Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1132: Join MPAA?

"In order to increase my exposure, I have often attended Hollywood parties and heard similar news. Many people say that the fat man Harvey is ready to cheat again."

Latika also has no affection for Harvey, this is just a **** who plays with women.

However, Eddie's heart settled down, and sometimes unknown enemies were scary.

Grayton said, "I don't know if it's a pitfall, but I heard that Harvey has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with New Age Pictures."

Eddie hesitated and asked, "Grey, do you think there will be anyone behind Harvey?"

Grayton wondered, "What do you mean? Big Six? You mean one of the Big Six companies backs Harvey?"

Eddie nodded.

Grayton thought for a moment in his heart, "I'm not sure, but I have to say that your suspicion is reasonable. With my understanding of Harvey, he is arrogant and arrogant. He really rarely does things that are uncertain. ."

Eddie looked solemn, "I see, thanks for the news, Gray."

Grayton waved his hand, "No thanks, I didn't help you. You can find the news if you find someone else."

. . .

Saying goodbye to his friends, Eddie began to find someone to investigate Harvey's recent movements.

At the same time, Yang Cheng's private jet was approaching the sky over California. He met with MPAA Chairman Christopher Dodd. The other party happily agreed to the meeting and even took the initiative to arrange a meeting place.

In this meeting, in addition to persuading the MPAA not to set up obstacles in the review of the film, there is also a small purpose. He is going to let New Era Pictures join the association and realize the name of the seventh largest company in Hollywood, but he wants to It is impossible to join the association without paying a price.

After arriving in Los Angeles, before the appointed time, Yang Cheng went to the headquarters of New Era Pictures and met with Donna Rand.

As soon as we met, Donna Land apologized, "Boss, I'm very sorry, you have to go to this kind of thing yourself."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Donna, what you said is too rusty, shouldn't you run for your company?"

"Well, what you said makes sense."

"How's the situation now?" A few simple sentences pulled into the subject.

Donna Lande shook her head, "The hacker still did not reply, and the blocking of various websites has had an effect. Except for a few websites that are too small, they ignored our warnings. Most of them accepted our'goodwill' and deleted them very cooperatively. Video."

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that things are not bad, now I am waiting for the other party to make another move."

Donna nodded, "Yes, but we called back the editor and director, and re-edited the film to ensure that the week before the official release was completed."

"I know, leave the rest to me. By the way, you have previous experience in Global. What conditions do we need to meet to join the MPAA?"

Donna Land was taken aback for a moment, "Join MPAA? To be honest, I don't have similar experience. Universal itself is a founding member of MPAA, so I never considered joining.

And MPAA is the six traditional positions. They will not allow outsiders to join them to grab cakes. DreamWorks is an example. DreamWorks brought together three of Hollywood’s most outstanding talents, including Spielberg, and worked hard for many years. It also failed to achieve the goal. "

Yang Cheng disagrees, "Donna, the times are different, the Sixth National Congress can't control the overall situation like 10 or 20 years ago."

When Tang Na heard the words, her heart felt bitter. She knew that Yang Cheng was right. She was already old before she knew it.

Fortunately, she is not a hypocritical person, and she has managed to get a good mood after a short time. Now she represents the New Era Film Industry, a potential giant that keeps pace with the times.

"Well, put aside the old ideas of the past, just talk about my understanding. If you want to join the MPAA, you must come up with something that convinces the Big Six and convince them that New Era Pictures and the Big Six are the same class. Company, so that there is a basis for negotiation."

Yang Cheng fell into deep thought and nodded unconsciously, motioning her to continue.

"In terms of traditional film production, we don't have any advantage, but in terms of original and streaming video, we can think of ways. In this regard, we can refer to Netflix." Donna Lande quickly put forward an idea.

Yang Cheng frowned, "Netflix? We are going to do Internet video? But it's too late, even if there is a customer base for the Toutiao app."

Donna Rand waved her hand, "In fact, we have all the foundations of a streaming media service company, the customers of Toutiao app, the platform of MS short video, and the content production ability of New Era Pictures. The combination of the three can open it at the fastest speed. In the global market, we have an advantage over Netflix in the production of TV series. Don’t forget that we have the film library of Lionsgate Films in the past. The series adapted from the movies are enough to produce many excellent series. Hire some top screenwriters to produce large-scale original series as gimmicks, and give me 2-3 am confident to catch up with Netflix."

Give Yang Cheng some time to think, and then said, "In addition, we must increase the production ratio of art films. To hit the Oscar is the only way to expand the momentum."

Yang Cheng sighed for a long time, "Well, you can just let it go and the head office will fully support it."

Donna Lande smiled confidently, "I won't let you down."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Of course, I never doubted this."

After finishing speaking, he got up and wanted to leave, "I'll leave it to you at the company. I'll go talk to Christopher Dodd and explore his tone."

Donna Lande suddenly reminded, "In fact, we don't need to spend too much resources on him. I heard that he is going to retire."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Really? If that's the case, it's not bad to get in touch with the candidates in advance and make a good relationship. You can check to see who is most likely to take over as chairman."

Donna Lande took the task very happily, and her connections in Hollywood didn't need to be in vain.

After leaving the company, Yang Cheng went back to Beverly Hills. He had to change his clothes. Christopher Dowd was once a senator with a rather rigid personality. In the face of such a person, Yang Cheng must also show his solemn and steady side. , What is it like to wear casual clothes.

Moreover, the other party asked Yang Cheng to meet at sea, unavoidably fishing and playing in the water, all of which must be prepared.

When I changed my clothes and took the bus to the pier, I happened to meet Xiao Li who hadn't seen him for a long time. He stopped the car and talked a few words on the side of the road.

"Oh my god, you are fat again." Yang Cheng looked at Xiao Li's beer belly and vomited.

Xiao Lizi wore sunglasses and yawned, "Recently there have been a lot of parties. You are right. I really should lose weight, otherwise the Victoria's Secret girls should dislike me."

America indulge in life

America indulge in life

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