208 – Aruwin’s Sincerity (5)

Aruwin was watching everything that happened to Berg through the blue bird in her room.

It has been a few days since they had an argument.

There was still an awkward atmosphere lingering between them.

Aruwin realized, despite her heartfelt pleas and tears, despite telling Berg to run away, he would not listen.

It was the same when she asked him to accept the lifespan.

In no way, she could force him to do what she wanted.

Perhaps that was why she kept her distance from him for the past few days.

Tears continued to flow in his presence.

The fact that Berg was considering sacrificing himself again, and the idea that she could not be with him for hundreds of years, tormented her.

However, she knew the endless burden that was being placed on Berg.

Comparing the way he used to be a few years ago and the way he is now… He seemed happier in the past without saying anything.

The image of him selflessly sacrificing himself for others was apparent.

Aruwin knew that Berg had been offered to escape with the Dwarf family outside the territory.

She wished he would have accepted the Dwarves’ proposal.

For once, she wished he had chosen a safe route, even if it meant deserting everyone in a selfish act.

After all, everyone has just one life.

Berg had crossed the line of death many times… but that fact did not change.

If he died, everything would end.

With a sigh, Berg moved his feet.

Aruwin asked the Blue Bird, persistently tracking his figure.

Today, she wanted to check his every move more than ever.

‘…Sit on Berg’s shoulder.’

-Chirp! Chirp!

At Arwin’s request, the blue bird settled on Berg’s shoulder.

Berg stroked the bird, wearing a smile as usual, and took up his stride again.

His first destination was where Sien was.

In that place, there were as many healed patients as there were unwell ones.

Berg went through each patient individually.

It seemed like he was measuring the worth of the life that was given to him.

After letting out a sigh, he entered Sien’s room.

Arwin’s blue bird, Lua, flew freely in the room as soon as she entered and settled in a suitable position.


“You`re here?”

As a result of Ner’s sacrifice, Sien’s condition had substantially improved.

Although she hadn’t completely shaken off the plague, recovery was just a matter of time now.

Her improving health was clearly visible, and so was her gradually swelling belly of pregnancy.

Berg sat beside Sien and placed his hand on her abdomen.

“…Everything has been okay?”

Berg asked.

Sien nodded.


Berg patted Sien’s hand silently with a stern look.

The severity of his agony was even visible to Arwin.

“What`s going on…?”

Evidently noticing the change, Sien asked Berg.

Rather than answering, Berg chose to smile softly.

However, Arwin, who knows it all, recognized that Berg was assessing Sien’s physical condition.

It seemed like he was questioning whether she could endure the long journey.

However, Arwin seemed to have a clue about his question.

Even though it might have been possible, a huge burden seemed to press heavily into Cien’s body.


Berg then comforted Cien with a bright smile.

And he held her in his arms for a moment, standing still in silence.

“It’s time for your medicine.”

At that moment, the Blackwood nurse came into the room and said.

Berg nodded at her words and got up from his seat.

He then kissed Cien’s forehead and moved on.

Arwin, who was watching all this, didn’t know what emotions she should express.

From Berg’s expression to every single gesture, she felt as though his inner feelings were being conveyed.

Running away with Cien in her condition seemed like an arduous task.


He then moved to see Ner.

Today as well, Ner was having a battle with her fever.

Sweating profusely, she was unknowingly letting out soft cries of pain.

Berg asked Rahn, Ner’s elder sister for permission to stay by Ner’s side and took her hand, sitting there with her for quite a while.

Berg’s expression didn’t lighten up.

His sighs only got deeper.

Indeed, Arwin was well aware of the entire situation.

She knew why Berg couldn’t abandon Stockfin as easily as it sounds.

The plague patients, Cien and Ner. The land, the crops, the homes they’d have to abandon…and all the way to the graves.

Everything he loved were still here.

Everything he wanted to protect was still here.


And yet, Arwin couldn’t support Berg’s resolve.

If he were a lonely warrior, what would become of him? This kept revolving in her thoughts.

Lonely warriors who faced death once the war ended.

