Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 918: Search (1)

   Andrew drove the McLaren sports car with a clean tail flick. He parked the car on the side of the road, pushed the door and jumped out of the car. Without locking it, he rushed into the office building and quickly took the elevator to the roof to join the team.

   One of the white captains in charge saw Andrew coming, and subconsciously stopped to salute, but was interrupted by Andrew waved, "Don't waste time talking about the situation, do you have a clue?"

   The white captain did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly said, "We have searched the rooftop and the top level. The top level is the headquarters of an intermediary company. It is almost impossible to become a sniper position for gunmen."

Andrew nodded and agreed with this analysis, "Well, then, two people will work in groups, and one group will be responsible for one floor. Don't mind the damage. Afterwards, we will compensate the innocent people. The most important thing now is to find the gunman, in the boss. The gun bleeding has fallen into a coma. You should know what our future will look like if something happens to him."

   Don't look at Andrew's usual nerves, he smiles and doesn't care about everything, but at present, his commanding ability is not weak at all Hansen, and he also verbally inspires the players.

When he came out, Yang Cheng was indeed in bad condition, but he was not in a coma. At this moment, Yang Cheng's injury was deliberately exaggerated to stimulate the players. You must know that their usual salary is the best in the United States, and from time to time there are generous ones. Unexpected bonuses are available, and even the cold-blooded people must read Yang Cheng's good.

   Besides, Andrew is right. Once Yang Cheng is dead, let alone how the Yang family will treat them, just say the future, no, there is no future. No rich man is willing to hire this group of bodyguards who died under his master.

   Therefore, even for their own future, this group of bloodthirsty beasts would never let the gunman go. They responded in unison and ran madly to all floors.

Andrew alone surveyed the floor below the top floor. Because this place is full of residents, Andrew, who has always been sensitive to the smell of blood and gunpowder, was vaguely aware of something. He intuitively told him that the gunman was probably on this floor, but he was worried that the gunman might already be there. He escaped, after all, he came too slowly, even if he hit the accelerator all the way, but in the narrow town road, unless you put McLaren on your wings, you can't fly any faster.

After all, it was a delay. Andrew was afraid that people would have escaped. It would be really bad. You must know that Shao Desen is a seaside city. If it were him, he would definitely arrange an escape route by sea in advance, even if he runs along the coastline to other places. In the city, Andrew had to catch the blind too, and had no chase at all.

While walking, he took out the pistol from the back and loaded the bullet. The standard threat gesture took a broken step and knocked on the door. If no one responded, he would kick it away. The big action naturally caused dissatisfaction among the residents. Several old people were holding crutches. I was about to come out to reason with Andrew, but under the black hole's muzzle and Andrew's bloodthirsty eyes, he returned to the room without a word of nonsense, closed the door tightly, and then naturally called the police.

I have received the Shaw Desen JC Hall of the Carson Telephone Branch a long time ago. I turned a blind eye to the alarm call of this office building. I can’t help it. I can’t help but accept Yang Cheng’s funding. At such an important moment, it is natural to do some convenience. Afterwards, I discussed with Yang Cheng and asked him to pay more money to the innocent people. This is nothing to Yang Cheng, who is rich in wealth.

Andrew’s family kicked the door. After going in, he quickly checked it. There were no abnormalities. Then he kicked the next one. There were no more than 10 houses on the whole floor. Seeing that he was about to search for the last two houses, Andrew suddenly squatted down because of him. I noticed a slight difference from the door of the penultimate house.

On the white marble, there are a few strands of hair lying quietly, very eye-catching. It does not mean that the ground is clean and there is no strands of hair, but a few are lying on the floor tiles in front of the door at the same time, and the ground in front of other houses is very Clean, which made the alert Andrew had to doubt.

Gently picked up the hair strands and looked at it, and threw it on the ground. He raised the pistol to the door again. He knew that he should find the right place. These strands of hair should be used by the gunman to prevent people from entering or leaving the room. The small organ, as long as it is caught in the crack of the door, and people who don’t know open the door and enter, the hair will fall naturally, and the gunman returning from the outside will know if anyone has entered the room during the time he left. Simple but effective means .

  The string collapsed to the tightest point. This time Andrew didn't knock on the door anymore, and kicked directly on the door. The powerful explosive force made the wooden door vulnerable.

   Andrew held his gun and rushed into the room as the wooden door opened. A pair of tiger eyes looked at everything in the room very quickly, "No one," Andrew thought.

For people like them, all aspects of feeling are very developed. Does anyone in the house intuitively tell them? And judging from the messy house, the original owner should go in a hurry and put away the gun. After walking around the room, I quickly found the cut glass, and there was still a trace of gunpowder there. It’s right here. Looking at the castle through the glass, the field of vision is still open, although the naked eye I can’t see it clearly, but it’s no problem to complete the shooting with the aid of a high-power sniper Andrew's heart sank, and he has already left, but he doesn't know if he has left the office building.

Report the situation here to Hansen and the other team members. Now that they found the sniper position, there is no need to search on other floors. Everyone gathered in the lobby on the first floor. Regardless of whether there was objection, they rushed into the security room forcibly. The security guard inside came out and Yang Cheng's bodyguard took over and called out the video surveillance. At the same time, all the exits of the office building were guarded by bodyguards. No one wanted to leave until the murderer was found.

At this time, the Shao Desen police can't even think about it. After all, the movement is too loud and the alarm call will be blown up. If there is a good news to the reporter, those paparazzi who are moved by the wind will arrive before the police, and Shao Desen JC should resign collectively. How would those unscrupulous reporters write: "JC becomes the umbrella of the rich?" "JC turns a blind eye to the safety of the people?"

   In short, it must have been exaggerated and written. The sweaty Shao Desen police chief called Carson and said that they couldn't hold it anymore and had to send someone to the scene so that Yang Cheng's people retreated quickly.

   How could Carson, who also received the news, give in, seeing that the murderer was about to be caught, wouldn't it be time to retreat to allow the murderer to escape? Do not make jokes!

   Carson's words are tough, no matter what job the opponent is, he almost scolded the boss of the Shaw Desen Police Department as his grandson.

   "We will double the compensation afterwards. Now I need the full cooperation of Jing Fang. If the murderer runs away, I won't count any consequences at that time!" Carson threatened bluntly.

  :. :

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