214 – Exchange Meeting (7)⚝

The next morning, I went to Tyria’s lodgings. She may have secretly wanted to meet me because she has so many backlogs to talk about. She also seemed to have taken some care, as she was wearing a neat dress and black flats. However.

“If I haven’t heard from you for a whole week, then I don’t care!”

For some reason, we were arguing all the way to the library.

“I said I did it out of consideration for you.”

“Lie. “You must have lost your senses just because you became popular, right?”

“When we were in the dormitory, who noticed every time Bongseo came!”

He was so harsh that he couldn’t concentrate because of me and asked why he was like this.

“That was a communication that had nothing to do with me!”

“Anyway, you didn’t even look for accommodation so you could do well on the exam?”

“Look at this. “You’re pretending to think like that even though you didn’t even think about it.”

“Ha…… “You’re really tired.”

I don’t know why it has to be like this since we haven’t seen each other in a long time. I wanted to have a conversation about what I experienced and felt at Belaste, not this childish argument. However, we continue to have a wasteful argument all the way to the library. I can’t even guess how it happened. When I look at Tyria blankly, she mutters as if she is upset.

“There is no woman who is not tired.”


“There is no woman in this world who does not tire a man!”

“There is.”

─Rosa Clier.

“If that’s the case, then she’s not a woman.”

“I heard there is one?”

─Ein Kamphund Beronhard.

“Anyway, you forgot about me and only came to me after the exam.”

“Why are you doing this to me when you are the same?”

“No, I…” … !”

There is no way the proud Lady Elonte would have thrown a rock at my spear.

“If this is the case, neither of us did anything wrong, right?”

Tyler looked at her silently and fell asleep. Now I have to go to the library and study, but there is no good in arguing like this. After clearing up all the misunderstandings and feeling better, Tyria gets upset again.

“You don’t admit it!”


They say they will admit everything, but they are sarcastic and ask if they know it or admit it.

“I’m sorry. Yeah, I was busy and forgot about you. But, it wasn’t because of real women.”

─It was rather difficult. It’s a bit difficult for you to criticize me right now.

“What are you sorry about?”

“No, if you had said you were sorry, it would have been over.”

“Is it okay to apologize without knowing anything?”

“Oh…… !”

Her fists were shaking. We’re arriving soon, but they’ve been bickering about a story with no conclusion.

When I saw him, he recoiled slightly, probably because he felt fear. Tyria is from a prestigious family, so she has never experienced physical violence. Her corporal punishment was unheard of, and even Kite, who was born to her maid, never suffered anything like that.


A voice came out that was suppressed without my knowledge.

“Are you trying to threaten me now?”

“You really weren’t going to talk, but there are a lot of people here, so follow me!”

I grabbed Tyria’s wrist harshly. She resists, telling her to leave it behind, but she has no strength and just comes with it. Velaste is a bustling district wherever you go. Except for Sarifa Forest, everything was developed, so there was no place to have a quiet conversation.

“No…… This is a back alley! “What are you trying to do to me by bringing me here?”

If you look at things like this, Tiraa is a heavenly woman.

“You listen straight.”

When she was pushed against the wall, her body broke in half.

“Who…… Do you know how to listen obediently?”

“When you go to the bathroom every night.”

“Are you crazy?”

“Even when you didn’t pee, I pretended not to notice and visited you every time.”

You didn’t say anything, but you said you were considerate because you thought it was because you wanted to get some air.

“You…… “Did you hear that?”

“Whenever you said you needed Dalgeori Cannon, I asked Kite to get it.”

“If you ask a question, answer it!”

“Not only did I prepare food for you every evening, but I also listened to all of my frustrations for no apparent reason.”

Yesterday, I matched her mood by giving her a bouquet of flowers for the first time in her life, but she asked me what I did wrong.

“Were you all listening?”

He got angry, saying it was absurd to assume that I was not considerate despite this.

“No, if you’re interested…” … You can’t go an entire week without contacting me at least once…… !”

“Oh, f*ck.”

“Did you swear at me just now?”

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“You cause me to criticize you. I knew that if I didn’t pass the test, I’d be turned away, so I tried to ask the professor and meet him on the weekend. I should have been more sensitive on a regular basis. Honestly, do I have the right to do this? Why are you doing this to me every time I receive a seal, you give me so many hints and even open it as you please? “You’re so pissed off that I don’t even make a f*cking noise!”

“So you swear at your senior?”

“You do something worse to me than swearing. I’ve been patient so far, but I need to act moderately tired. I came out today again excited to talk about various things with you. But, they’re bickering about something like this. I even gave you a bouquet of flowers yesterday and came to pick you up in the morning today. How on earth can I be more considerate of you? “Even royals are less picky than you.”

Tyria’s eyes turned red, so I calmed down a bit.

“You cursed at me…… Anyway…… “I received the flowers well and was grateful.”

“If you got it, stop f*cking me. Or can you at least explain it to me so I can understand?”

“I told you not to swear!”

“I need to do some work. Now it’s up to you.”

As she left the alley alone, Tyria hurriedly followed.

“Where are you going?”


“No, why did you show your anger like this?”

