Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 932: Pharaoh's curse (3)

  The fierce words of Count Carnarvon echoed in his ears. Yang Cheng had already suppressed the doubts in his mind, but after Count Carnarvon's words, he re-took it out.

   A question lingered in his mind, "Does the pharaoh curse really exist?"

   He was a little convinced at first, but he was not so firm, but the words of Earl Carnarvon made the small balance in his heart slowly start to tilt.

It’s not over yet, Earl Carnarvon added another weight, “Also, Mr. Mechaiz, the director of the Cairo Museum who was responsible for receiving and preserving the cultural relics unearthed from the Pharaoh’s tomb, told reporters in public that he did not believe in this evil, saying that he was talking to the mausoleum. Having spent a lifetime with Pharaoh’s mummy, isn’t he still alive and well? He firmly stated that the pharaoh’s curse does not exist.

   But, just a month later, Meriz, who was also as strong as a cow, died suddenly, younger than Mr. Howard Carter, at the age of 52.

   Later, according to the doctor's judgment, it was said that Melez died of a heart attack.


It was not reported in the news at the time, but it was mentioned in my grandfather’s diary that on the same day that Melez died, a team of workers came to the Cairo Museum in order to unearth a group of precious tombs of King Tutakamon. The cultural relics were packed in boxes and transported to the research institute for research by researchers, which also proved that Melez was very likely to personally touch the pharaoh's funerary during his lifetime.

   What’s even stranger is that the day Melez died was also the day when Tutankhamun’s tomb was disturbed. "

At this time, Yang Cheng and William were really shocked. The two ladies Luo Yue and Kate had already embraced them. They always felt chilly behind them. Only when they hugged each other did they feel at ease. The old countess seemed to be at ease. Very calm, undoubtedly, she can no longer be familiar with all this already, and if so, her face still shows a trace of fear, and it flashes past.

Count Carnarvon’s eyes looked out the window, lost in memory, “Since I can remember, I have been studying the written records left by my ancestors, and I am convinced of the pharaoh’s curse. Although I have not found any results, I dare to say that I am alive now. Among the people, no one knows everything better than me.

Tutankhamun was the twelfth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt. He took over the power of the sun **** Amon in 1316 BC and ascended to the throne of the pharaoh when he was only nine years old. A young pharaoh only reigned for nine years, but suddenly died at the age of eighteen. This incident itself is hard to not be confused.

   It can be said that Tutankhamun himself is a combination of miracles and mysteries. I am not surprised by all the miraculous things that happened to him.

After Tutankhamun died, he was buried in the Valley of the Kings on the west bank of the Nile, which is now known as the "Valley of Kings". From then on, he fell into darkness and fell asleep for 3274 years. Until February 1923, he was not far away. The uninvited guest who came, disturbed his sleep, maybe this is retribution. "

Earl Carnarvon sneered. The look when he saw him for the first time became so dim at this time. The whole person seemed to be enveloped in black mist. Yang Cheng felt that the air pressure in the house was slowly decreasing. This depressive feeling made He was very uncomfortable, unnaturally loosened the black bow tie on his neck and untied the neckline, quietly glanced at William, and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes-strange.

   However, they did not utterly disturb the earl’s thoughts, leaving him to continue to recall, “This uninvited guest is exactly howard Carter, an Englishman of Egyptian origin.

  From the records of my great-grandfather, I know that Mr. Howard Carter has been very interested in the history of ancient Egypt since he was a child, and has always dreamed of being able to discover a pharaoh's tomb by himself.

   And according to his many years of in-depth investigation, he found that the Egyptian unearthed relics that flooded all over the world had no items of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun.

   So he decided that Tutankhamun was still invisible in a corner of the Valley of the Kings.

   So, after years of lobbying and hard work, in 1915, Carter finally found a person who was willing to sponsor his own digging fund, that is, my great-grandfather, the greatest person in the Carnarvon family.

   Later, the two explored together for 7 years, and finally found the tomb of Tutankhamun, and the nightmare began. "

   The people who were listening carefully couldn't help but mumble, what happened to Earl Carnarvon? Why do you want to repeat what everyone already knows?

   It seemed that he had guessed everyone's puzzle, Earl Carnarvon said, "The record Mr. Yang just read is only a part of it. I have carefully collected the more detailed records and have never mentioned it to outsiders."

Everyone was stunned, so they dropped their hearts and continued to listen to Earl Carnarvon’s narration of this magical history. "The visit to the tomb began, and Mr. Howard Carter’s excavation soon reached the front room of the tomb, which is the inexplicable pink room. Piled a lot of treasures, there are two tall statues guarding this hall.

These notes are recorded in the notebook just now, but what is not written on it is that on the back of the two statues, the first warning of the pharaoh is written: I am the guardian of King Tutankhamun, I will expel it by desert fire Tomb thief, my great-grandfather thought it was not very good, so he asked Mr. Howard Carter whether to stop digging temporarily, but Mr. Carter did not put this curse in his eyes. He continued firmly, and the great-grandfather had no choice but to follow behind him. The excavation of the entire front room lasted for a full 2 ​​months. During this period, Mr. Howard Carter did not live at the site all the time, but returned to his residence from time to time, and even held celebration parties.

More than two months after the tomb was opened, the front room had been excavated. The day before the excavation team applied to continue marching to the inner room, a cobra swam into Carter’s house unknowingly, and was lucky to keep him in the bedroom. The bird canary was killed.

   In the ancient Egyptian legend, the cobra was the patron saint of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. This is not a good sign, and everyone can't help but panic.

   But the happy Mr. Carter was not frightened by the snake. Of course, it is impossible to stop now.

   A few days later, the inner chamber of Tutankhamun’s mausoleum was opened. The scene on this day was like a grand gathering. The dignitaries and tourists sat on the wicker chairs in front of the mausoleum, staring at the scene intently.

  My grandfather also took off his guard and even joked to the people around him: It’s like watching a concert in a tomb.

An old Egyptian man present was shocked by this presumptuous joke. He thought it was not something a true archeologist who respected the dead could say. He whispered to the people around him: If he enters the tomb with this attitude , I bet he won’t survive six weeks. "

Yang Cheng suddenly laughed. He thought it was impossible. This statement was probably made up by posterity. Thinking about it carefully, everyone's attention was concentrated in the tomb. Who would have noticed a sentence from the old man outside, and even recorded it specially. Down?

  :. :

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