Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 905: Abu's daughter

"I want your media to help me get more exposure, rest assured, the advertising fee that should be given will not be less." Abu said solemnly to Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng waved his hand. This is not a matter of advertising expenses. The hundreds of thousands of pounds have not been seen by Yang Cheng. The key is whether this move will attract the suspicion of the British ZF, suspecting that he has a close relationship with Abramovich, and even engaged in " "Spy" activities, after all, the British ZF's neuroticism is famous all over the world, and even if it is ruthless, you will even doubt it.

However, his hidden worry, Abu, did not know, "You can rest assured that the exposure will not involve core issues. For example, now, I hope you can spread the news that I want to sell Chelsea on a global scale."

Yang Cheng was shocked, Abu stopped playing?

"Are you serious?"

Abu curled up his mouth, "True and false, false and true, who can tell if it is true? I don't even know it anyway."

Yang Cheng secretly scolded the chicken thief. Before he could agree, Abu said again, "I have no alternative. These British guys will always give me problems. I am the owner of the Chelsea club. As a result, I cannot enter to watch football because of visa issues. so funny."

"Then what is the ideal price in your mind?" Yang Cheng asked this because he understood Abu's abacus. If the price really reaches his psychological price, how about selling it? He has already made a profit.

But if the price is not high enough, then he will not sell it. Instead, he will use this opportunity to put pressure on the British ZF. As long as public opinion is biased towards him, the British ZF will also have a sack.

Yang Cheng pondered for a while, but he still has to help with this little favor, so he nodded, "No problem, I will arrange for someone to write the manuscript later, first use the headline app to spread it in a small area, and then the paper media will make the conclusion. Reports."

Abu smiled meaningfully, "We all say that we are a fighting nation. I think you are the war mongers who engage in the media. I can't wait for the whole world to be chaotic before news can be reported."

Yang Chengbai glanced at him, "Are you still in the mood to tease me? Aren't you afraid that I will stoke your wife out of the rails?"

After changing to other people, I would definitely keep secrets about this topic. After all, Abu has a weird temperament, and no man in the world would like to wear an emerald green forgiveness hat.

As a result, Abu did the opposite, clutching his forehead, "Damn, I know that the pervasive paparazzi are the most speechless creatures in the world."

Obviously, Abu has known this for a long time, and he is right. He himself spends time and drinks and hunts for countless shows. His wife is alone at home to keep the vacant room alone. It is strange to be able to resist it.

"You should be grateful that someone under my banner took the photo instead of The Sun, otherwise you will not only face being expelled from the UK, but you will also have to get caught up in endless divorce lawsuits." Yang Cheng persuaded him ‘kindly’.

Abu laughed, "Don't worry, when did I have trouble with divorce? Zhu Kewa and I have reached an agreement to divorce peacefully two years later."

Yang Cheng curled his lips. It seemed that Abu's net worth was shrinking again. The main reason for the shrinking net worth of many super-rich Westerners was really not because of the economic crisis or his own decision-making mistakes, but because he couldn't control his second child. If you want to divide up a huge amount of wealth, you have to peel off after several times without dying. This can be regarded as a unique protection for women in the West. Right or wrong is left aside, at least Abu will not be trapped in the swamp of divorce and cannot escape, otherwise Yang Cheng really wants to consider changing partners.

"That's good, I will help you suppress this news, but you should also be careful not to get caught by the Sun. You also know that the Murdoch surname is the real lest the world will not be chaotic." Yang Orange Seriously reminded.

Nowadays, Delta Air Lines' profits are rising almost every month because of the introduction of North Sea crude oil. After all, this is the biggest cost that airlines spend apart from manpower. If this cost is reduced, profits will naturally rise, and Abramovich is maintaining it. The key figure in this profit, if possible, Yang Orange does not want him to have problems, this is related to the Yang family's vital interests.

"Thank you~"

At this moment, a brisk footstep sounded from behind, and Yang Cheng turned his head subconsciously. He still wondered who could break through the blockade by him and Abu’s bodyguards. It turned out to be a blonde girl, not to mention the polar bear. When the girls are 18 or 9 years old, they can barely get out of water.

Dressed in slim jeans with a white knitted cardigan, a black low vest inside shows a large area of ​​charming gully.

I saw the girl rushing to Abu's back from behind with a bright smile, and when Yang Cheng thought it was Abu Xinhuan, the girl called "papa".

Abu snatched his daughter, fearing that she would fall, and turned his head away and pecked **** her tender cheek, filled with happiness, and introduced to Yang Cheng, "Jason, let me introduce you. My daughter Sophia."

"Sophia, this is Jason Yang, the founder of New Times Media and heir to the Yang family in New York."