“You promised.”

“I’m annoyed…… How can it be a week…… “Can you tell I wasn’t even curious?”

“Hey, don’t move if you don’t want to get hurt.”

Let’s run right away, she screams and shakes her whole body. I know how to soothe Kite when he has his period. All you have to do is forcefully carry it around. If you walk like that for a few hours, it all goes away before you know it. However, since Tyria would not be lifted up obediently, another method had to be used.

“Hey…… Hey, what are you doing?”

“I’m going to go to the library like this, so prepare to be embarrassed.”

“No…… Shame…… “Put this down!”

I tapped Tyria’s tailbone as she struggled in my arms with my knee. Wow…… I heard her gasp and she pinched my cheek with her hand. I thought she would protest violently, but she doesn’t show much resistance other than pulling at her cheeks. When I look down with an indifferent expression, I mutter something as if making an excuse.

“There is no woman who is not tired.”

“Assume so.”

“What woman doesn’t make a man tired?”

“Should I drop it?”

When I speak seriously, he sticks out his lips and becomes silent. As I left the alley, I immediately saw passers-by. Tyria wrinkled her face in shame. She didn’t say anything to get off so she held me in my arms to make her feel more embarrassed.

“Hey…… “How did the test go?”

When I asked in a trembling voice, I told him again about the grades I had told him yesterday.

“This is clear.”


“That you are dumber than me.”

“You’re jumping to conclusions based on just one subject?”

“Anyway, I’m smarter, so listen to me carefully from now on.”

“I don’t like it.”

“He even has a bad attitude.”

“No, there is no logic.”

“Isn’t he more logical than you?”

“By that logic, I am stronger.”

“What…… Any?”

“That means I can treat you however I want.”

I thought she would deny it right away, but since there was no answer, I kicked her butt again with my knee.

“It hurts!”

“Just answer me.”


“Then, don’t exert power over me just because you’re a bit smart.”

After saying this, she relaxed her left arm. Naturally, Threthiria’s shoes touched her bottom. I relaxed her right arm and she stood upright. Looking at her complexion, she seemed to have calmed down before she knew it. As always, I don’t know at what point I feel disappointed and at what point it is relieved. Anyway, as she said, women are tiring creatures.

─Among them, Tyria, you are the most tired.

After thinking about it further, I was able to agree with the proposition that all women are tired. These days, I see Rosa whining to me and saying and doing similar things to Kite. Not to mention Rita, she had to encourage Ain, who never seemed to need comfort, when she was having a hard time.

“Tyria, I’m sorry for swearing at you, so let’s stop fighting now.”

When I apologized first, she smiled as if she had forgotten the truth about what she had done so far.

“Don’t talk to me in the library.”

─You too.

Bellaste’s library had a collection of books that could not be compared to Heoden’s. It was so vast that I couldn’t even think of reading it all. However, there were a lot of people coming and going, so it was noisy and the chairs and tables were uncomfortable.

“What do you do when you’re not studying?”

As I was just looking at the list, Tyria started nagging again.

「You said not to talk to me?」

Immediately, the corners of her eyes became bitter, so I twirled for no reason. This is the list of tournament participants that I compiled last night after waking Rita up from her sleep. Still, I decided to stop by the exchange meeting where all the cadets gathered this afternoon and see their faces.

Ain also said he would attend, so it looks like it will be a bit noisy today. So far, only rumors have spread about her, and she has never shown her face in public. There will be people talking to you for no reason, but I want to go there quietly if possible.

“Is there a place here that sells snail dishes?”

When we left the library, Tyria spoke softly. At this point, you should be able to notice even the guy with snail horns instead of eyes.

“I’m really hungry right now. Shall we eat together?”

That’s what Tyria said, she quietly muttered. We certainly cannot ignore the time we spent together. We’ve only known each other for a few months, but we’ve already reconciled and are carrying on as usual. She followed her directions to the restaurant.

After that, she ate normally and exchanged stories about what had happened. Tyria seems to have been studying all this time. She had packed two meals and ate them at her dorm, and it was obvious that she hated going out.

“And you?”

“I went to the forest where the beastmen live.”

“I heard that prisoners don’t communicate well?”

“No, except for the sense of humor, we communicate well.”

Listen to Tyria’s words, the public’s perception of prisoners is at its lowest. This is because they repeatedly make promises and break them, creating a stereotype that they are an untrustworthy people. It wasn’t my place to correct it, so I brought up another topic. Before long, she was returning to Heoden tomorrow, so he told her to be careful and that he would see her once her tournament was over.

“Do you need an amulet?”

“No, I’d rather support you.”


I held out her fist as I did with Ain. Then Tyria cupped her fists with both her hands. With her eyes closed, she tightened her grip, muttered something and looked up at me.

“What happened just now?”


“Southern witchcraft?”


Tyria has left. The questions that could not be asked sank to the bottom of my consciousness. Shaking off her idle thoughts, she returned to her lodgings. When I knock on Ain’s door, he yells at me to wait. It doesn’t come out until an hour later. Maybelle said hello to me while holding the princess’s flowing hair, and I ended up making stupid noises.

“Who…… ?”

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