195 – Remaining Tasks (4)

At the time when the evening sunset was setting.

Having finished all his work, Ner began to prepare to go home.

First, he thought of checking on Berg, where he was, and what he was doing.

After briefly hugging Sien, Berg left with a stiff expression, and Ner continued to worry about his state.

But before that, Ner found Sien.

– Knock knock.

‘Come in.’

Entering the room, Ner saw Sien looking out the window.

A pitiful atmosphere emanated from her.

It was an atmosphere he hadn’t felt when she was with Berg.

“…cough…! cough…!”

Ner didn’t know why he ended up searching for her.

He wanted to have a conversation, but he hadn’t figured out yet what that conversation might be.

He didn’t even know how he felt at the moment.

Ner was feeling confused by the unexpected situation.

“…Did you take your medicine?”

Ner asked Sien. He didn’t know if he came here wanting to find a topic to talk about with Berg.

Sien nodded affirmatively, acknowledging that she did.

Turning her head to look at Ner, Sien smiled faintly and replied,

“…Thank you.”

Ner swallowed as he looked at Sien and courteously offered words of earnest concern.

“…Sleep warmly tonight. It’s okay even if you sweat profusely. If your throat troubles you too much, you can also chew on the medicinal herbs available next to you.”



Having run out of things to say, Ner ultimately turned away.

Enduring the awkwardness wasn’t easy.

“…I’m worried.”

At that point, Sien whispered to the departing Ner.

Ner turned back to Sien at her words.

A fear that had been previously unseen was now etched onto her face.


Once again, Ner set aside his emotions for the moment and continued the conversation with a sense of propriety.

“…You will improve.”

But on hearing his words, Sien shook her head.

“…It’s not that I am worried… I’m worried about Berg.”


“…Although he didn’t express it, Berg must also be having a tough time.”

Sien slowly drew in a breath.

“Cough! Cough…!”

Simultaneously, a bout of coughing burst out. It looked like he couldn’t even relax his sighs without a cough appearing.

As Sien coughed it out, he composed his breathing and spoke to Ner.

“…Please bear with Berg a bit.”


“In such a distressing situation… with me being like this…”

On hearing Sien’s words, Ner’s heartbeat quickened.

His lips became lightly moist as he nervously bit them.

Instead, he countered Sien’s request.

“…Didn’t you say not to approach Berg?”

It was several days ago that Nehr lay in his bed, thinking of Berg.

To this day, he could not fully raise his head due to the embarrassment he felt then.

Shien chuckled at his words.

“Are you not going to approach him anyway?”


“I know what it’s like, I’ve been in your shoes.”

Strictly speaking, Shien had also once been rejected by Berg.

Now, the tables had turned.

From that perspective, she might have been the person who knew his feelings best.

While Nehr couldn’t find a rebuttal, she speaks.

The atmosphere grew even more serious.

“…I don’t like it either.”

Shien bowed her head to hide her expression.

“But… given the situation…I don’t want to assert my desires.”


“All I want is for Berg to be happy.”

Nehr felt the depth of Shien’s feelings for Berg in such a way.

Through that, he glimpsed the depth of their bond.

The more he understood, the more anguished Nehr felt.

Every time he felt there was no room for him to intervene, he was in so much pain.

“Cough…! Cough…!”

Nehr was brought back to reality by Shien’s cough.

It seemed that he should not stay here much longer.

Nehr looked over Shien’s shoulder and said,

“…Have a warm sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow.”





Upon hearing that Berg had temporarily left the village, Ner stepped outside.

There was only one place outside the village where Berg could go to rest.

It was a place that even Ner often visited.

As expected, Berg was seen sitting on a slightly high hill, watching the sunset over the broad plain.


He didn’t show signs of fatigue well, but just watching him like this, his feelings were fully conveyed.

Ner could see that Berg was extremely exhausted.

Without a word, Ner approached him.

How happy she would be if she could just embrace him in this state.

How nice it would’ve been if she could stay in a position to comfort him.

Unable to do anything else, she merely sat quietly next to Berg.


Berg, too, said nothing at the presence of Ner.

Ner continued to ponder. She pondered continuously what words she should give him.



Ner whispered, looking at Berg who was quietly watching the sunset.

“…you will get better.”


“…don’t push yourself too hard.”

But even while speaking, Ner could hear her inner demons whispering.

What would happen if something went wrong with Shien?

What would happen if a terrible ending was predestined?

His relationship with Shien seemed absolutely impenetrable.

…If something happened to Shien… wouldn’t that create an opening?


Hearing the demon whisper, Ner realized she was truly falling apart.

She had never imagined that she would have such thoughts.

