203 – Ner’s Choice (7)

A few more days passed.

The same routine repeated every day.

Handling bandits, tending to the fields, meeting with Sien, and looking after Nerr.

Just another day to endure.

The weight of the burden still hanging on my shoulders felt heavy as ever.

As I grew accustomed to Sien and Nerr’s situations, practical issues found their way back to me.

The problem regarding Krund was also spreading.

“The Drago family is retreating,” Gael approached me one day with a new piece of information. “They’re returning to the capital to regroup properly. It seems even His Majesty the King now views Krund as a real threat.”

“…It seems we’re unable to stop Krund.”

“…We weren’t really expecting that, were we?” Gael said, simultaneously unfolding a map in front of me. “Verg, there’s something you need to know.”

He pointed at a location with his finger.

A few days ago, it was the territory of the Krayar family, who had been wiped out by Krund.

“The Krayar family, you say?”

“Yes, Krund’s first battle took place here. After the Krayar family was wiped out… Krund was found near the Deepol Mountains. He slaughtered nearby dwarves there.”

He drew a straight line connecting the Krayar family’s territory and the Deepol Mountains.

“Next, he was found in the territory of the Boltra family. As a minor family, they too met their end at Krund’s hands. That’s when His Majesty the King decided to withdraw from here.”

Then he indicated the Deepol Mountains and the Boltra family’s territory.

Krund’s movements were revealing a certain direction.

“…If we continue in this direction,” Gael extended the line he had drawn, and at the end of it was Stokpin.

“…It’s us,” I sighed with that realization.

For some reason, it didn’t come as a surprise.

I had been anticipating it to some extent.

“A territory where three war heroes have gathered. From a purely results-oriented perspective, it might be a natural outcome.”

“…Would it be wise to ask Lady Sifrien to seek safety elsewhere?”

“That might not be a bad idea. Sending all the invited guests back might also be a good option.”


I closed my lips, lost in thoughts about the upcoming journey toward Nerr.

Nerr’s body was still not in a condition suitable for the long journey. No matter how cautiously she lay in the carriage, her physical state was not prepared to endure the rough roads and cold nights.

Furthermore, in the current situation with bandits rampant, we didn’t know who we might encounter. In the first place, parting ways with Nerr felt inappropriate. She had sacrificed her life for me, and all she wanted was an embrace. Saying goodbye to her seemed excessively cruel.

Moreover, we still needed Blackwood’s support. While the number of recoveries had increased, there were still new infections, and severe cases existed. They required Blackwood.

“…We still need the power of Blackwood,” I said, and Gael repeated my words.

“I misspoke. Yes, I did… I focused too much on external matters and temporarily neglected Stockpin. Maybe we should return Celebrien first,” Gael suggested.

Silence followed.

Gael once again proposed to me, “Verg, about the escape plan…”

I let out a sigh in response to Gael’s proposal.

I was still unable to make a decision about it.

Gael continued, “I don’t mean to go far. As I mentioned, I heard that the Drago family is recruiting proper soldiers. We could retreat until they’re ready… then, confront Krund together.”

I blinked my eyes.

I continued to ponder various thoughts in my mind. If we were to leave, what would we do with the children? How should we handle the severe cases? Hundreds of people were still suffering from the plague, and even while on the move, the epidemic would spread. We would have to carry them, along with their provisions, as a burden in the carriages.

So many carriages did not currently exist for us.

We didn’t have the horses to pull all those carriages, either.

Moreover, escaping could mean that we have to rebuild our village from scratch.

If Crund decided to retaliate and completely crush Stokfin… we would lose our foundation.

The fields we diligently plowed would all disappear.

Even the food for next year would be gone.

Perhaps I was given two choices.

To meet death rapidly… or to meet death slowly.

How would I choose between these two options?


In addition to this, Stokfin was filled with the cemeteries of fallen comrades.

Many of my colleagues who were with me are sleeping here.

Just like Adam.

Of course, I wasn’t inflexible to sacrifice the living for the departed, but there was a clear reluctance.


As I continued to think, I sighed and looked at Gale.

“Gale, I’ve thought about it.”

“Tell me.”

I didn’t expect to have such thoughts.

But now, faced with endless trials, I couldn’t help but entertain all sorts of thoughts.

“…At that time, I tried to ignore this thought… but the issues that emerged made me skeptical. Maybe, as I started a family, I became more fearful.”


I hesitated, then asked him.

“… What if Arwin was right?”

The lonely warrior does not start a family.

As problems constantly erupted around me, I couldn’t help but be worried.

After hearing that story, Sienne fell to the plague.

And Ner, when I began to reconcile with her, she fell as well.

I couldn’t shake off the suspicion that the world kept pushing me toward a lonely path.


Gale didn’t respond.

I continued.

“I’ve never believed in fate, but what if I’ve been wrong? If fate exists, and I am to be the one to kill Krund…”

“…Even if that was true, it seems right to flee now.”

“…If I confront Krund, can my family survive?”

I meant ‘family’ in a broader sense.

The Red Flame Corps were now indistinguishable from my family.

Gale, whispering, replied.

“…Your claim, Arwin, is not credible. Don’t believe such stories.”


