Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1116: Encounter an old lover

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Yang Cheng didn’t know much about the Wallace Museum, but he was much better than Adam, who didn’t know anything about Mao. There was no alternative. Yang Cheng, who was deeply influenced by aristocratic education, had knowledge of these high art categories since childhood. Dabble.

Adam knew that this knowledge was of great importance, so he mobilized all his energy and carefully memorized every word Yang Cheng said, striving to be true to one word, so that he could not leak.

Yang Cheng continued, "The point is here. Most people don’t know. In fact, the establishment of the Wallace Museum is not a direct descendant of the Hertford family, but an illegitimate son named Charlie Wallace. The identity of the secretary of the Marquis of Ford existed, and until the death of the Marquis, Wallace did not know the identity of his illegitimate son.

The Marquis himself is a discerning collector. With his appreciation of art, he has photographed many precious collections. These collections and real estate were eventually inherited by Wallace.

Wallace later established his own business and began to collect collections. Now many European Renaissance and Medieval collections in the museum are his collections. His collection even includes European ordnance armor and handsome tabards. . "

Time passed by in the process of Yang Cheng spreading knowledge to Adam, and soon it was time to enter.

Yang Cheng also drove Adam out of the car. They couldn't enter the stadium at the same time. Adam was advanced. Yang Cheng had to be postponed appropriately because of his status.

The Wallace Museum has been open to the public for many years, and the service facilities are complete. Although the annual number of visitors is less than half of the well-known museums, they are all people who have a different passion for art.

There are two and a half floors on the ground, but only one and two floors are open to the public. Each floor is divided into two halls on the left and right. After entering the first floor, on the left are the surrounding shops and locker rooms. Visitors can store coats, handbags and buy small Gifts are regarded as souvenirs, but the surrounding shops occupy a small area, and the commodities are not closely related to the collection of art. Most of them are tourist souvenirs or daily commodities.

After Yang Cheng entered the door and handed over the invitation letter to the guard at the door for review, a dedicated service staff came to guide him and took him around the museum.

The exhibition hall on the right side of the first floor is mostly a collection of famous European paintings, utensils and weapons from the 18th and 19th centuries. Yang Cheng came late. In front of each of the famous paintings, there were a few people admiring one or two. It can be used to compliment any painting, it is not nutritious at all, and occasionally I hear a few words that make people clear, and they are all rough artists. Appreciating famous paintings from a professional point of view, listening to a few words makes me bored.

Hooked his finger at the little beauty who was leading, and walked straight to the second floor through the red carpet stairs.

There is no large exhibition hall on the second floor. The large and small rooms are arranged in order from left to right. The original room name is marked with a sticker at the door. The color of each room is different, and the walls are full of painting collections.

After just browsing through the horses and flowers, Yang Cheng lost the interest in continuing to go shopping. He was still worried about whether Adam could make contact with Roth Hanbury smoothly, so he was not in the mood to greet others and asked the guide to take him. To the patio restaurant after the building, the auction will also be held here.

The restaurant is transformed from the atrium garden between the buildings. The large glass ceiling not only obstructs rainwater but also does not hinder the penetration of light. The garden is like spring all the year round, and a large number of green plants linger in the forest to create a dreamy feeling.

Before the auction, there was a small cold feast. On the long tables lined with white cloth on both sides of the garden, all kinds of desserts and snacks were as exquisite as artworks, not to mention the taste, just look at the attitude of the guests picking up the plates from time to time. I know, in general, everyone just tastes this kind of cold feast.

In the middle of the garden, the small round square surrounded by the lawn is a place for guests to exchange greetings with each other. You can also eat quietly. There are round tables scattered around you to sit down.

Yang Cheng looked around and quickly discovered the existence of Roth Hanbury. She was wearing an emerald green peacock dress with a black jewel necklace between her neck, adding nobility!

At this time, the noble countess was chatting with her friends, and she seemed to have fun, clapping her hands dancing and dancing, attracting a lot of eyes for a time, and she was in no way in the limelight.

Seeing the goal, Yang Cheng was not in a hurry. Instead, he recruited the waiters who were passing through the crowd, took a glass of champagne, and sat down at a table that was convenient for observation, but did not find anyone sitting at the table.

"Sir, I'm sorry, there are people here~"

Yang Cheng turned her head when she heard the sound, only to see a beauty with a proud top and a sense of xing.

Both sides were startled at the same time, then smiled at each other, turning out to be old acquaintances.

"It's been a long time since I saw Cheryl, I didn't expect to meet here~" Yang Cheng raised his glass.

Cheryl felt like she was I don't know how many glasses of wine I drank. Before the auction started, her eyes were blurred.

"Yeah, my dear boy from country Z, it's been a long time~" Cheryl clinked with Yang Cheng and said meaningfully.

"What a strong resentment~" Yang Cheng said in his heart.

Yang Cheng took a sip of the wine, with a provocative look, and asked playfully, "Is it a boy or a man, don't you know?"

Cheryl suddenly felt that tonight's party was not so boring.

Her life's emotional life is like a big joke, entertaining others and suffering herself, just over 30 should be the golden age of a mature woman, but she sinks into alcohol, and the time she spends sober every day counts.

Today was another night of fascination and indulgence. I didn't expect to meet one of the few men who occasionally missed him. God is not thin to himself, Cheryl thought.

Yang Cheng didn't know Cheryl's psychological activities, and turned to look, "Are you waiting for a friend?"

Cheryl leaned over very charmingly, changed to the seat next to Yang Cheng, leaned her shoulders on her shoulders, and whispered softly, "It's a little milk dog, now you are my master."

As soon as the voice fell, a slightly immature, but pretending to be mature, white boy came over with two glasses of wine and looked at the close distance between Cheryl and Yang Cheng, his face darkened unconsciously, "Hey, man, this It's my position, please get out of the way, thank you."

Although he used the word "please", there was no room for negotiation in his tone, and he was simply ordering Yang Cheng.

Cheryl looked like she was watching the show, she was even more provocatively resting on Yang Cheng's shoulders, facing the little milk dog, sticking out her tongue and licking the corner of her mouth, her charming look as if hormones poured into the little milk dog's belly. In an instant, he was so proud, like a medieval knight, in order to protect the beloved princess, he bravely charged the enemy~~~


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