign of the Zhao family was also the eldest daughter of Zhao Xiaolan. Zhao Xiaolan stepped onto the stage during the applause of the audience, and stood in front of the podium and made a deep bow at the audience. Bow, and then smiled into the microphone, "Thank you, thank you, thank you all compatriots for coming to participate in this American Chinese event in your busy schedule, I really can’t find too many words to describe my feelings at this time, excited In addition to excitement or excitement, I believe that this will be a testimony of our Chinese getting better and better!"

After finishing the beautiful words with no nutrition, Zhao Xiaolan directly announced the start of the dinner. No matter how important things are, you must have enough energy to talk about it.

Yang Cheng's gaze moved with Zhao Xiaolan. When her figure returned to the location of Zhao's family on the opposite side, Yang Cheng found that Zhao's family had been there tonight, except for Mr. Zhao, who was full of smiles on crutches. Daughters and their families were also present. What surprised Yang Cheng most was Zhao Xiaolan’s husband. Mickey McConnell, who had just been re-elected as the leader of the Elephant Party Senate and leader of most dangs, also joined today’s book. At a banquet where only Chinese were participating, Yang Cheng had to think more about this.

Who is Mickey McConnell? The specific information is available online, so I won’t go into details, but it’s worth mentioning that Zhao Xiaolan’s brilliant ZZ experience is absolutely inseparable from Mickey McConnell’s promotion, and the Baptist church backed by this person, Lutheranism and Anglicanism are both the core sects of wasp and the key channel for wasp to attract talents. Brainwashing people through religion has been a masterpiece of monarchs since ancient times.

Of course, Mickey McConnell, who is in a high position, is also wasp's ZZ pioneer. He used his power in the Senate to promote countless proposals for his own forces, and he also established a solid position in the hands of Jewish ZZ forces. The big-time figure in wasp, such a person actually came to the dinner, if there is no purpose, Yang Cheng would dare to broadcast the Japanese fan! Five gears!

With a sneer I feasted on the sumptuous dishes. I was busy doing styling in the afternoon and forgot to eat. I was panicked when I was hungry. I didn't even think about eating anything.

In fact, attending this kind of dinner is the most annoying. You must maintain an elegant dining etiquette. You can't eat too much, let alone eat too fast. It is obvious that the dishes are delicious, but in order to hold the posture, you also forget to taste the dishes. The taste is the same as chewing wax. After eating a few bites, barely filling her stomach, she turned her head to find that girl Yanran, her eyes staring at the lobster on the plate and swallowing.

Yang Cheng laughed, "If you want to eat it, why don't you bear it?"

Situ Yanran glared at Yang Cheng, "It's garlic, it's delicious, it's delicious, but after eating, it smells bad and it's impolite."

Yang Cheng realized that the lobster he had just eaten was garlic-flavored. He didn't eat it at all. He was also drunk. It stands to reason that at this level of dinner, the chef will fully consider the guests' scruples and this taste. Dishes that are prone to leaving a peculiar smell are difficult to make it into the elegant hall. How could such a mistake occur?

Tilted his head and looked at the side table. Sure enough, the lobster dish did not move. It seemed that except for Yang Cheng, almost no one had chopsticks down on this dish. It was really speechless.

But I ate everything. With Yang Cheng's face, he didn't care about being ashamed. After all, no one would dare to say that he had never seen the world!

He doesn't care, girls still have to be more careful, and can't let others chew their tongues behind their backs, so Yang Cheng thought of a way to cut the lobster into small pieces that are easy to eat, and then sprinkle with steak juice to cover the rich garlic , Handed it to Situ Yanran, and said dozingly, "Eat it, so that it won't leave any flavor."

Situ Yanran couldn't help it for a long time, shouting that Brother Orange is the best, and took a small bite to eat with a fork. She didn't care if there was any lobster flavor. She seemed really hungry.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor

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