Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1135: Good health

"This is the right path. Oscars are the weather vane for Hollywood. If you can dominate the Oscars for several consecutive years, it will be much easier to talk about joining the association."

After a pause, "But you are not without rivals."

One sentence aroused Yang Cheng's vigilance.

"Netflix and Amazon are both trying to join the MPAA. They are approaching the six major companies, trying to find a new common point of interest." Christopher stared at Yang Cheng with a playful look of'see how you respond'.

Unfortunately, Yang Cheng just said indifferently, "Oh, wouldn't it be more fun to have one more competitor?"

The goal was achieved, and the two changed a relaxed topic tacitly. During the period, Yang Cheng took over the steering wheel and headed west, sailing the yacht into the rocky promontory of the Palo Verde Peninsula 15 kilometers away. Here is a view of the coast of Los Angeles. Whale Sanctuary.

From November to April of the following year, about 20,000 gray whales migrate from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico along the long 6,000-nautical-mile west coast, and then return.

Grey whales migrate from their habitat in the Bering Sea to the Baja California Lagoon in Mexico for mating and reproduction.

This is the most spectacular wildlife migration on earth, and people can easily observe this grand occasion. It is much more convenient than going to the African savannah to watch the migration of terrestrial animals. Just climb to the lighthouse or cliff by the sea and bring a telescope. , You can see swarms of whales coming and going, they sometimes go out of the sea to play, and sometimes spout magnificent water jets to form rainbows, allowing people to fully appreciate the charm of nature.

In addition to gray whales, such as humpback whales, baleen whales, killer whales, etc., all swim across the California coast at different times. Of course, large but gentle blue whales and other large whales are also indispensable.

Generally, there are places where large whales haunt, and there are often abundant fish schools. This is the fun of sea fishing. Finding fish schools, casting bait, and hooking, each contains rich technical content.

Going out to sea on a sunny and calm January, watching the performances of the sea elves while showing off their excellent fishing skills is the most common recreational activity for Californians in their leisure winter.

However, there is no experienced captain on the yacht, and Yang Cheng and the others are not familiar with the life habits and whereabouts of each whale in different seasons, so they have to explore on their own through the radar.

However, the yacht has already sailed into the area where whales are active. Based on past experience of whale watching, Yang Cheng turned off the engine and slowed down the boat so as not to disturb the whale activities.

Standing on the bridge deck outside the cab, for a while, the air was mixed with the sound of sea waves, the exhalation of whales and the sound of seagulls in the distance. This is a top symphony presented by nature.

Standing on the deck for a while, Yang Cheng looked into the distance and found a group of dolphins jumping out of the sea continuously, as if they were dancing ballet, marching at high speed from north to south.

Probe into the cockpit, "Chris, right here, I guess there will be whales swimming by in a while."

Chris gave a thumbs up and motioned for his agreement.

Yang Cheng didn't go back to the cockpit, but went straight to the stern from the side deck, and greeted Xiao Li who had already entered the living room, "Leon, come and help, ready to go fishing."

When Chris rented the yacht, apart from leaving the necessary chief engineer to take care of the mechanical work, none of the other service personnel were allowed to board the boat, so these preparations could only be done by themselves.

No matter how old, the beauty has been cultivated since childhood, and many of them are skilled craftsmen, such as Chris. He is a well-known master of microscopic landscaping in the circle, and his works are often auctioned at auctions. Paying a high price, even if he throws out his identity bonus, is expensive.

In fact, there is not much work, that is, unfolding the fishing position of the yacht, and at the same time removing the bait. The fishing rod and line are all worn and can be used with the bait.

The bait they bring today is mainly sea worms. This is a universal bait that can attract most fish, such as groupers, perch and so on.

However, master anglers usually have their own secret bait. Chris carefully brought out a small crisper. Yang Cheng took a look at it. It should be a combination of sea cockroach and crab meat. After a glance, I satisfied my curiosity and stopped paying attention.

Yang Cheng is not very good at fishing, but at least he has reached the level of amateur players. He also has his own experience in sea fishing. Generally speaking, it is easier to catch fish by hanging live bait in the sea, so he is not picky. , Directly hooked the Shanghai earthworm, threw the pole stretched, and then sat comfortably on the beach chair, watching the other two perform.

Compared with Chris's professionalism, Xiao Lizi is purely for picking up girls. How far can he throw a pole with his arms around the beauty? And looking at the direction he throws, it is very close to the area selected by Yang Cheng, and he can't help but laugh and curse, "Asshole, quickly move your pole, this will hook together."

Little Li Ziqian blinked with a smile, "No way, I don't choose the swimming layer, I can only learn from behind your ass."

After finishing speaking, I couldn't help being proud of my wit, and kissed the beautiful woman with a big waist and buttocks with her big mouth, making the beautiful woman smile.

