Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 934: No explanation!

   (following the above~~~)

As early as the third millennium BC, in the earliest pre-dynasty period of Egypt, the first pharaoh of Egypt had assigned someone to plant poisonous plants. People also discovered documents from the period of Pharaoh Mannis, which recorded Many methods of application of poisons include not only ya tablets, arsenic, aconite, etc., but also some cyanide.

   In addition, in ancient Egypt, poisonous toads had the supreme status and were regarded as sacred objects. Apart from its poison, people can't think of other convincing reasons. Therefore, people also believe that the ancient Egyptians are likely to use poison as a weapon to protect the pharaoh’s tomb.

   However, why did Howard Carter miss the move?

In fact, there is a third, more reliable explanation-radiation radiation: take a closer look at the cases of death due to the "Pharaoh's curse". In addition to high fever and stroke, more of them are madness and blood circulation. The destruction.

   So, the explanation of radioactive radiation has become reasonable, and scientists have discovered the existence of uranium ore in central Egypt, which seems to be further confirming the possibility of this speculation.

Moreover, part of the pyramid is made of radioactive stones. To be more precise, the ancient Egyptians have discovered the role of radioactive uranium and used it to protect the safety behind the pharaoh, or those close to the mummy, Or the amulets placed in the mausoleum, etc., are made of high-purity uranium-containing ore or at least have been "processed" by radiation.

   The same problem, Howard Carter is all right! Not only did he have no symptoms such as skin ulcers, but even the phenomenon of respiratory system disorders did not occur, and his body was as strong as a bull. Because of his existence, all reasonable explanations became unreasonable.

  A coincidence is called a coincidence, but obviously, there are too many coincidences in the whole thing!

Because Howard Carter was the first person to come into contact with the Pharaoh’s artifacts at the time, no matter how you explain it, he should have died the earliest, even earlier than the fifth Earl of Carnarvon, but the reality is that he lives better than anyone else. Both are long, which is simply incredible.

In this regard, the current Earl of Carnarvon, who has read countless books and materials, and has countless secrets unknown to others, can’t give any reliable words. He can only say that Spark’s Carter’s luck is too good. He got God’s favor. Favor, when human beings face inexplicable problems, it is inevitable to apply theism. It seems that only God can do it.

But Yang Cheng is a staunch atheist. If it weren’t for Count Carnarvon’s mystery, he would not necessarily believe in the pharaoh’s curse. He had always felt that the so-called curse legend in the world was just a rumor that catered to the public. Therefore, there is no reasonable explanation. It may be because the years have concealed the traces, or the human beings have not yet developed a technology to explore the mysteries. After all, there are too many secrets on the earth waiting for humans to discover one by one.

Everyone was silent and did not know what they were thinking. After receiving the consent of Earl Carnarvon, Yang Cheng opened the album and found photos of Howard Carter and the fifth Earl of Carnarvon. Compared with the Earl, Howard Carter Even more prosperous, the traditional British high-barreled gentleman hat, bow tie, tuxedo and thick moustache hanging on his face, looks more like earl than earl.

   And Earl Carnarvon’s face was thin, except for his bright eyes, which made people remember at a glance, he was unsmiling and seemed to be a little depressed.

After that, Yang Cheng saw the group photo of the two. This is the only photo of Howard Carter and Earl Carnarvon in the tomb. They stood at the doorway between the partially demolished front hall and the tomb, and wooden stakes propped up the entrance to prevent the entrance. It collapsed and the gravel at the door was messy. Howard Carter carried a heavy hammer in his hand and smiled at the camera. It can be seen how excited he was at the time, but Earl Carnarvon looked very elegant in a white suit, but the solemn brows were not resolved after a hundred years. Just two months after the photo was taken, Earl Carnarvon passed away.

Closing the photo album, Yang Cheng exhaled and looked at the current Count Carnarvon. He was still immersed in a sad mood, cleared his throat and said, "Your Excellency, there are always all kinds of things in this world. The miraculous phenomenon cannot be explained by common sense. Even if Mr. Howard Carter is alive now, I am afraid it is difficult to explain such strange phenomena. As descendants, we cherish their great deeds, but we should not be too entangled to live our own lives. It’s enough to complete their respective missions, what do you think?"

   William glanced at the earl, who bowed his head and said nothing, and shook his head at Yang Cheng, indicating that he said these were inappropriate now.

In fact, if it were not for the 100-year-old Earl of the Carnarvon family, William also intends to join Yang Cheng’s persuasion army. If the basement can be reopened, it is definitely the best for the upcoming hotel of Haycolir Castle. The gimmick, the prince who was caught in making money and couldn't help himself, certainly didn't want to miss this good opportunity that might make him make more money.

   is just to see the state of Earl Carnarvon, it is really not suitable to say too much, it is easy to irritate people, and then it will be bad if there are any rumors.

At this point in the luncheon, everyone was no longer in the mood to enjoy the desserts. Under Klin’s arrangement, they went back to the room to rest and adjust their emotions. After the lunch time, we will continue to discuss related When he arrived in the guest room, Luo Yue kicked off his high-heeled shoes, fell on his back, looked at the ceiling and muttered, "Do you think there is a curse in this world?"

Yang Cheng took off her dress jacket under Anna's help, pulled the shirt out of her trousers, and lay down beside Luo Yue. Anna knew how to wince, she closed the door lightly and walked out, leaving space for Yang Chenger people.

   "I can't say with certainty that there is no, but it cannot be denied that the whole thing is indeed full of fantasy.

   Just like the realistic prototype of the Heart of the Sea diamond necklace in "Titanic", it is a deep blue diamond called the ‘Star of Hope’, but it’s an out-and-out doom.

   According to legend, the "Star of Hope" used to be the eyes of an Indian goddess. This large gray-blue diamond with 45.52 carats seems to be deliberately made for those who have it.

In the past 300 years of its history, it has experienced many masters, but anyone who has owned it has suffered from bad luck and hardly ends. These bad luck is even more terrible than the curse of the wizard, because these are difficult to explain. The doom of the'Hope Star' has also become an ominous thing.

   It is that since the "Star of Hope" was placed in the Smith Research Institute, there has been no so-called bad luck. On the contrary, because many people have heard of the name to visit this rare treasure, it has brought a lot of wealth to the exhibition hall.

   But I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Behind the gleaming dreamy blue light, there is always a mysterious atmosphere. "

  :. :

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