Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 979: "Let's 1 group" (1)

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"It turns out that I went to my father-in-law's house to show my courtesy. No wonder you know. That's right. The Luo family should have also received an invitation. Okay, see you tomorrow and say hello to your father-in-law for me."

Faced with Yang Sen's ridicule, Yang Cheng said he was helpless, but what could he do?

Hanging up the phone, Chong Luo Zhenhua said, "Now it seems that I can't go if I don't."

Luo Zhenhua just wiped his face and put a towel on his shoulders with a smile, "Then go and see, the Zhao family is getting more and more mysterious."

Accompanying Luo Yue to stay at home for a day. On the second morning, the Luo family and Yang Cheng flew back to Los Angeles ahead of time on the Jason, and rushed to the manor of Yang Cheng to join the Yang Sen couple.

The dinner was held in the evening, and it was not noon yet. With sufficient preparation time, White called a whole styling team to make styling for the three ladies. Of course, the three men could not be exempt. Although there is no need to dress up, the hairstyle Still need to be a little more particular about it.

In the afternoon, it was not Luo Yue's turn to do the styling. The little girl couldn't bear to be lonely, and pulled Yang Cheng to play in the pool. Because of the constant temperature system, the temperature in the water was even higher than that on the shore. Luo Yue, who was soaked in the water, was reluctant to come out for a while.

Yang Cheng sat on the shore and plunged his legs into the water, watching Luo Yue fish like playing in the water, with unspeakable love in his eyes.

"Swim for a while, don't be too tired, save some energy for the evening." Yang Cheng said concerned.

Luo Yue got out of the water, swam over and lay on the shore, smiled sweetly, "I know, it's been a long time since I haven't been active."

Yang Cheng petted her to wipe off the drops of water on her face, "Come up and put on a bathrobe, don’t catch a cold. When my mom finishes the styling, it’s your turn. Go back to the bathroom for a hot shower. ."

Luo Yue obediently let Yang Cheng put a bathrobe on her, and then trot barefoot back to Yang Cheng's master bedroom on the second floor to take a shower.

At this time, Yang Sen, who had returned from strolling outside with Luo Zhenhua, greeted Yang Cheng, "What should you know about the conflict between the Zhao family and the Wang family? Don't hide it, tell me."

It turned out that the two had just gone out to discuss the incident. Yang Sen learned from Luo Zhenhua that Yang Cheng had received news first. Based on what a father knew about his son, Yang Cheng had hidden some important information.

Yang Cheng didn't want people to know, especially Luo Zhenhua, because his future father-in-law was really not very courageous, and he was worried that he might scare him by telling him some inside information.

But now that Yang Sen has said so, he is naturally not good at concealing it, otherwise Luo Zhenhua will easily be misunderstood. He hesitated and said, "It's nothing, it's just a struggle between the Jewish and anti-Semitism forces. The Wang family can't make it to the table."

Yang Sen frowned, "Explain in detail?"

Yang Cheng sighed, spreading his hands and said, "Anti-Semitic forces have been trying to conspire through C~I~A in recent years. Recently, there is a big plan to be implemented. The specific content of the plan is unknown, but maybe It spreads to the Chinese community, you know, the minds of the anti-Semitic forces are not so pure. To put it bluntly, they want to be the emperor. Since becoming an emperor, naturally they are not allowed to have forces that can threaten their throne. Unfortunately, these years The rise of Chinese in the United States has already made many forces feel the crisis."

After a pause, motioned for the two to come to the pool, and then said, "I guess the Zhao family suddenly killed the Wang family this time, and is also showing loyalty to the wasp. You should know wasp?"

Yang Cheng asked redundantly, how could Yang Sen and Luo Zhenhua not know the existence of wasp, so the explanation would make sense.

Wasp is the vanguard of anti-Semitism, and it is the only force that can compete with the Wall Street Jewish consortium.

The two of Yang Sen were silent, not knowing what they were thinking, maybe it was a sorrow for the situation of the Chinese?

In fact, the conditions of the Chinese are very similar to those of the Jews at the beginning. It was also very difficult for the Jews to be in the United States.

In the early days of the founding of the United States, some Jews who were marginalized in Europe came to the North American continent to seek a living, but the number was very small, basically Jews from Spain and Portugal, most of them did not have a high level of education and did not know what business is. Stuff.

Until the 18th century, many Jewish refugees from Germany came to the United States. They also had no money. After all, they also lived a good life in Germany. They were relatively active in their brains and tried all kinds of ways to make money and maintain their lives. Like the people of the state, they first walked the streets and started small business, then saved some money, opened some grocery shops, tailor shops, and engaged in textiles and clothes. The Jews attached great importance to the education of future generations and did not forget their own Improved, this will also lead to the improvement of the overall cultural level of the Jews, and the development will naturally be faster.

