Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 956: Alien relics? (2)

The mummy, which looked 98% similar to the alien, was buried thickly in the pyramid. The objects buried beside it were very strange, and archaeologists could not identify it. If this strange-looking mummy is really an alien If he is an adviser to the pharaoh of ancient Egypt, then the ancient mysterious civilization of ancient Egypt is very likely to be related to aliens.

It is understandable that this mummy caused great panic to the Egyptian Guan Fang, and many prestigious archaeologists were invited to appraise it, but the result was that the mummy could not be explained by common sense, and everyone who has seen it The archaeologists of this mummy all believed that this mummy could not have come from the earth, but no one has been able to give a reasonable explanation for specific further research.

The discovery of this mummy has been rejected by every guan in Egypt, because no one wants to admit that the civilization of their country is related to an alien, or because of the help of an alien. This statement makes no one can accept.

However, Yang Cheng doesn't care what the Egyptian Guan members think, he just wants to know what Eiffel wants to say.

"Boss, I carefully studied the information you sent me on the plane. Of course, I also investigated through my own channels and found that an Egyptian archaeologist once said that there were aliens or creatures inside the pyramid. Of course, this It was discovered that it was not reported, and it was probably blocked by the Egyptian side.

The Egyptian archaeologist hid an ice-covered object in a secret chamber in a pyramid. Detection instruments showed that the object had heartbeat frequency and blood pressure indicators. It is believed that it has existed for at least 5,000 years.

Experts believe that there is a living creature under the ice. Archaeologists analyzed a volume of documents recorded in hieroglyphs simultaneously found in the tower. About 5,000 years ago, something called a flying wagon hit. Near Cairo, there is a survivor. Obviously, this picture is like an ancient Egyptian depiction of a spaceship.

According to the literature, the “survivor” may be an excellent architect. Archaeologists believe that the alien was the builder of the pyramid, and the pyramid is used as a signal to inform others in outer space to go to rescue, but it confuses scientists the most It's how the astronaut hid himself in the ice. "

Yang Cheng listened to his head, "Wait, you mean that the golden noodles have relics that may be left by alien survivors? But if this is true, the aliens belonged to the 12th Pharaoh. The times have been discovered, why not bury the aliens together after his death? It was passed to the 19th Pharaoh Tutankhamun to be buried together?"

Eiffel certainly couldn't give a correct answer, spreading his hands, "This is exactly what I want to say, maybe the elders after the twelfth century use alien relics to conduct research?

Especially the 18th Pharaoh Akhnatun, the father of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, there are also many incomprehensible'mutations' in his remains, and these mutations have caused many changes in his body. Some scholars even suspect that the ancient Egyptian ruler more than 3,300 years ago was not an "alien" but was the product of an "alien" experiment. "

Due to lack of knowledge of ancient Egypt, Yang Cheng found that she was almost unable to keep up with her thoughts. "Wait a minute, you said that Tutankhamun's father might be an alien?"

Eiffel was also helpless, "This is not what I said, but the scientists said. They also discovered that the murals of the pyramids in ancient Egypt more than 3,000 years ago had the appearance of alien spaceships. The shape of the spaceship was like an inverted dish. This is a very powerful evidence that scientists can produce."

After a pause, he recalled the materials he had read, and then said, "Pharaoh Akhnatun was in power from 1379 to 1362 BC. He was one of the most famous rulers in ancient Egyptian history. After the husband of Cleopatra’s famous Queen Nefertiti, of course, the famous Pharaoh Tutankhamun is his son. Ekhnatun is famous for his religious reformation, and his strange figure It even made his reputation close to that of Tutankhamun, his son with a golden mask.

According to the descriptions of his contemporaries, Ehnatun’s body is extremely different. He has a long face with a snake expression, his head is round like a fish egg, and the back of his head extends strongly backwards, with the capacity of the cranial cavity. It's very large, more than double that of an ordinary person. In addition, he has spider-claw-like fingers, duck-web-like feet, and a woman's plump buttocks. "

If it weren’t for Eiffel to see from the information, Yang Cheng would really think he was playing with himself, but if it was true, then if such an image of a person lives in the modern era, he can definitely play an alien in a science fiction film without makeup. , Or really treat him as an alien.

But Eiffel immediately said, "I think this description must be distorted by later generations, but in many ways it is indeed consistent with the facts. For example, his remains found in 1907 show that he does have a large and round body. , The head stretched behind the head.

Later, in order to prove that Ekhnatun is not an, they said that this was caused by a genetic mutation. According to his findings, Ekhnatun is likely to suffer from several diseases, and proposed Various real-life diseases, such as Marfan’s syndrome, which leads to lengthened limbs and face, and fingers that look like spider claws; while Klanfelter’s syndrome causes the body to overproduce female hormones, which leads to the growth of female-like ruins; Ferolick's syndrome causes fat deposits to grow like a woman's hypertrophic waist; as for his head to be round and stretched back, it is related to the growth process of the childhood skull.

However, according to this inference, Ehnatun will not live long at all. Just say that he is sick, and he will even become a yang patient because of his illness. There is no possibility of having any offspring, which is totally inconsistent with the historical record.

Because historical data proves that this pharaoh’s situation is completely different. He has a woman’s part and buttocks. He also has a huge male **** organ. The harem is full of wives and concubines, including two. Zheng Yin's wife.

In addition, he also raised many children. The beautiful Nefertiti alone gave birth to six daughters for him; and Tutankhamun, who has a golden mask, was born to him and another wife, Shia.

What is interesting is that these children, including Tutankhamun and Ehnatun, have the same weird body shape and head as him. This phenomenon did not appear in the previous pharaoh family. )

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