Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 966: The son-in-law arrives (2)

At noon, Luo Zhenhua hurried back in a straightforward suit and gold-wire glasses, carrying a briefcase in his hand. The son-in-law came back for the first time. As the old man, he had to come back to host the family banquet. My relatives did not have the novelty of Yang Cheng. They looked at his wife in surprise. When she was about to speak, she was pulled aside and said with a smile, "Don’t say anything, your daughter and son-in-law are in the garden. For a walk, the young couple probably don’t want to be entangled by relatives for too long."

   Luo Zhenhua knew it was his daughter's attention when he heard it, and squinted his eyes and smiled, "Okay, okay, let them both go around, wait for dinner before coming in, I will change my clothes first."

Just about to leave, he was grabbed by his wife again, "You old thing, what anxious, just reported to me when the driver came in and said that Yang Cheng had brought a few large boxes of gifts. It is probably a meeting present for us, so you should hurry up. Pick a treasure on your antique shelf. At this time, you can't sting around and take out the good things. You can't let the son-in-law think that our Luo family is ignorant."

   Luo Zhenhua was unhappy, and stared, "What do you mean? Why did I sting? Can the things for my son-in-law be good? Okay, I'll pick it now. I really can't take out the things at the bottom of the box."

Mrs.    patted her husband grotesquely, "Are you not stingy? I don’t want to say you~"

After a while, Luo Yue and Yang Cheng finally entered the house. Before Yang Cheng could introduce and say hello, they were surrounded by a group of half-aged milfs, just like the old brothel bustards, they almost took a handkerchief in Yang Cheng I slapped myself.

   It was the first time to experience this kind of scene. Yang Cheng was embarrassed and didn't know what to do, so she stood stiffly and was eaten tofu by these old women.

   Until Luo Yue's mother couldn't see it, she coaxed away the crowd a few times and rescued Yang Cheng, "Little Yang, don't mind, it is inevitable that Yueyue will be a little bit more enthusiastic when she takes someone home for the first time."

   Yang Cheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, secretly saying that this is too enthusiastic!

   His mouth kept saying modestly, "Everyone likes me and I am too happy, so why would you mind."

Surrounded by a group of people, I came to the Chinese-style living room. Just after sitting down, Luo Yue, who had been following behind, directed the servant to carry a box brought by Yang Cheng, and took out a blue velvet jewelry box from it, smiling Said, "Mom, Yang Cheng honored you. I went to the auction before coming."

Although I don’t know what exactly it is, Luo Yue’s mother’s eyes have already become a seam. After a woman gets old, she doesn’t have much hobbies. Showing off in front of these relatives is one of them, Yang Cheng’s son-in-law. The value means that things will not be bad, otherwise I am sorry for his last name.

   took it over with a smile, and said politely, "Xiao Yang is so polite. Auntie doesn't need anything, so why waste this money."

  Yang Cheng smirked, this is really a smirk, "Auntie, this is my heart. The first time I came here, I was rude with my hands empty. Besides, it didn't have much money. It was just a small piece of jewelry. You just smile.

   Luo Yue smiled like a little fox, she was already expecting her mother's surprised expression.

Sure enough, when Mrs. Luo slowly opened the jewelry box, the sun shot in instantly, reflecting the dazzling colorful light, Luo Yue couldn't wait to say, "Mom, this is Harry Winston's 1963 antique yellow diamond suit. The necklace plus a bracelet. The yellow diamonds were cut into a drop shape by a top master. The total weight is 119 carats. Yang Cheng competed with others for more than 10 rounds and bought this set of jewelry for a sky-high price of 4.8 million pounds. No."

Yang Cheng is willing to spend money for her parents. How could Luo Yue, a daughter, be jealous? What's more, she knew in her heart that as long as she wanted, Yang Cheng would buy her no matter how expensive jewelry, so she would not be angry. The sweetness in my heart cannot be concealed at all.

   The expected surprise appeared on Mrs. Luo’s face instantly, with her mouth wide open, her eyes shining like diamonds, no woman can resist the temptation of diamonds, not to mention the rare yellow diamonds with such high purity!

   Not only Madam Luo, but those relatives are also crazy. They crowded around Madam Luo and opened their eyes wide, wishing to swallow the necklace, cramped and wanting to touch but not daring to touch it. Luo Yue in her eyes was happy and proud.

"It's too expensive~ Xiao Yang, it's too expensive, I can't ask for it, but leave it to Yueyue, she is younger and more suitable than me." As expected, Mrs. Luo, who has seen the world, is in a daze. It's not easy to calm down so quickly.

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Auntie, please accept it. There is no reason to take back the gift you gave out. You don't want to see Yueyue quarreling with me because of this, right?"

   Mrs. Luo immediately became a guardian mad demon, "I think she dares, if this girl dares to blow her hair, see if I don't clean her."

   Luo Yue is wronged to death. What does it have to do with yourself? It's whether you are hypocritical or not.

   No matter what, Mrs. Luo is now a mother-in-law. The more she looks at her son-in-law, the more pleasing her eyes are. The jewelry worth 5 million pounds is given away, and the emotions that are not there are turned into love.

Luo Yue was not idle, for fear that these relatives would make a moth, quickly take out the gifts in the box ~ ~ everyone has a share, they are all valuable luxury goods, as a meeting ceremony, no one Can pick out the bad.

After sending out gifts, Luo Yue almost collapsed. Not only did he have to send gifts, but he also had to face the cross-examination of the seven aunts and eight aunts. The questions mainly focused on when to have the wedding and when to have children. Of course, there is no shortage of meat and vegetables. The person who is not jealous, asked Yang Cheng how's her'work' and whether Luo Yue could be satisfied. How did she answer?

   At this time, Luo Zhenhua changed into casual home clothes and walked over carefully holding a teapot in his hand.

   "What are you talking about? So happy?" As the head of the family, Luo Zhenhua still has a lot of prestige in front of his relatives. When he arrived, everyone consciously gave way.

   A middle-aged woman exclaimed excitedly, "Talking about your son-in-law, what a good boy, I gave the eldest sister's 5 million pounds of jewelry, I am so envious of us."

   Yang Cheng twitched the corners of her mouth. This sounded strange. Wouldn't it be a good boy if she didn't give away 5 million?

   Luo Zhenhua couldn't help being surprised. Seeing the packing in his wife's hands, he instantly felt that the gift he prepared could not be delivered.

   chuckled and said, "It's great, Xiao Yang spent a lot of money."

   Yang Cheng said politely, "Yes, uncle, and your gift."

The gift to Luo Zhenhua was nothing but a low-key Vacheron Constantin watch. The price was less than one-fifth of the jewelry set for the mother-in-law, but Luo Zhenhua couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Sometimes men were like that. Easy to satisfy.

  :. :

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