Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1128: Source leak (2)

From Sony’s “Mail Gate” in 2014 to the threatening leak of more than 40 episodes of many video websites and TV stations such as Netflix last month, and now the experience of New Era Pictures itself, Hollywood seems to have become a hacker extortion. Blackmailers, or hackers' ATMs.

On the eve of the annual Oscars jury season, it is also called the "Oscar Resource Season" by the entertaining old American drama. There are often many popular films that have just been released or have not yet been released because they were leaked during the jury review stage. Posted on pirated websites.

With the digitization of production in the film industry, similar leaks have been repeatedly prohibited.

But there is no good solution, let alone New Era Pictures, even a veteran giant like Disney cannot find any perfect solution.

Whether it is for F~B~I or the cybersecurity department of an Internet company, tracing the source of hackers is always the trickiest case. Hackers are very sensitive to domain names. For example, an Egyptian hacker is likely to use polar bears over the wall. IP is used for network attacks, and it is almost impossible to find the true source.

Generally speaking, large companies like Disney, Netflix, and NBCUniversal have good information security teams, but you can’t guarantee that their suppliers or small contracting companies are equally safe. In this regard, they have insufficient budgets. Hackers are easy to invade, so as long as the source of the film is leaked, it is mostly because of the pig teammates who follow the downstream of the industrial chain.

Of course, this conclusion is not absolute. After all, Sony’s "Mail Gate" incident the year before last has been mentioned up to now.

At the end of 2014, pictures of red skeletons suddenly appeared on the monitors of all office computers in Sony Pictures. This was a threat message from an organization called "Peace Guard", demanding that Sony stop distributing the movie "Assassination*". Another conspiracy theory speculated that the main messenger behind this incident was Beibang ZF.

After a few days, this group of hackers invaded Sony's computer system again, and the display on the computer screen became "To erase Sony from the earth."

Not only that, the hackers also stolen up to 100TB of massive data from Sony, including Sony employee information, internal contracts, financial reports, scripts that have not yet started filming, Hollywood star salaries, and five films that have been filmed but have not yet been screened. Movie HD version.

This incident was called the "Snowden Incident Hollywood Edition" by the American media, and the damage it caused to Sony is immeasurable. In addition to the sieve-like network vulnerabilities that were ridiculed by the entire United States, the company was sued collectively by employees, making Sony crazy for a period of time. Shooting a science fiction thriller, I don't know if it's scary to my brain.

In short, Sony, which has always been known for its black technology, has turned out to be a playground for hackers to enter and leave. This incident has aroused great vigilance among Hollywood companies and has invested heavily in strengthening the company's firewall.

New Era Films suffered its biggest crisis since its establishment, so that Yang Cheng, the big boss of the head office, had to stop paying attention. The film company was under great pressure from Donna Rand.

Back at the office, Yang Cheng came out of the elevator and asked without stopping, "How is it? Is there any new news?"

Susu quickly replied, "Ms. Lande wrote back to the hacker to try to negotiate, but the other party did not respond."

This was as early as Yang Cheng expected, "They will not return, just check the source, I need to know where the source of the film was leaked, if it is really attacked from the network, then the network security department can Resigned collectively."

Yang Orange's murderous words happened to be heard by Eddie, who had just stepped out of the elevator. As the CEO of the head office, whether he was responsible or not, he could not shirk the blame.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to admit his mistake first, "Boss, I am responsible for this matter, and I should strengthen the preventive measures of the database in advance."

Yang Cheng glanced at him in surprise, "What do you admit wrong?"

But he didn't bother to listen to Eddie's explanation, "It's all right, you can talk about it quickly."

Eddie smiled bitterly, "I just want to talk about the theft of film sources. When I was working at the Los Angeles Times in my early years, I often heard that Hollywood film sources were stolen. There are many ways to steal, except for a few. It started because employees committed crimes for some reason, and most of the cases had instigators behind them. Among them, Harvey Weinstein was the most rampant in playing this kind of abuse."

Yang Cheng hugged his shoulders and curled his eyebrows to stare at Eddie, "Harvey Weinstein? You don't want to say that our film source was leaked, but he was the master behind it?"

Eddie shook his head repeatedly, "No, I have no evidence, but it is okay to list him as a suspect. From a probabilistic point of view, his suspicion is the biggest, but he cannot rule out competitor tricks.

In the past, science and technology were not developed, and Hollywood companies could not talk about strict supervision of film sources, but as major companies strengthen measures the means of stealing film sources have also become diverse. After all, peers know best Peers, and only peer competitors, can easily find the weak points of your preventive measures.

In the past, one of the more common methods was to remake and pirate the recording in advance. Of course, the clarity of this method is too poor and unstable, the viewing effect is not good, and the impact will not cause too much loss, and all these years When the company held the premiere, it would especially strengthen the management of sneak shots, so this method slowly disappeared

At present, the most affected and most common method is the clear version or even the more private "mao film version". One month before the release of "Wolverine", there was news that the clear and complete version of resources could be downloaded online. .

Some people think it is a joke, but some people who do not believe in evil have actually found download resources on the Internet. This version has not yet added the complete music and special effects, and even the "Wolverine" where the wire hanging behind the actors has not been erased, is online Crazy spread, and the final download volume exceeded 15 million times. If 5 million of them would go to the theater to watch the movie, it could also bring hundreds of millions of box office increments to the movie.

Of course, this assumption is an afterthought, but there is no way to say it wrong. After all, you can predict what has not happened.

The producer 20th Century Fox took emergency measures in time and issued warnings through various channels. Whether it was the person who initially leaked or the person who spread it later, they would prosecute in accordance with the law, and invited F~B~I and MPAA to intervene in the investigation. Soon, a columnist for Fox News was expelled for publishing a leaked version of "Wolverine" film reviews. F~B~I also raided a data center in Dallas.

But it still failed to recover the huge losses caused by the leak of the film source! "

America indulge in life

America indulge in life

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