Sophia hurriedly jumped off Abu's back when she heard the words, tidyed up her clothes, and hung up her standard celebrity demeanor instantly, "It's nice to meet you Mr. Yang."

Yang Cheng also made a gentleman's gift, "It is my happiest thing to know you today, beautiful Miss Sophia."

When the two of them finished their courtesy, Abu put his arms around his daughter’s shoulders and blinked at Yang Cheng, "Jason, my daughter is only 19 years old, and I don’t have a boyfriend yet. I don’t mind if you ask her out. A papa, the scene must be very interesting."

Yang Cheng was speechless. Sophia wasn't a bit shy about this unscrupulous guy. Her eyes were as clear as Baikal and she was nostalgic with Yang Cheng, her expression was a little curious, wondering why her father introduced herself to a yellow skin. Guy.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng didn't know, otherwise she would have to scold her for racial discrimination.

"OH, **** Roman, don't even think about it." Yang Cheng's intention was to say that it would never be called Abu Papa, but this was heard in Sofia, the young princess who was holding a golden spoon to speak out. It means that Yang Cheng looks down on her.

It's not bad, the white face turned red in a flash, and the eyes looking at Yang Cheng were no longer soft, but full of aggressiveness. Unfortunately, the two big bosses Yang Cheng and Abu didn't realize it at all.

"Sophia, why are you here? Is something looking for me?" Abu cared. This is the daughter of his ex-wife Elena. Because of her relationship, Sophia rarely meets with her biological mother. Abu is very guilty, coupled with Sofia's lively character, can please him very much, so he has always loved Sofia very much, and has reached the point where he is responsive.

Sophia also often took photos on social platforms to show off her extraordinary life. Without Abu's support, she could not play.

Hearing her father's voice, Sophia quickly regained her senses, but she suppressed the unspeakable anger in her heart. The women of the fighting nation are not ordinary people.

Putting on a smiling face again, he took his father's arm and said coquettishly, "Papa, Eva is about to celebrate her birthday. We are going to surprise her and want to pack an island for a party."

Abu didn't even think about it, "Do you still need to find me for this problem? Go to the housekeeper, and he will help you deal with it."

Sophia groaned, "Papa, I want to find a different island, I'm tired of seeing the Mediterranean scenery."

Abu doesn't think there is anything wrong with his daughter's words. For them, if they are tired of playing, they are tired of playing, and they can't spend money in exchange for satisfaction.

Yang Cheng backed away a few steps when the father and daughter were talking. He didn't have any trouble to come, and he didn't want to eavesdrop.

Who would have thought that Abu left his mind and wanted to finally fix his gaze on him, "Look at me, I forgot Jason, Sophia, your island is gone, but Jason bought Lanai, the world’s largest private island. I don’t think you’ve been there yet? This time you can take your friends to a carnival."

Now Sophia couldn't care about being angry. She vaguely knew that Yang Cheng was rich, but she hadn't inherited family assets at such a young age. How rich could she have a father rich?

But what is the situation now? Buy Lanai? Isn't that Larry Ellison's personal toy? No money can buy it, Sophia knows that she underestimates this angry man.

Yang Cheng is helpless, what can he say? "No can go anytime. It happens that the crew of my film company is shooting on the island. If you are lucky, you can go to the shooting site. As long as you don’t destroy the shooting plan, I miss them Beautiful ladies are very welcome to visit."

Sophia's eyes lit up, Ru Yan threw back on Yang Cheng like a nest, and kissed his cheek, "Thank you, we will have fun."

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly and touched the warmth on her face. If she weren't Abu's daughter, Yang Cheng really wanted to rectify her on the spot, and she was hurt just now by being hit. The firm touch is endless aftertaste.

No nonsense, directly hand over the phone number of the person in charge on the island to Sophia, saying that she will say hello later and let her coordinate time and plans with the person in charge.

The breeze accompanies Sophia to leave, Abu put his hands in his pockets, and his happy smile has not dissipated. "You helped me a lot today, Jason, I have a gift here. Please don't refuse."

Without giving Yang Cheng a chance to speak, he beckoned behind him, and soon he saw his bodyguard carrying a white steel bucket and walking over quickly. The white steel bucket was covered with fog visible to the naked eye. Obviously the previous white steel The barrel is located in a very low temperature environment.

Yang Orange asked differently, "This is?"

Abu smiled triumphantly, "This is the Almas caviar I just got. There are two boxes in total. I hope you can have a nice month."

Yang Cheng's face instantly smiled into a chrysanthemum, and this gift from Abu was really delivered to his heart. Almas caviar, one of the most expensive and top-notch ingredients in the world, produces extremely low quantities each year and is expensive. If you have money, you may not be able to buy it. If you let him do it yourself, it really takes a lot of effort. No doubt, Abu's little gift makes him feel that today's favor is not in vain.

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