Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1182: Dilemma of neighboring countries

To be specific"

Yang Cheng put on a listening posture and took a sip of coffee to relieve the intoxication caused by alcohol.

Ryze said without hesitation, "As I said before, this is a series of chain reactions. The real estate market collapses, the house slaves tighten their pockets to pay off debts, and their disposable income decreases. As a result, domestic demand decreases. Over time, those who rely on banks The loan company will fall into a dilemma, the product cannot be sold, the bank collects debts, and the financing channel is lost. The ultimate result is bankruptcy.

The bankruptcy of the company will cause a large number of unemployed people to flood the streets. Each of them is burdened with heavy debts. They can't afford clothes, can't drive cars, and can't eat food. People who are the backbone of the country cannot see the future. Economic regression is inevitable.

Moreover, in recent years, Canada has also embarked on an economic transformation from a high dependence on foreign investment to the development of agriculture and oil exports in exchange for more foreign exchange.

But things will not be so simple. Canada’s oil crisis will come along with the collapse of the real estate market. Once the oil collapses, the agriculture and fisheries that Canadians depend on will be hit hard. "

Yang Cheng's heart is shaken. He does not have the strong professional knowledge and ability of Ryze. He can see that the macro direction of the possible collapse of the Canadian economy is already good. He has only a vague concept in details. Now he is reminded by Ryze. , Combined with your own understanding, you can immediately have a judgment.

Especially with regard to the issue of oil, Canada has the world's third-largest crude oil reserves, and it has always been ranked in the forefront of crude oil production.

At present, Canada is the fifth largest crude oil producer in the world, but 99 crude oil is exported to the United States. Once the United States increases its crude oil exports, the current Canadian crude oil market will inevitably be affected.

For example, the Canadian province of Alberta is Canada’s main oil-producing region. The province produces approximately 3.4 million barrels of oil per day. It is planned to increase it to 3.9 million barrels in 15 years. However, the province is facing a serious oversupply. problem.

In the face of an economic crisis, the inability to receive blood transfusions from overseas investment will greatly hinder plans to increase production and promote exports outside of North America, including the possibility of lucrative markets in Asia.

And this is not the most serious problem. The easiest reason for the collapse of the Canadian oil economy is that in the past few years, American buyers often bought Canadian crude oil at very low prices. For example, when the US crude oil price was $50. In the same period, the price of crude oil in Western Canada was $26 per barrel, which was more than half cheaper.

However, after Canadian oil companies sell to U.S. buyers at low prices, U.S. oil companies can often use other channels to sell them back to Canadian companies at a price of three times the price. For many years, Canadian oil companies have been working tirelessly with American companies. In the "sick" crude oil trading.

It is not difficult to understand how threatening the potential crisis in the Canadian crude oil market is. In fact, Canada’s n-party also realizes that even if the country has a huge oil reserve, it is still unable to do so, and has even reached the critical point of the crisis. Of course, this situation is You can't blame others for showing up. If you follow the boss, you must have the obligation to solve problems for the boss. It is impossible to make money and not work. The overbearing American boss will not allow such a disobedient little brother by his side.

This is not over yet. Just as Ryze analyzed, the emergence of the oil crisis will further affect the living conditions of agriculture and even fisheries, which is undoubtedly worse.

As we all know, in the process of building oil pipelines, oil spills are often caused. This phenomenon is particularly serious in Canada, which has been accelerating the construction of oil transportation pipelines in recent years. Multiple oil spills have already affected the aquaculture and tourism in the Canadian agricultural sector. The industry has had a serious impact.

As far as the fishery is concerned, the impact of some species caught in Canada, such as Pacific herring and Atlantic cod, is incalculable. Conservatively speaking, the catchable output will shrink by at least one-third or even half in the next 50 years.

You know, aquatic fishing industry is an important part of Canada's agricultural economy.

Of course, Canada can send more domestic agricultural products to the Asian market, where the huge consumption space is enough to sustain the Canadian economy, but only if it is not affected by oil production and pipeline damage.

If the products cannot be harvested or sold, the life of Canadian farmers will become increasingly difficult.

The white-collar workers and middle class in the cities are burdened with huge debts because of their houses, and farmers have reduced income because their products cannot be sold, further reducing production and even going bankrupt. Combining the two, Canada's future will be good!

"You have to prepare now. I hope that we will enter the field first to harvest, instead of waiting for the predators in front to be full and drink the soup."

After thinking about all this, Yang Cheng immediately issued his own instructions. As a boss, you only need to decide the general direction, and the details of the operation are done for you by someone, just like Rez Khan, a professional manager with a high annual salary. People, their existence is to serve the boss's orders. Everything is based on the boss's will. As long as it is not a matter of principle, they will not have any opinions.

Ritz said I will set up a special investment team tomorrow to focus on the layout of the Canadian financial market. Once there is a crash, I guarantee that we will be the first to rush forward. "

Yang Cheng is very satisfied with Ryze's self-confident attitude. He would still have worries about working with the United Kingdom, which is completely unnecessary for Canada.

For him, Canada is a lamb to be slaughtered, regardless of its size a few times larger than poultry such as chickens, ducks and geese, but it is a one-shot thing to do it. There is no need to spend a second time, let alone worry about its death. Instead of being stiff, he jumped up and took revenge on himself.

And there are more smart people on Wall Street, all of them are vampires, their noses are more sensitive than great white sharks, a little bit of blood can attract countless thousand-year old monsters, swarm them, and squeeze the last drop of blood from Canada.

At that time, even if Canada wants to retaliate, there will be no one. At most, it will find a few small miscellaneous hairs with little strength to retaliate, and then it has nothing to do with Yang Orange.

"Yes, there is one more thing. I previously invested in the Beckham brand, and today I chatted with Mark Jacobs. His rbs is still valuable. I decided to buy it. It can be considered as a formal entry into fashion in the future. The world will prepare for it, but you are responsible for how to talk."

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