She didn’t want to take any risks with that possibility.


She whispered to Berg, who wouldn’t hear her, through her tears.

She wished he would choose to escape, at least once.

Why couldn’t he retreat?

Why was he always putting others before himself?

Arvin saw Berg examining Ner, who had collapsed and couldn’t get up.

Suddenly, he realized how incredibly lonely Berg looked.

At that moment, there was no one else he could rely on.

He had to protect not only Cien but also Ner.

The burden on his shoulders was heavy.


In the end, Arvin wiped away his tears and got up from his seat.

And he moved, stepping out of his own room.

Down the stairs and into the room where Ner, whom Berg was sitting next to.


Berg didn’t react to the sound.

Only Arvin slowly approached him from behind and spoke.

“…Do you really have to do this?”


“… Can’t we really escape…?”

Berg always looked the same.

Looking back now, Arvin felt that his love for Berg began with seeing him like this.

He fought Galias, the elf swordsman, to protect himself and pulled him under the tree of life.

Even then, he was a fool willing to sacrifice his life for his own side.

Maybe his hope for Berg’s change was also selfish.


Arvin hugged Berg from behind.

His tears soaked the back of Berg’s neck.

With this realization, Arvin was in a similar situation.

Berg, who currently had no one to rely on.

Because the physical condition of Cien and Ner was not normal, the only healthy person right now was Arvin himself.

… If that’s the case.

If Berg is struggling this much.

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… Instead of adding to his burdens right away, shouldn’t I be the one to alleviate them?

If he won’t change anyway, shouldn’t I at least support him?


Berg remained frozen as if unable to make a decision.

Arwin slowly turned his body and sat on Berg’s lap in the chair.

He held his cheeks in his hands and looked down at him.

“My love, is this really how it has to be?”


His eyes wavered.


And in that moment, seeing that look in his eyes, Arwin thought.

… Berg is a person he can never defeat.

He didn’t want to go against his will and force something on him, only to see him regret it.

Now, she also realized.

She had always thought of herself as the best version of herself, but now she could understand Berg.

Sometimes, there is something more important than one’s own life.

… In Arwin’s perspective, that was Berg.

“… Alright, then.”

Arwin finally managed to smile.

“Berg… so…”

-Tok… Tok…

It was a phrase he absolutely didn’t want to say, but it seemed like he had to say it to support Berg.

“… Well, Berg. I’ll be on your side from now on.”


“… Fight with Krund.”


“You’ve already made up your mind in your heart, haven’t you…? But you couldn’t make the choice in the face of opposition from those around you, right?”

Berg’s gaze began to waver.

Arwin knew better than anyone how difficult it was to be in a situation without support.

Even one person’s affirmation could improve things… but often, there was no one.

So she was trying now to be a strength for Berg.

Perhaps she was experiencing inner conflicts due to personal desires.

Surely, Berg would also have had a desire to exact revenge for Commander Adam.

If such a feeling existed, Berg would have repressed it.

Arwin was lending her strength to him for this reason.

“Looking back on it…you’ve always been this way. Always reckless…impulsive…”


“…And beautiful.”

Rational thinking isn’t always right.

Sometimes choosing an option that seems hopeless and achieving success can be the most beautiful thing.

Choosing to be with loved ones instead of a life that spans centuries.

Choosing to stay and fight instead of running away.


Arwin gently pressed her lips against Berg’s.

It could have been the last time.

She didn’t know if such an opportunity would come back again.

Berg was now about to go to battle.

Arwin was mentally prepared for his death.

She was standing by his side, ready to lose Berg, who she held dearer than her own life.

Removing her lips, Arwin whispered.

“Berg, please return…and please…”

Arwin managed to hold back the overwhelming urge to sob and whispered.

“…Please, come back.”

All she had done was lend a little strength.

Just gently pushing his still back.

But Berg managed a smile.

His wavering gaze hardened, now showing a face more determined and relieved than anyone else’s.

“…Thank you, Arwin.”

He said,

“……………This was necessary.”

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