Yang Cheng lay on the chair and shook his head helplessly. It is very important to find the swimming layer in sea fishing. There are countless fish species under the calm sea, but they all have their own fixed swimming water layer. They usually play and hunt in these places. Or take a rest, because differences in the direction of the sea, the rise and fall of tides, and the size of the wind will affect the swimming layer of the fish.

Anglers who are fishing need to have more knowledge about the habits of the target fish, so as to ensure that the sea rod throws more accurately. When fishing at sea, when receiving fish news, they must raise the rod and walk the fish in time, and often miss the opportunity. Even amateur players should master these knowledge and techniques to cause running fish.

Xiao Lizi spends most of his time fishing for girls, and he is not as good as beginners in fishing.

At this moment, Wang Keying, who had been sent away by Yang Cheng before, came from behind, carrying a few glasses of draft beer, divided a glass, and returned to Yang Cheng to sit down.

Across the flimsy veil, the big hand rubbed up and down, a bite of cold draft beer poured into my stomach, I couldn't help but shiver, MD, forgot that it is still winter, and the temperature on the sea is only a dozen degrees, far less than a cold beer. Point.

Wang Keying succeeded in the prank, usually making faces, her hair swaying with the sea breeze, stretched lazily, and gently fell into Yang Cheng's arms, softly saying, "This kind of life is really enviable."

Yang Cheng couldn't help but glanced at her, and said meaningfully, "As long as you are willing to give, this kind of life is at your fingertips."

Wang Keying's beautiful eyes under the toad mirror groaned, "Yes, I just want to understand now."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "It's not too late."

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Cheng sat up abruptly, picked up the telescope on the ground and put it on her eyes, quickly adjusted the focus, a few seconds later, put down the telescope and pointed at the distant sea and shouted, "Look, 2 o'clock. ."

As he yelled, everyone stopped their movements and subconsciously looked in the direction of 2 o'clock, only to see a humpback whale that couldn't see its size first shuttled on the surface of the sea, and then plunged into the sea to gain momentum. Leaping out of the sea suddenly, a behemoth that is more than ten meters long and weighs dozens of tons, like a nuclear submarine out of water, soars into the sky. At this time, from the perspective of Yang Cheng and the others, the magnificent skyline is the background, and the gray-white humpback whale is huge. The figure is completely empty out of the water, bringing endless water ripples, and the picture freezes, beautiful and spectacular.

"Puff~" With a loud noise, the humpback whale returned to the water. This magnificent scene could not be forgotten for a long time.

Everyone recalled the wonderful scene carefully, and Chris turned his head first and said ‘goodluck’ to everyone.

In the hearts of the older generation of Californians, the sight of a whale coming out of the water is a symbol of good luck. They will greet each other and hope that good luck will bring everyone.

Yang Cheng smiled and said good luck, and so did Xiao Li.

The three big Hollywood bosses, unintentionally fishing at this moment, picked up their wine glasses and slammed together, seeming to be able to witness such a scene at the same time, which can make their relationship sublime.

No matter what, today’s trip to sea is worth it, and whether you can catch fish is not so Anyway, in the end, Yang Cheng didn’t feel depressed when he got nothing. Now it was not the best sea fishing. Season, wait until summer, is the harvest season.

Everyone returned to the land with unsatisfactory feelings, and left at the pier. Of course, there were also beauties who accompanied them before, and adults knew what they were going to do next.

However, after Yang Cheng asked Wang Keying's address, he sent the person back first.

Under her surprised gaze, she couldn't help but explain, "Don't worry, my health is very good and my xing orientation is also very positive, but I still have something to deal with, and I can't accompany you temporarily. I will leave your call and wait for me. Call it."

Downstairs in the apartment where Wang Keying was renting, Yang Cheng waved goodbye through the car window. It was not that he did not want to spend the Spring Festival with this mixed-race beauty. It was mainly the news of his coming to Los Angeles. His real girlfriend and fiancee already knew, President Yang Cheng You can’t let your fiancée’s pigeon go and pick a dispensable wild flower, right?

Santa Monica at dusk, like a **** descending, was covered with a layer of golden floating light, extremely holy and beautiful.

Downstairs in the architectural office where Luo Yue is located, Yang Cheng's summer dress in short-sleeved shorts is leaning on Rolls Royce, wearing glasses and staring at the office exit without squinting, while wearing a blue plaid skirt and stepping on black When the strappy heels came out, she trot up to meet her. In her envious gaze, she unreservedly sent a kiss, making the little girl lower her head and smile shyly and dare not face the ridicule of her colleagues. .

Yang Cheng looked at Luo Yue's style as if he was appreciating works of art. The retro skirts from the 70s and 80s are full of charm, and the waisted design highlights the soft body curves. A pair of straight and round long legs are tied to the ground, satisfying All the imagination of men.

America indulge in life

America indulge in life

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