190 – Battle of King Jeongjo (3)⚝

I had to find out the winner within this week, so I went to see senior Dick as soon as the next day. I thought he wouldn’t meet me because of what happened in the past, but he didn’t seem to care much and conveyed his opinion directly.

“It’s a ridiculous competition.”

He was laughing so I asked him if he had heard any rumors.


“I wish you had at least told me.”

“Deman, do you know what the most effective way to silence rumors is?”

I thought I knew, but I pretended not to know because I wanted to hear it.


Misunderstandings have the property of leading to further misunderstandings, so even the truth does not work in the end.

“It’s best to leave it alone until something happens.”

“I already exploded it.”

Last night, Heoden’s boars and I wrote a poster and finished posting it. He looks disgruntled. He had just defeated the Jang Pan brothers, but he didn’t seem to want the Academy to be in trouble just because of Kite.

“What is the content?”

“We’re holding the world’s biggest dick competition.”

Dick Gallery put down the teacup he was holding. They seem to be horrified by our head’s choice of words, which far surpasses expectations. He called the maids to clean up the tea, remained silent for a long time, and then asked.

“Do you think Jean and Pan will participate?”

They said they wouldn’t be able to stay still because they had posted notes here and there saying, “If you’re scared, search around.”

“I can’t believe you’re really thinking about pushing this forward.”

“If my senior helps me, I can make it happen.”

“So, how are you going to verify and proceed?”

“There are no specific plans as we have been discussing this since yesterday.”

I denied it because I thought I was doing something embarrassing in front of everyone.

“You can’t do something so vulgar.”

“So, is this a commotion for Lady Kite?”

“I have no intention, but I am determined to comply if it is verified.”

Ain laughs and shakes his head, wondering who would participate in a competition like this when he hears that Ain also put up a prize of 100 Luzen. Persuasion is not my skill, but I know how to achieve understanding. Dick Gallery has a strong desire to show off and wants to raise Heoden’s level, so he has room to negotiate.

“Senior Dick, if we open this conversation, won’t other academies become curious about Heoden?”

When I heard the news because it was on the outskirts of the capital, I said it was a golden opportunity to raise awareness.

“This is a ridiculous claim.”

“It makes sense.”

There was work to prove women’s chastity, but there was no work to prove men’s confidence, so she decided to set the first precedent. If other academies ridicule them, wouldn’t it be enough to tell those who are confident to participate?

“The biggest dick contest in the world has a bad connotation, so I think it would be better to change it to a man test.”


“Are you scared?”

“Not at all.”

The Dick Gallery is not Ein Kamphund. She has now confirmed that provocation does not move her.

“It’s an opportunity to promote Heoden to the public, so there’s no need to turn it down.”

“They say notoriety is fame, but what would other academies say about us?”

“If you were worried about that, it would be contradictory to give you a chastity belt for men.”

It was in the cadet supplies, it was given for no other reason than to prevent unpleasant incidents.

“Because it is dishonorable for cadets to graduate as a married couple. This started first with Orgiola. “It’s done with the intention of not creating inconveniences for both men and women, so there’s no way you’ll be stigmatized or criticized for it.”

“Are all chastity belts the same size?”

A strange idea suddenly occurred to me.

“No, the one that is being distributed is No. 3, But according to the craftsman who made it, I think there is up to No. 7.”

“We can verify it with that!”

It’s an expression of absurdity.

“What on earth can you do with a male chastity belt?”

“We can proceed from the preliminaries to the finals and then to the finals based on No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, And No. 7, Right?”

Since there was no answer, I tried to come up with a concrete idea.

“Depending on the size, there will be a guy who doesn’t fit, so naturally, whoever comes in will know that he is the best guy.”

“I’m not really curious.”

From noble mtl dot com

“Attach a leather strap and buckle to the back, wear pants, and try on sizes 4 to 7 in order.”

He added that the level can be determined by having the side with the remaining space in the back lose.

“Are you trying to fight according to some rules?”

The women laughed at me, asking me why I was making such a fuss, so I stared at them with a challenging gaze.

“It’s enough if we don’t allow women to participate. It’s a fight between men anyway, so what do they need to know? It is the same as when examining the hymen, only the person involved and the midwife are present. “It’s cleaner if only the participants know each other.”

Dick tapped the table. At least he was listening to me.

“What if you don’t have the confidence to beat Jean and Pan?”


─As expected, you can’t stand this, right?

The Galleries family’s bitter rivalry is deep-rooted, and the fact that they did not achieve an overwhelming victory in this duel will also bother them. Anyway, they won, but since it was a dog fight where no one took the lead, no one got the honor.

“Are you a senior prosecutor?”

When I provoke it, it makes a disturbing sound and looks at me.

“If not, you will be graduating next year. Wouldn’t it be a good memory to become the first winner of the Man’s Exam?”

I thought he would be interested if he was narcissistic, but he clearly seemed worried. Things have already happened, and I have confirmed my participation. If Jean and Pan don’t come, they’ll make fun of him and call him a coward, and if they come, they’ll all be sold out and that’s it.

“Okay. “Better notoriety than indifference.”

He said, “For Heoden’s sake,” And I countered, saying, “For Heoden’s sake.”

