Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 907: Threatening mail (1)

I stayed in the UK for more than a week, three meals a day with caviar in the morning, noon, and evening, and I was very addicted.

On this day, Yang Cheng received Bjornjos and Recosta at the manor, and Ian El was his companion.

Every guest who comes to the manor must visit the manor well the first thing. Now in the whole of Europe, Beihai Manor can be regarded as a small reputation. In addition to its well-preserved and the reputation of the new owner, Yang Cheng, it is probably because of Beihai. The manor resembles the old castle of the Duke. This news came from William and no one would question it.

Before coming, Recosta introduced the glorious history of the North Sea Manor to Bjornjos. Bjorn admired it. He would visit the manor once he arrived. Yang Cheng had nothing to do and arranged for Carson to entertain him personally. I left Ian El and asked, "I heard that there is another trouble in Barcelona?"

Recently, because of Messi’s affairs, Yang Cheng did not pay much attention to Barcelona's game. After being drawn to the next round in the Copa del Rey match by the underdogs, Barcelona lost 0:3 in La Liga last night. Given the newly promoted horse, there was a super unpopularity. Not to mention how miserable those du ball losers were. The melancholy expressions of the fans who were on the expedition with the team made people look at him.

Of course, losing is not a big deal. When the Tigers dozed off, what really worries about is the state of Messi. The whole game was like a sleepwalker, not because he was not active. In fact, he ran 10,000 meters. Compared with his previous 7,8,000 meters, he was already considered excessive, but he was still on the court without a trace, and even only one shot was taken down the court, or the ball bounced on his head.

Everyone can guess the reason for the sluggish state. It is nothing more than being troubled by the transfer turmoil and saddened by the club’s approach, which makes him very distressed. The camera has locked on Messi for several times. From beginning to end, he wrinkles tightly. His brows have never been loosened.

The happiest performance of Messi is undoubtedly the Liverpool fans, because they feel that Messi is getting closer and closer to Anfield.

Yang Cheng is also very cool, this is a superiority crushed by IQ.

Ian El also smiled very happily. If Messi’s transfer is really successful, his name will definitely be recorded in the annals of history. "That’s right, Messi’s performance has proved our guess, he and Barcelona have produced Gap, I think it’s time to add fire."

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded. Looking out from the window on one side of the living room, Carson was leading the two guests towards the "Piedui" garden without looking back, "Then add another fire to let people Let it go, saying that Messi’s friends have confirmed that Messi is about to join Liverpool, and we want to create an illusion that the whole world believes that Messi will join Liverpool."

Ian El's eyes turned to understand Yang Cheng's intentions, and he gave a thumbs up, "Boss, I know what to do."

"Well~, besides, I need you to pay attention to the emotions of the players, don't feel that the club doesn't value them just because of Messi's arrival." Yang Cheng warned without worry.

Ian El slapped a flatter in a timely manner, "Boss thinks well, I will do a good job of comforting, in fact, according to Mr. Love, the whole team is looking forward to the arrival of the first man in football. They I can't wait to be teammates with Messi."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Is there anything like this? Then I'm relieved."

Just when he was about to greet Ian El for a cup of coffee, Hansen and Andrew suddenly rushed out of the stairs, and rushed to Yang Cheng a few steps. Andrew was about to speak but Hansen was holding him, and his eyes showed Outsiders are present.

Ian El is a wise man. Seeing this, he knew that the master and servant had something to discuss. He couldn't wait much, so he quit the bathroom and left quickly.

Yang Cheng hugged his shoulders and asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

This time Hansen stopped stopping. Andrew explained like rap. Yang Cheng had a headache and pressed his hands, "Hansen, slow down, the sky can't fall."

Hansen glared at Andrew, blaming him for his lack of promise, then took out the iPad and handed it to Yang Cheng.

When I took it over, it was an anonymous email. Hansen said at the same time, “Boss, this is a threatening and blackmailing email. The content is probably that you want the boss to take the initiative to commit suicide, otherwise he will act for the sky and kill you on the street. ."

Yang Cheng frowned and read the entire email. There was not much content. "Disgusting hypocrite Jason Yang, you don't need to know my name, you will never know my name!

Now I kindly give you a reminder, I hope you can cherish it, in the next week, I will see the news of your suicide.

Otherwise, I will personally make you corpse on the streets and expose your ugly face. Your whole family will be cast aside by the world because of you, remember! You only have one week.