The Jews are actually not smarter than the people of Country Z, but they built a networked social structure through religion, and then through economic interests and culture. This makes them fight inwardly, but in general they can help each other. Deeply understand a truth, no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to beat 100 people. The persecution of them by the anti-Semitic forces, to some extent, makes them more united.

A similar spirit of mutual assistance in Country Z is probably only comparable to Wenzhou people and Chaoshan people.

Later Eastern European Jews came to the United States, and many Eastern European Jews went to the United States. Although these Eastern European Jews were very different from the early Jewish immigrants in terms of language, appearance and even doctrine, the old Jewish immigrants still spontaneously gave out money to settle them. German Jewish immigrants in small businesses hired Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe to help them find a bowl of food. At that time, such a bunch of small business owners were not qualified to lift shoes for other WASPs.

This situation is so similar to the first batch of Chinese immigrants. The low social status can only allow these Chinese to show their hard-working spirit, wandering at the bottom of American society, and the upward passage is almost blocked.

The Jews’ luck was a little bit better. Some vendors and small shop owners took up their own ideas and opened a bank. If anyone said to open a bank now, it sounded incredible, but the threshold for banks was very low. Money can be used to open it, which is easier than the Z people pooling money to speculate in real estate, small hydropower and small coal mines.

At that time, many so-called banks were in the banker’s backpack, similar to the current leather bag company. At that time, Lehman Brothers who sold cotton resolutely moved from the south to New York to open a bank, while Loeb and Goldman Sachs sold clothes out of fear of fashionable wives. , Was also forced to move to New York to open a bank, fearing that his wife would be afraid of two bank families. This is also a good story in the financial world.

Of course, in the early days, the main customers of their banks were basically these small vendors of their own ethnicity, because the threshold of the bank was low at that time and there were many bankruptcies. For a long time, Jewish banks were still unable to form a climate. After all, The number of Jewish groups is still small, and it is difficult to expand to other ethnic groups.

Until around the 1830s, the United States did as much infrastructure construction as country Z is now, but the United States was very poor at the time and needed to borrow money from European banks.

The status of the United States in the world at that time was similar to that of Country Z in the 1980s and 1990s. It was a place with relatively high investment risks. However, after all, with its vast territory and abundant resources and a large population base, most European banks chose to wait and see and did not completely shut down.

At that time, the Jewish bankers in Germany saw the opportunity and happened to learn that there was a group of German Jewish immigrants doing the same business in the United States. The villagers were tearful when they saw the villagers. This established the foundation for cooperation between the two parties. So, The Jews began to vigorously support the construction of railroads and canals in the United States. Of course, they made a lot of profits and made a lot of money.

These Jews and Jewish banks have also accumulated primitive capital in this wave of investments. Although some of these people are from the periphery of the Rothschild family, some are from small merchants and hawkers, the origins of the two parties are not the same, but these families are in this time They benefited from the extremely risky investment and realized the importance of unity, so they formed a life-and-death alliance, and they have been fighting against the world.

Then the Civil War broke out, and the Jews once again saw an opportunity to spend money to smash their ethnicity into key positions such as Secretary of the Army or even the Secretary of State Wu, and then use their power to initiate war money! Many people later added this sin to the Jewish consortium.

But in all fairness, the war money made by these banks is not too dark. They just made some "small money" that others did not make. The Rockefeller and Morgan families that rose through this war are really black. They simply robbed the two ZFs in the north and south of the country’s hard fortune. One was to rob the people and the people, and the other was to rob ZF directly. Although they are not good birds, it is not obvious who gains more than the price. No matter how rich the landlord is, can ZF be rich?

In short, after another partnership to make a fortune, the relationship between the Jewish families of Goldman Sachs and Lehman has become closer. Like most alliances, they naturally married each other to consolidate their relationship, and finally formed a huge Jewish network. , This ever-expanding chaebol family alliance is dubbed by their own people as "our group", and the English name is Ourcrowd.

In fact, many of the families in the "we're a group" started working directly or indirectly for the Rothschild family. This is not a deliberate fabrication. It is inevitable to carefully review the history of consortia like Goldman Sachs. Linked to the legendary name of Rothschild, in fact, most decent banks in the United States had investments in Rothschild at the time, and even the Morgan family looked at Rothschild's face.

No matter in the Civil War and the post-war railway war, Rothschild has given "our group" a lot of financial support, although Rothschild's peak assets are really worth 50 trillion US dollars. It is questionable, but it cannot be denied that in that era, Rothschild did kidnap or monopolize the entire world’s financial economy.

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