Ner shook her head ardently, pushing away her thoughts.

Her desire to be loved by the person who had saved her was shaking her.

Now was not the moment to expose her own feelings.

It was a time when she had to support the struggling Berg.

Ner took a breath and spoke.

“…you looked healthy.”


Berg’s attention shifted to her. He turned his head and met her eyes.

“I met Mr. Sien before I came back, and he looked healthy.”


“I’ll try my best to help you recover. Especially, I will be more careful. Trust me.”

Ner knew that she was not in a position to ask for trust. Everything had gone wrong because that trust had been broken.

Maybe that’s why she wanted to regain that trust even more.


Berg let out a long sigh.

It had been a long time since he showed weakness in front of her.

Ner’s heart beat even harder at that fact.

She wanted to help Berg as if she was going insane.

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“…why do I always have to let precious people go from my grasp?”

Berg seemed to be unknowingly mumbling to himself.

His suppressed emotions seemed to be surging out.

“…I don’t know who my parents are. I have no siblings. I had to say goodbye to slum friends as they went their separate ways. The comrades from the mercenary group, Adam, and you…,”

After saying ‘you,’ Berg was about to say someone else but closed his mouth.

Ner felt the pressure of her heart being crushed. At the same time, her feelings for Berg only deepened.

When she came to her senses, Ner realized that her tail was touching Berg.

Berg continued speaking after a sigh.

“…And now, even Sien. Another crisis is coming. I don’t even know what will happen to my child.”


“Why do I have to be so alone? All I want is for the precious people to be by my side.”


In the end, Ner knelt before Berg and grabbed his face.

“…You’re not alone, Berg.”

Ner said.

This much, she had to make clear to him.

“…I’m on your side until I die. No matter what happens…whatever you become or whatever situation you find yourself in, I’m on your side.”

For a moment, the weak gaze of Berg came back to life at her words.

In the past, this kind of distance was more familiar than ever.

There was no problem holding him, touching him, or grabbing him.

Berg looked at Ner for a moment, and then pushed her arm away with a wave of his hand.

“…Let go, Ner.”


Ner, without any strength, let him go at his request.

She simply sat back in her place, looking only at Berg.

Berg was not pushing her away as fiercely as before.

Ner understood that she had taken advantage of the weakness in Berg.

But she wanted to approach him again, even like this.

She wanted to be married again, like they were once.

Endlessly thinking of an impossible dream.

Berg sighed and said to Ner.

“…Thank you.”

She couldn’t understand what the gratitude was for.

Was it for taking care of Sien, or for the consolation just moments ago?

In any case, Ner was moved by Berg’s warm words.

Long-lost memories were revived.


Then, an inappropriate thought brushed her mind.

It was hard to hold back her emotions as they intensified.

After all, the worst result here was rejection.

She wanted to try at least once.

“…Can I kiss you?”

She asked.

Berg’s figure, bathed in the sunset light, was unspeakably beautiful.

In the situation where only the two of them remained, it was even more difficult not to ask him.

Moreover, it seemed that traces of herself could still be found in his innermost thoughts.

His painful breakups, as he whispered, “With you,” were still etched in her brain.

This suggestion was her own way of comforting him.

She wanted to let Berg know, even in this small way, that he wasn’t alone.

“…I won’t tell Cien.”


“I still like you… I still cherish you…Berg…”


At those words, Berg couldn’t easily refute her. Ner knew Berg well.

Berg was the type of person who couldn’t easily forget someone he deeply shared affection with.

That’s why, even after seven years, Cien and Berg were able to reconnect, and why he still couldn’t let go of the memories.


Ner slowly wrapped her arms around Berg’s neck.

“I’ll keep it secret. I won’t tell anyone.”



Up close, Berg’s emotions were even more vivid.

Slightly furrowed eyebrows, trembling eyes, an intention to reject.


Seeing this, Ner slowly released her arms.

It was harder than anything else.

His scent drifted further away.

She stepped back and spoke to Berg.

“…I’m sorry.”

Instead of responding, Berg just looked at her.

He then stood up from his seat, turned his body, and began to leave.

Ner was forced to stay seated, as late regret flooded her.

However, Berg also had to acknowledge it.

Suppressing one’s emotions isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Berg knew better than anyone that fact.

“What are you doing?”

At that moment, Berg spoke to Ner.

Startled, Ner looked at Berg, who was about to leave.


“…Get up. Let’s go.”

Berg was waiting for her to follow him.

Perhaps it was because of the rampant thieves.

But the reason didn’t matter to Ner.

What mattered was that he was worried about her.


With that, she got up from her seat with a bright smile.

She couldn’t remember the last time she felt such happiness.

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