“What you need to realize is only one thing. In this situation, if you face Krund, there is a high likelihood of death. Not just you, all the people in Stakfin who believed in you and were waiting in the village will also face death. Avoid a fight with no chance of winning. Promise to come back when there’s some chance and snatch Krund’s life, don’t you think?”

“I understand, but…”

Rubbing my head, I leaned back on the backrest.

I felt like I needed to close my eyes and take a break for a moment.

“…I’ll go take a break.”

I got up from my seat with a sigh.

Gale nodded and spoke.

“Even though I’m insisting like this, Berg. The choice is up to you. If you say you’ll resist Krund’s offense from here… I’ll support that choice, too.”

I gave Gale a brief smile.

“Thank you, Gale. Always.”

“…Rest well.”

I then moved my steps.

I resumed my thinking which was interrupted while talking with Gale.

Assuming there is fate… if I was really a lone warrior and it was my destiny to fight with Krund.

Also, assume Arwin’s claim was all correct.

Wouldn’t it be for everyone if I quickly made all the decisions?

By resolving my given duty, wouldn’t it mean that the backlash wouldn’t come to me?

But at the same time, Arwin’s last claim was circling in my head too.

The words that most lone warriors met their death after the war.


From Noble mtl dot com

– Stiff.

I stopped in my tracks.

Then I lowered my head.


These superstitions, as expected, seemed unbelievable.

I only ended up with a headache for no reason.


With closed eyes, I continued to watch over Nere today.

I blinked sleepily, checking for any change in Nere.

I kept checking her breath with my hand at the shallow sound.

And when I could feel that she was still breathing, even if it was shallow, my heart was somewhat relieved.

Perhaps due to accumulated fatigue, I dozed off more than usual today.

Even so, I kept my ears open, ready to wake up at any slight sound, but I couldn’t prevent myself from slipping into a shallow dream.

I kept having different dreams than usual.

A dream unfolded where I was living happily with Nere.

We were holding each other, still wearing our rings, without going through a divorce.

I didn’t even think it was strange, as if it were a matter of course.

A bright smile adorned Nere’s face.

The happiness of staying by my side seemed to permeate my skin.

Even though I couldn’t see her expression buried in my chest, her white tail wagging gently expressed that feeling.

Soon, Nere raised her head.

I gazed at her with a smile.


She whispered clearly.

I stroked her hair once and asked, “Tell me.”

Then, I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, the scenery changed in an instant.

The tranquil surroundings disappeared, and we found ourselves on a battlefield.

Kruund, who had taken Adam’s life, was suddenly rushing towards Nere.

Nerga said,

“…Do you have to be happy without me?”


I opened my eyes, trembling, and cold sweat was flowing down my head. I took deep breaths as several nightmares came crashing in all at once.

In that ominous dream, I blinked my eyes to confirm Nerga.


I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“…Nightmares…? I had a nightmare…”

Nerga weakly reached out one hand, holding onto mine, intertwined down to our fingertips.

I leaned forward towards her in a hurry. Unconsciously, I almost let go of the hand I was holding, but Nerga didn’t release me, finding strength from somewhere.

With the hand that remained free, I gently caressed her face.

“Nerga, are you coming to your senses?”


Nerga weakly brushed her cheek against my hand with feeble strength. Then, she opened her eyes with great effort and whispered,


She managed to muster a smile.

“I… missed you, Verg.”


When Nerga woke up, she exerted more strength than I had expected. Her arms still wouldn’t move on their own, but she didn’t easily slip back into sleep.

She continued to hold onto her consciousness.

“Aren’t you sleepy?”

I kept asking Nerga, who was like that.

“If you’re tired, rest a bit more.”

But Ner just hung her head in response.


I looked down at my hand.

Our hands, still interlinked.

Ner spoke with a smile.

“…How can you… fall asleep… while…this…”


It seemed like Ner did not want to rest to the point where she’d have to let go of my hand.

As it was so heartbreaking and at the same time… adorable, I couldn’t say a word.

Even so, I kept dozing off.

Every time it happened, Ner would gently apply pressure to my hand, as if to tell me to stay awake and focus on her.

“…I’m sorry. I dozed off again.”

But Ner made a suggestion in response to my apology.

“…Lie down…here…together.”

Her perked ears twitched slightly.

Even while in pain, she seemed bashful just suggesting it.


I looked down at her in silence.

I hesitated slightly.

Seeing me like that, she let out a word.



At her words, I stifled a laugh.

Then nodding my head, I prepared to join her on the bed.

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A quiet and feeble sobbing began to emanate from her.

I embraced her as if to console her.

I shared warmth with her, who had been complaining of the cold.

She once betrayed me, tried to endanger my most precious people…

…but now, it was Ner who protected my most precious people, even my wife and child.

I couldn’t be angry with her anymore.

More than the anger that used to well up, there was greater gratitude and tenderness.

I held her even more tightly.

I became more honest with my feelings.

Ner had not fully regained her strength yet, but if I couldn’t do this for her and she had left, I would have regretted it for a long time.

I didn’t even know if this opportunity that had come to me was a miracle.

I held Ner even more firmly.

She, too, gave me strength by being there.

In this way, Ner had fallen asleep again without me noticing.

Finding comfort in my embrace, she quickly entered a world of colorful dreams.

As I gazed at her sleeping in my arms, I kissed her forehead and fell asleep just like her.

This time, I didn’t have any nightmares.

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