The countdown now begins. . . "

There is also a clown pattern at the end of the email. Unlike ordinary clowns, its eyes are red, its face is half black and half yellow, its hair is brown, and its exaggerated mouth has a drop of scarlet blood at the corners of its mouth. It looks very weird. ,very horrible.

But Yang Cheng just frowned, "I don't know how many similar emails I have received. How can you judge the authenticity of this email."

Hansen immediately explained, "Boss, this email is different from the previous ones. Look at the clown pattern, which is a symbol of a white supremacy organization. They specifically target black and yellow people in the United States for assassination.

Comrade Guanhai received similar emails when he participated in the xuan exercise, but his security team didn’t care too much and was buried in tens of thousands of threatening emails. As a result, the other party really did something, if not at the time. A sniper of the Secret Service was lucky, and he happened to find an abnormality from a white volunteer. He promptly notified the security personnel to come forward to investigate and eliminate the danger ahead of time, otherwise the history of the United States would change.

The murderer was a white guy. He had a full 5 kilograms of TNT tied to his body, enough to blow up a heavy tank. At that time, the murderer was only 5 meters away from the sea view notice. As long as the fuze was triggered, he would definitely die, but I don’t know because What, it may be that the murderer lacks experience and wants to wait for the target to get closer before doing it.

According to subsequent investigations, the murderer came from this white supreme organization called the Joker. This organization has been in existence for half a century and has repeatedly assassinated non-white celebrities, with a considerable success rate. "

Yang Orange listened to Hansen's words solemnly, and confirmed in disbelief, "So you think I was targeted by this clown organization?"

This is nonsense, an obvious thing, Hansen didn't say that, but his expression meant it.

Yang Cheng was also a little confused. He didn’t understand how he would be targeted by these people, and didn’t do anything that hurts the truth. Compared with the threatening emails that vented, this email undoubtedly brought tremendous pressure to Yang Cheng. At the time of death, no one could maintain a relaxed posture, saying that it was false not to be nervous, but Yang Cheng still controlled his emotions well and did not spread the panic.

He took a deep breath, settled his mind, and asked, "What are your plans?"

Hansen said very seriously, "Boss, in the next time, I hope you can completely obey our instructions. Try not to go to places that are not conducive to our protection. If possible, it is best to spend the next week in the manor. Time, similar assassination organizations value credibility very much, and they will do it if they say it. If the time expires, they will lose credibility, so they will definitely take action before the deadline."

Yang Cheng wouldn't make jokes about his life, and replied decisively, "No problem, if there is nothing particularly important, I won't leave the manor, what else?"

"The area of ​​the manor is too big. We need more manpower to improve the security line. It is best to transfer our own people from New York." Hansen continued.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "You don't need to ask me about these things. You can arrange it yourself. In addition, you call Eiffel and ask him to start activities in the United States. I want to know whether the assassination was spontaneous by the clown organization or someone spent a lot of money to buy the murderer. Hansen nodded heavily, self-confidence exuded from the inside out, "Good boss, please don’t worry, boss, no matter who is here, it’s impossible to hurt the boss. . "

Yang Cheng patted Hansen and Andrew on the shoulders, "Of course, I believe in your abilities, go, don’t let the servants know about this, so as not to cause panic, I will also ask Carson to cooperate with you personally. After the dangerous contact, All personnel involved in security will receive an additional half-year salary."

Hansen did not refuse. He and Andrew can work for Yang Orange, but the players below are not necessarily. At this time, there is nothing more effective than monetary stimulation. "I thank the boss for my brothers. We will do our best. Ensure the life safety of the boss."

Hansen gave the guarantee, and Yang Cheng's anxiety was finally relieved, but she still couldn't help thinking about it, what method would the other party use to assassinate herself? If you don't go out, do you still have to break through? In modern society, such behavior is undoubtedly a provocation to a country's ZF. Even if they do not go mad, the relevant British departments will be unable to hold back their face and launch a counterattack.

Is there any other way? Poisoned? Super long-range snipe? Anyway, in just a few tens of seconds, Yang Cheng thought through all the assassination methods he had seen in movies and novels, but naturally she didn't have a clue. They didn't arrange them until Recosta and the others came back from visiting the garden. Emotions, smile again.

A long way away, Bjorn's expression was still unfinished, and he said regretfully, "The garden is so beautiful, I really want to move to my house as it is."

Yang Cheng asked Carson to find Hansen before answering, "I can introduce the garden designer to you~"

Bjorn waved his hand, "I don't have such a big place in my home to give designers their talents."

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