“If you share the detailed plan, I will fix it and return it to you.”

He said that if his opinion was not reflected, he would not be able to bring people together at the student council level, so he said yes. Before leaving the annex, I scratched my head and asked if he was more of a man than Jean and Pan, but he told me to stop being rude and sent him out.

─Do you think it will go well?

Afterwards, I met Ain and told him the story of the conversation with Dick Gallery, and he said that it was just a sentence written to provoke. I don’t care how the details change, and if the competition is really held, it makes no sense for women to attend.

“I’m not interested because it’s a competition that will smell like semen.”

“Are you talking too harshly?”

“At least it will be a hot topic. “Rumors will spread about which academy on the continent is doing something like this.”

Ain was quiet, but grumbled as if he didn’t deserve it.

“Maybe more stupid b*tches will come in.”


“Because the academy is full of idiots coming to get married. I don’t know who will win, but it won’t be a useless honor. Should I at least make a trophy in the shape of sheep water? It’s a really sh*t competition…… “I feel bad because I’m interested.”

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck──He says it one after another and says it’s too dirty, annoying, and even smells, and tells you to get off.

“Rita, what is your reaction?”

When I met him at lunch and asked him a question, his eyes were squinty, as if he had put up a poster without being able to sleep.

“It’s explosive.”

But he told me not to ask questions while eating, so he took off his shoes under the table and kicked them towards me.

“I felt like my soul had been violated while writing the draft yesterday.”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“No matter what happens in the future, this is a problem between men, so as a woman, I don’t know.”

Because I knew it would remain unknown forever, I only relayed what I had discussed with Dick right now.

“A man’s test?”


“What, King Jeongjo Daejeon?”

“Your voice is too loud!”

“Is there any way that Dick would participate?”

When I told him step by step the size of the chastity belt, he covered his ears with his hands and flatly refused, saying, “I don’t want to listen.”

“I feel like I’m going to throw up. “Please rub my back.”


I did as I was told, but suddenly I felt like I was losing too much, so I started swearing.

“The b*tch is taking care of me.”

“Hmm…… Should I tell you what I just said?”

“You’re just bragging about something you can’t even do.”

“You two bastards…… Keep stroking your back. “I feel sick because I couldn’t sleep last night.”

We finished the meal after swearing at each other. Rita was trying to run away as if she was really embarrassed by me, but then she seemed to remember something.

“I think it would be difficult to have a three-way meeting with Ada.”

“I understand.”

When I asked her to go bye, why didn’t you curse at me and called me a b*tch, I asked her to be careful on the road, even though the heels of her shoes were shaking.

“Yes…… I will. “You wicked son of a b*tch.”

Now, there is only one last person left to meet in order to hold the world’s biggest dick competition. With firm determination, I headed to the research building. Both the professor and Lia welcomed the unexpected visit. I couldn’t speak sober, so I drank a lot of alcohol.


She was a little confused, so the words came out.

“Parrot, are you going to confess?”

“Papa, we are already family!”

“Parrot, be courageous!”

Then, when she told me about the upcoming competitions, she started laughing so hard that she even became nauseous. Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop—the mixture of dirt and joy was so painful that it was painful to listen to.

“How did you come up with the idea to hold such a terrible competition?”

“Papa is a genius!”

As I lowered my eyes, Enboja Menshi laughed breathlessly and wiped away tears, saying that she couldn’t help it because her stomach hurt.

“Are you going to do it?”


“How confident are you? Is it because of 100 Luzen?”

“Papa, I am confident!”

“No, there are some circumstances.”

“So tell me what you want from me.”

However, he asked me to just say one word that I support this competition. He seemed to be close friends with the dean and other faculty members, so when I asked him to explain the purpose to them, he laughed so hard that it took my breath away. They made fun of me, wondering how anyone would want to know the meaning of holding such a trashy competition, so I asked for another favor.



“I know your face.”

“Then please at least tell them.”

“Oh my, are you telling me, a fellow professor, to prove your masculinity with chastity?”

“Papa, I want to do it too. “Please include Lia too!”

“Uh-huh, if you find out, you’ll get hurt.”

“Yes, Lia. “Did you just say something very dangerous?”

“Lia is surprised too. “I don’t like people picking on me!”

Children cannot be persuaded by words. So, when I pick her up in my arms, she laughs and sets her body on fire. What an ungrateful b*tch. He created a proverb that says, “You don’t reap a beast with a green head,” And engraved it on his bones.

“Can I just tell Carlson that I heard about such a competition and that the magic side is also participating?”


“For what?”

“Kyahahahaha, Papa. “It’s coming back round and round!”

I answered after spinning around in place twice.

“Because he is a powerful person in the combat field.”

Carlson is the one who looks after Jean and Pan. If he gets scratched, he’ll encourage his students to participate. It is said that the rival magic branch will also participate, but the proud combat branch will not sit still. Enboja Menci stared at me quietly, then asked me to carry him to Carlson’s research building in a princess hug.

“Yes, princess.”

“Have you filled your stomach with oil?”

He growls and tells me not to call him that name again. It’s very difficult for women. Papa, my head is going to explode!

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